
How important is Benzema to Real Madrid? Ancelotti admits a big change failed! Look at Barcelona?

On March 21, Real Madrid was won by Barca, and after the game, Ancelotti had to apologize, saying that it was all his mistake, and after the game, the Spanish media believed that Real Madrid and Barca did not have such a big gap, and Ancelotti's tactics failed.

How important is Benzema to Real Madrid? Ancelotti admits a big change failed! Look at Barcelona?

In this game, we can see the importance of Benzema to Real Madrid, and the main reason why Ancelotti changed the team is that Benzema cannot participate in the game. As a result, Ancelotti was scheduled for the match to let Modric play as a pseudo-center, which was a complete failure because Real Madrid could not control the ball in this game. Maybe Real Madrid is looking down on Barca now, and now a bunch of young people have played without pressure.

How important is Benzema to Real Madrid? Ancelotti admits a big change failed! Look at Barcelona?

As for the situation of falling behind at halftime, Ancelotti did not find a clue in the second half of the substitution, and the scene of reversing Paris did not appear. Ancelotti explained after the game: "They played better than us and after they scored two goals we could hardly win. ”

How important is Benzema to Real Madrid? Ancelotti admits a big change failed! Look at Barcelona?

So why let Modric play as a pseudo-center? Ancelotti said she wanted to tighten its repression of Barca. But it turns out that Real Madrid didn't do it, because that's not Modric's strong suit, and No one can do modric's things, like mobilizing the whole system, like he can't replace Benzema.

How important is Benzema to Real Madrid? Ancelotti admits a big change failed! Look at Barcelona?

Fortunately, Real Madrid's previous lead is huge, losing a game and leading by 12 points, although Barca has one less game, but as long as Ancelotti is no longer hot-headed in the future, it is estimated that Real Madrid will not be a problem to win the championship, of course, the premise is that Benzema returns.

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