
There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

author:Dr. Chunkai said that the department talks

The liver is one of the five internal organs, which is an organ in the body of a vertebrate that mainly functions in metabolism, and fully plays a role in the body such as deoxidation, storage of liver sugar, and synthesis of secreted proteins.

Chinese medicine believes that the liver and gallbladder are superficial, open to the eye, the liver mainly hides blood, the main drainage, has the function of storing and regulating blood.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

What are the functions of the liver?

Function of secreting and excreting bile: the liver makes about one liter of bile within 24 hours, transports it through the bile ducts to the gallbladder, which functions as concentrating and discharging bile to promote the digestion and absorption of fat in the small intestine.

Detoxification function: Toxic substances produced by foreign or internal metabolism should be detoxified in the liver to become non-toxic or solubility substances, and excreted with bile or urine.

Blood function: Almost all of the body's clotting factors are manufactured by the liver. In the dynamic balance of the two systems of blood clotting and anticoagulation in the human body, the liver plays an important regulatory role.

Metabolic function: vitamin metabolism, hormone metabolism, nerves and body fluids participate in the metabolism of water, and the liver also has the role of regulating acid-base balance and mineral metabolism, and is an important heat energy supply organ.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

——There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

"Itchy skin"

After the liver lesions, the body's metabolic capacity will be weakened, and the bile cannot be smoothly sent to the stomach and intestines to help digestion.

When too much bile accumulates in the gallbladder, a part of it will enter the bloodstream, follow the blood circulation throughout the body, and when the bile acids in the bile are gathered under the skin, it will stimulate the nerve endings and cause the skin to itch inexplicably.

If there is sudden itching for a period of time, or a signal before the onset of liver cancer, do not ignore it.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

"Itchy eyes"

The eyes are the most vulnerable parts of the body, and if you use your eyes for a long time or do not have a good rest, you will feel that your eyes are dry and itchy.

However, when the liver has a problem, the blood storage capacity will decrease, so that the liver blood is insufficient, so that the eyes can not get sufficient blood nourishment, the eyes will appear itchy.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

Why is there more and more liver cancer? Maybe it has something to do with them

First, the reasons for air pollution and diet, especially the reasons for diet, if we eat a lot of food containing aflatoxin, such as moldy peanuts, gutter oil, moldy tofu, etc., this will easily lead to the occurrence of liver cancer.

Second, patients who carry hepatitis B virus for a long time, some of this part of the patient will evolve into cirrhosis, and cirrhosis will appear cirrhotic nodules, and some will appear cancerous, which leads to the occurrence of liver cancer.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

Third, the current improvement of examination methods has made more and more liver cancer patients found.

Fourth, due to the current competition of drugs and equipment, the survival period of liver cancer patients is prolonged.

——Do 3 things well, even if you are old, it is not easy to get liver cancer

1, vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine: the probability of infection with hepatitis B virus is very high, once infected with hepatitis B, according to the current medical technology, there is no way to completely cure hepatitis B, so active prevention of hepatitis is an important measure to prevent liver cancer.

2, do not eat moldy food: the general moldy food contains aflatoxin is relatively high, which is one of the important reasons for the occurrence of liver cancer.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

3, quit smoking and limit alcohol in life less smoking and drinking, excessive drinking will lead to the occurrence of alcoholic hepatitis, will destroy the body's immune function, the liver detoxification function has a certain impact.

Health cold knowledge: What are the high incidence of liver cancer diseases?

First, people with a family history of liver cancer: Although there is no conclusive evidence that liver cancer is inherited, it is likely that the virus (such as hepatitis B virus) will be transmitted among members due to the similar way of life and diet of family members.

Second, patients with hepatitis B or cirrhosis: 90% of patients with liver cancer in mainland China have a history of hepatitis B virus infection, and patients with sclerosis often develop liver cancer due to worsening of their condition.

Third, male friends over the age of 40: Men are more likely to develop liver cancer after the age of 40.

Fourth, people who have long lived in areas with a high incidence of liver cancer: Fusui and Long'an in Guangxi, Xiamen and Tong'an in Fujian, Qidong and Haimen in Jiangsu, Chongming and Nanhui in Shanghai are cities with high incidence of liver cancer.

There are two "itching" in the body, don't always think that it is an allergy, or a precursor to liver cancer, you should strengthen prevention

#夏方养生指南 #