
Story: Squire Chapter 2 The Battlefields of World War II in Southeast Asia

author:Taiwanese writer Que Rencun
Story: Squire Chapter 2 The Battlefields of World War II in Southeast Asia

Because the story takes place in Taiwan, the poster is presented in traditional chinese characters


In 1895, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, Japan was victorious, and the Qing Dynasty signed the Treaty of Maguan with Japan, ceding Taiwan and the Penghu Islands to Japan.

Then the Japanese army began to enter Taiwan, although the Qing army stationed in Taiwan at that time and the People of Taiwan jointly set off various large-scale revolts, but in the end it was still suppressed, and the famous movie "Sidekbarle" told that history.

At the beginning of World War II, due to Japan's distrust of the colonial people, the Taiwanese were not allowed to enter the army. However, after the launch of the all-out invasion of China in 1937, the Japanese army was increasingly insufficient and embarrassed, so it began to recruit Taiwanese as military men to fight in the army, and the work that Taiwanese needed to do to join the army at that time was to serve the japanese army's material transportation and logistics.

After the "Pearl Harbor Incident" in December 1941, the Pacific War broke out in full swing, in the face of the expanding war, the Japanese army began to recruit troops on a large scale in colonial Korea and Taiwan, until the defeat of Japan in 1945, a total of 207183 people in Taiwan entered the Service of the Japanese Army, of which a total of 80,433 became the front-line combatants of the Japanese army, 126,750 military men and military dependents; 30,304 people were killed in the war, 50,000 people were missing, and 2,000 were disabled, 21 people were wounded after the war. Executed as war criminals, 147 were sentenced to two to three years in prison; another 154,000 returned to Taiwan separately or voluntarily returned to the mainland, with a small number remaining in Japan.

In a famous shrine in present-day Japan, 28,000 Taiwanese Japanese soldiers who died in Japan's war of aggression are enshrined.

Speaking of which, everyone should be able to understand why there are Taiwanese who go to Japan to worship, not all of them go with a special "purpose", most of the Taiwanese just remember their ancestors.

As the Taiwanese people of the Chinese nation, serving the Japanese army, it was the sadness of colonial history, but if it were not for the weakness of the country at that time, how could this disaster come about?! Looking at the previous Hong Kong chaos, it is not another kind of colonial history sadness!

War, confrontation, the victims are always ordinary people, and especially now that Greater China is in the stage of fighting against the epidemic, this is a war without smoke of gunfire, I hope we can continue to work hard to help each other, until the country is healthy and continues to make progress.

Chapter Two: The Southeast Asian Theater of World War II

Southeast Asian battlefields.


Japanese military bunker in the rainforest of an island in Southeast Asia.

  Some of Taiwan's aboriginal militiamen were eating betel nuts that had just been picked on the spot, and other Japanese soldiers looked at them with disgust.

  The aborigines Bizan and Bihe two brothers took betel nuts and said to the que family's old third que desheng and the fourth que deren: "Eat this, get rid of the dampness and drive away the cold." ”

  When Que Desheng was still hesitating, Que Deren did not hesitate to take it and throw several of them into his mouth to chew, que Desheng looked at Que Deren in shock: "Eat slowly!" ”

  Que Deren seemed to be in pain to swallow all the betel nuts, coughing and shouting, "It's astringent enough to be unpalatable." ”

  Que Desheng was sad: "So Abba told us not to eat!" ”

  Bizan and Bihe flipped forward and backward at the side, "Fools swallow it!" Just chew and suck the juice, the dregs and sugar cane will be spit out! ”

  Bisame took another betel nut, demonstrated biting off the betel nut rhizome, and said with a smile: "And one or two at a time is good, and you have to bite off the rhizome to eat it!" ”

  Que Deren coughed so much that he couldn't speak, although in the rain, everyone could see that his face was full of redness and anger, and he didn't know whether it was because he was choking or angry.

  At this time, the Japanese officer, Lieutenant Kitahara Toshiyo, came over and said, "Quickly complete the assembly and shift the position!" ”

  The soldiers replied, "Hey! ”

  Before the words could be heard, the roar of the cannons fired by the ships not far away appeared, and in an instant the explosion sounded, and suddenly the flames were everywhere, the explosives and shock waves came at the same time, the soldiers fled in all directions, and there were smashed limbs everywhere.

  The second wave came with a loud roar of bomber engines, accompanied by the sharp descending screams of countless air-dropped bombs, falling harder than the torrential rain, and in an instant the soil on the ground churned like a pot of water.

  This was followed by an even more lethal howl, the dive of the fighter group combined with the strafing of machine guns.

  The fleeing Que Desheng was shot by the fighter bullet in his right arm, and the branch that flew from nowhere was still obliquely pierced into his right ear and pierced out of his mouth, and Bizan rushed over to take off the turban and tightly tied to Que Desheng's broken arm to stop the bleeding, and then lifted him up to continue running.

  At the moment of standing up, the bullet of the fighter burrowed into Bizan's head, and Bizan's hard head exploded like a broken watermelon, and the charred hair mixed with brain plasma and blood splashed all over Que Desheng's face.

  Que Desheng fell down again, his vicious twisted face and frightened eyes watching the dust of the exploded earthen fortress not far away from Que Deren, and when it fell, it buried Que Deren firmly.

  Desperate mood accompanied by vague consciousness, Que Desheng closed his eyes...

  All the voices were moving away from him...

  Que Desheng's consciousness withdrew from his body, and as in a dream, he flew in the sky, gradually approaching a distant island.

  "Ah! That's Taiwan, that's taiwan, I'm going back to my hometown..." Que Desheng even held out his hands, as if he could grasp Taiwan's land at once.

  Suddenly Que Desheng felt his body being hit hard and began to fall uncontrollably

In an instant, Que Desheng returned to his really broken body.

  A mosquito sucked a full of blood on Que Desheng's eyelids and flew away, and the bombing, air raids and torrential rain had stopped, replaced by inaudible buzzing insects and fiery sunlight.

  Que Desheng opened his eyes and inhaled sharply, and the blurred focus saw that BiHe was pounding his chest cavity.

  "Great!" Seeing his friend wake up, Bihe's voice was extremely excited, and he shouted at the sky!

  Que Desheng suddenly stood up violently, looking left and right as if looking for something, and without waiting for Bihe to ask a question, he dragged him to a mound and began to frantically plank the mound.

  Que Desheng's hideous face and wide mouth seemed to be roaring at something, but his hoarse throat only emitted a dry and unpleasant howl.

  Bi He hesitated at first, but he also immediately followed Que Desheng's movements, because he knew that there must be a comrade-in-arms below.

  "This is the foot, over there is the head!" Biho suddenly roared.

  The two immediately moved to dig, and the nails of both hands were already bursting and bleeding...

  Not long after, they saw the back of Que Deren's head, and BiHe completely ignored that Que Deren's body was still in the mound, and without saying a word, he directly grabbed Que Deren's hair with one hand and pulled it back, and the other hand slapped Que Deren's back hard.

  After a while, a large mouthful of mud mixed with blood spurted out of Que Deren's mouth and nose, and Que Deren began to cough.

  Hearing Que Deren's coughing, Que Desheng began to shed tears, no more roars, his expression became sad, but he silently continued to dig the mound where half of Que Deren was buried.

  In the distance came conversations in English and sporadic gunfire, and it appeared that U.S. ground troops were approaching.

  Que Desheng seemed to hear movement behind him, and as soon as he turned back, the butt of the American army hit him in the cheek, and the face that had been pierced by the branches spewed blood and spread an arc in the air, and Que Desheng's eyes went black and fell on his side.

  The insects continued, but the sound became like an echo in an air raid shelter, and it was getting bigger and bigger, like a tight curse trying to blow the brain open...

To be continued~

Story: Squire Chapter 2 The Battlefields of World War II in Southeast Asia

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