
The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

author:Natural selection

The Russo-Ukrainian war has been going on for some time, as far as Russia is concerned, if it can quickly solve the Ukrainian problem and catch the United States and the world by surprise, then the Russian-Ukrainian war will not make such a big move, Russia's diplomacy will not be so passive, but the Russian army is not strong.

The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

Russian army

In people's impression, Russia is the world's second largest military power, in a variety of rankings, the Russian army ranks second in the world, while the Ukrainian army ranks very low, in the top thirty ranked troops, there is certainly no Ukrainian army.

It is reasonable to say that the strong Russian army fights the weak Ukrainian army like adults beat children, but this is not the case, and the Russo-Ukrainian war has been protracted for a long time.

In the TV series "Latent", Wu Station Manager of the Tianjin Station of the Secrecy Bureau has a statement that he originally wanted to show his face, but he did not expect to expose his ass.

If you use this sentence to describe the Russian army is a bit mean, but it is an indisputable fact that the Russian army, which is known as the second in the world, cannot deal with the weak And small Ukrainian army quickly.

Why is this happening? Today, I will talk to you about this matter from a military point of view.

The fundamental reason why the Russian army cannot fight quickly and make a quick decision is that the operational command system is backward, which makes the Russian army's operations more extensive and more refined. It has a direct impact on the course of operations.

It can be seen from many wars in human history that the more elaborate the operation, the smaller the casualties, which requires accurate calculation, and in the case of an underdeveloped combat command system, it mainly depends on the strategy and planning of the commander.

For example, before Lin Biao commanded the operation, he had to make accurate calculations, how large a large number of troops to use in what position, which unit was the most appropriate, and so on; when the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army first arrived in the northeast, the situation was very critical, and the strength of the troops was simply insufficient, and Lin Biao often commanded the battalion company in the operation.

Later, with the expansion of the scale of operations, Lin Biao's combat command often reached the division level, and there were many excellent military generals in Siye, but they all admired Lin Biao, and an important reason was that Lin Biao was good at fighting skilful battles, and the casualties were small and the results were large.

Under modern combat conditions, due to the wide variety of weapons and equipment and the more complex application, the workload of operational calculations is very large, far from being completed by one or two commanders, and such problems need to be solved by the combat command system.

The more advanced the operational command system, the more scientific and rational the allocation and mobilization of troops, the more refined the operation, and the tactical action can often achieve the purpose of the campaign.

Because the combat command system of the US military is very advanced, this is also the fundamental reason why the US military can implement accurate command. The "Rhino Operation" of the US military in the War in Afghanistan is very obvious.

Shortly after the start of the war in Afghanistan, the U.S. reconnaissance satellite found a temporary Taliban base in the Desert of Legistan in southern Afghanistan, and the base was not defended by many troops.

Located just 175 kilometers from Kandahar, Afghanistan's second-largest city, the base is strategically important as a must for the Taliban to flee south, providing a springboard for the U.S. military to attack if it can be occupied.

The U.S. military decided to occupy the base and named the operation Operation Operation Rhinoceros.

On the night of October 19, 2001, the U.S. military began to implement "Operation Rhinoceros", the U.S. military first dispatched AC-130 gunboat aircraft to carry out a surprise attack on the Taliban forces at the base, and the defending Taliban armed forces were either killed or wounded, and the rest fled in all directions.

The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

The U.S. military is conducting combat operations

Then four MC130H special operations aircraft, carrying 50 special operators from the 3rd Ranger Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment, parachuted at an altitude of 240 meters above the ground. There was only one Taliban left in the parachute field, which was quickly resolved by the U.S. troops who fell from the sky.

Then the U.S. 8th Intelligence Support Group dispatched psychological warfare aircraft, using loudspeakers to persuade the surrender, and finally confirmed that the building was empty.

After confirming that there were no safety threats in the airfield, the MC130 special operations aircraft landed safely inside the base, and the doctors accompanying the team began to treat the wounded who appeared during the parachute.

The US military's "Rhino Operation" lasted only more than 1 hour, and the whole process was completed in one go, without casualties, which can be called a model of special operations operations.

Although the scale of this operation is small, the command is very complex, requiring precise calculations and careful planning in advance.

The US military's reconnaissance satellites provided the US military with more detailed information, and the US military simulated the entire combat process, calculating how many troops were needed, how many aircraft needed to be dispatched, how much ammunition was needed, and how long the US AC130 gunboat aircraft attacked and began to parachute.

The success of operation "Rhino" of the US military has benefited from the advanced combat command system of the US military. Although the US military's strategy in Afghanistan failed, its campaigns and tactical operations were undoubtedly successful.

In contrast, the Russian army, due to the backwardness of the operational command system, has led to the failure of many combat operations. For example, the failure of the Russian army to land at Antonov airport is very illustrative of this problem.

After the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the transport helicopters of the Russian Air and Space Force, carrying a unit of the Independent Guards Airborne Assault Brigade, under the cover of Ka-52 helicopter gunships, carried out airborne landings at Antonov Airport, about 15 kilometers northwest of Kiev.

Antonov Airfield was actually the airport of the Antonov Aircraft Factory, and about one battalion of the Russian army successfully landed and quickly established defensive positions to create conditions for the subsequent large-scale airborne landing.

The russian army's subsequent airborne troops were slow to disappear, and after the Ukrainian army was captured at the airport, it quickly organized a counterattack, and Ukraine mobilized the 4th Brigade of the National Guard from the capital Kiev to carry out a long-range attack.

In fact, the Ukrainian army did not move quickly, but when the 4th Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard attacked the Russian troops defending the airfield, the Russian follow-up troops still did not come.

The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

Ka 52 gunships

The vanguard troops of the Russian aircraft landing at The Antonov airport were small in number, did not have heavy equipment, and had very limited firepower, and they were quickly defeated under the siege of the large troops of the Ukrainian army, and the Russian army was defeated.

If this operation is successful, the Russian army can raid kiev, the ukrainian capital, if Zelensky can be captured, Putin can force Zelensky to admit his mistake, and Putin can achieve strategic goals in the stunned eyes of the United States.

The failure of the Russian army to seize the Antonov airfield is, in the eyes of ordinary people, a problem with the command of the combat organization, and in essence, the operational command system of the Russian army is simply not suitable for the needs of modern warfare.

For example, the Russian military's individual communication equipment is actually a walkie-talkie that can be bought on the market, not only the communication distance is short, but also relatively bulky, it needs to be charged in time, and it is difficult to access the Russian military communication network, which is the equipment that the US military has long been eliminated, but it is the active equipment of the Russian army.

The core of the combat command system is the chip, because the more developed the chip, the stronger the computing power, the higher the chip integration, the smaller the equipment, and the easier it is to carry.

Subject to chip technology, the Russian military's combat command system has weak computing power, large communication equipment, and close communication distance, especially individual communication equipment.

At what level is Russia's chip technology?

At present, there are many chip companies in the world, whether it is ranked by revenue and revenue, or by the scale of the company, research and development funds, etc., the United States is a dominant one, and no Russian company can be listed.

At present, Russia's chip research and manufacturing capabilities are very backward, compared with the chips in the United States and Europe, conservative estimates are more than 10 years apart, and there is no possibility of catching up in the short term.

Subject to chip technology, Russia's private enterprises can not develop at all, and the development of intelligence in all walks of life requires chips, especially high-performance chips.

The United States and Europe and other countries have very strict control over Russia's chips, high-performance chips are strictly prohibited from being exported to Russia, and Russia itself does not have any chip industry, so Russia's automobiles, mobile phones, computers, smart furniture, CNC machine tools and other industries can not develop at all, and the entire country can only rely on energy and arms trade support.

Due to the lack of chips, Russia can only replace transistors with electronic tubes, and the weapons and equipment produced by this are stupid and stupid, which is not very obvious for some large pieces of equipment.

The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

Domestic chips

Russia's chip technology is inherited from the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union's chip industry is very weak.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union once believed that nuclear war was inevitable, so it vigorously developed nuclear weapons, and did not attach enough importance to the development of conventional weapons, and the Soviet Union required that conventional weapons must be able to meet the needs of nuclear war.

At that time, integrated circuit technology was just emerging, and integrated circuits had two development directions, namely the tube direction and the transistor direction.

The electron tube is generally packaged with glass tube, which consumes large power, high anode voltage, high flexibility and large size. The transistor is packaged in plastic or metal, with small power consumption, high or low voltage, high flexibility and small size.

Transistors are small and exquisite, long service life, but frequent failures, anti-interference and radiation resistance is weak, under the conditions of nuclear war, transistor equipment may become a pile of scrap iron, and electron tube equipment is less affected.

Therefore, the Soviet Union chose the development route of electron tubes and vigorously developed electron tube technology.

At that time, it cannot be said that the Choice of the Soviet Union was wrong, because no one can say which line will achieve a technological breakthrough and which development will be faster, because of these two technical routes.

Although the development of electron tube and transistor technology is relatively fast, the development of transistor technology is faster, and it has developed to the nanometer level, which is not only small but also has strong computing power. Since the United States is the country with the most developed chip technology, computers, mobile phones, etc. are produced in the United States.

The original mobile phone was called Big Brother, which was invented by Martin Kupa of the United States, who was originally an engineer in Motorola's communications department and was very proficient in integrated circuit technology.

At that time, the integrated circuit technology was far less developed than modern, Martin Kupa could only splice hundreds of parts together, and the volume naturally increased, and later with the development of chip technology, mobile phones became more and more sophisticated.

With the development of chip technology, the US military's combat command system has gradually iterated, and now it is very advanced and perfect.

For example, the U.S. Army's combat command system is composed of seven subsystems: mobile control system, air and missile defense workstation, combat command and maintenance and support system, holographic analysis system, advanced field artillery tactical data system, brigade and brigade below combat command system and tactical airspace integrated system.

The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

U.S. Army Individual Communication System

It is precisely because the us combat command system is very advanced that commanders at the division and brigade level of the US army can command every tank, every infantry fighting vehicle, and every anti-aircraft gun.

Infantry company commanders, even platoon commanders and individual soldiers in the U.S. military, can call for ground and air fire for support, which is unimaginable for the militaries of other countries, and such footage is very common in American movies.

Russia uses electron tube technology, and the defects of electron tube technology are not obvious in large equipment.

Taking phased array radar as an example, the radar signal processing part of the American Patriot air defense missile uses high-performance digital chips, because it can quickly calculate the flight data of the detection target, so that the missile can accurately intercept the incoming target.

Russia does not have a high-end chip at all, it uses an analog circuit design tube instead of a chip, relying on anti-natural system engineering technology, the phased array radar of the Russian S300 air defense missile is stupid and stupid, but from the core indicators, the United States is at the same level, and the anti-jamming performance is better than the United States.

However, for small information equipment, Russia is very outdated.

For example, the US military's individual communication terminal is carried around, can accept instructions at any time, can also report the situation at any time, and can also open a variety of command authorities as needed, which is the basis for the US military to implement precision operations, when the US military is surrounded, it can call for ground and air fire support through the individual communication system.

And what does the Russian army rely on for individual communications?

According to reports, in the Russian-Ukrainian War, a special unit of the Russian army that carried out the interspersed task was ambushed by the Ukrainian army, and the Ukrainian army found that the elite of the Russian army used a civilian walkie-talkie, which did not have a secret function, and the price of a treasure did not exceed 200 yuan.

Because the calls of this Russian army were almost completely monitored by the Ukrainian army, the Ukrainian army quickly mobilized troops to carry out encirclement and annihilation, and the elite army of this Russian army was completely destroyed, which made people sigh.

The individual communication system is the terminal of the combat command system, and comparing the individual communication system of the Russian and American armies, we can see how big the gap between the combat command levels of the two sides is.

Under this restriction, we can see that the Russian military's implementation of special operations in Ukraine has been greatly restricted, because although the scale of special operations is not large, but the operational command system requirements are high, when the individual combat communications are difficult to smooth, the implementation of small unit operations is undoubtedly a sheep's mouth.

This is also the reason why the Russian military's radar is extremely advanced, why the combat command system is very backward, and the development of Russian weapons and equipment gives us three enlightenments:

First, under the existing conditions, improve the system engineering capabilities to make up for the contradiction of the shortage of high-end chips, this method is feasible under specific conditions, system engineering capabilities are also the core competitiveness, the Russian military is worth learning in this regard.

The Russian radar is extremely advanced, why is the combat command system very backward?

Russia's KASTA-2E2 radar system

The second is to strive to improve chip technology, chips are not only the core of informationized weapons and equipment, but also the core of the formation of an army's combat capabilities, who can make a breakthrough in chip technology, who can gain an advantage in the military, in this regard, the Russian army is a negative model.

Third, we must pay attention to basic education, whether it is chip technology or system engineering capabilities, it is inseparable from basic research. If the basic theory is taken as the starting point and the product is taken as the end point, only by thoroughly understanding the basic theory can we design the products we want and design the best route from the starting point to the end of the product.

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