
The hardest home remedies to find

author:Hit the south wall without turning

1 : No matter where the shoe grinds your foot, you will apply a little liquor to the place where the shoe grinds the foot to ensure that it will not be worn.

✿ 2: If there is a stain or dirty on the leather bag, it can be wiped with cotton dipped in wind oil essence.

✿3 : After washing your face, use your fingers to dip some fine salt and gently rub on the sides of the nose, and then rinse with water, the blackhead acne will be cleared and the pores will become smaller.

✿4: Go out is always in the bag with a small dry battery, if your skirt is static, then put the positive pole of the battery on the skirt a few times to wipe the static electricity.

✿5: If there is a small area of skin damage or burns, burns, apply a little toothpaste, can immediately stop bleeding and pain, but also to prevent infection.

✿ 6 : Jeans will fade when worn for a long time. You can soak the newly purchased jeans in strong salt water for 12 hours, then wash them with clean water, so that they will not fade when they are washed later.

✿ 7 : Tofu can be used for beauty. Every morning, after getting up, use a piece of tofu, put it in the palm of your hand, rub your face for a few minutes, and stick to it for a month, and the facial skin will become white and moisturized.

✿8: White vest will appear black spots after wearing for a long time, you can take fresh ginger 2 two mashed pots with 1 pound of water boiled, slightly cool after pouring into the laundry basin, soak the white vest for ten minutes, and then rub several times, the dark spots can be eliminated.

✿ 9 : Remove wrinkles on the tie. The wrinkled tie can be made flat and beautiful without ironing, as long as the tie is rolled on the beer bottle, and when it is used again the next day, the original fold is gone.

✿10: When you are very thirsty and there is no cold boiling water at home, you can soak the cup containing hot water in cold water, and then sprinkle a handful of salt in the cold water to accelerate the cooling of boiling water.

✿ 11 : Rough skin can mix vinegar and glycerin in a 5:1 ratio to apply to the face, adhere to the daily, will make the skin become delicate. Adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the face wash water to wash your face also has beauty benefits.

✿12: Anti-clothing fading method two methods: add an appropriate amount of vinegar when washing dark cotton fabrics, which can prevent its fading, and the luster is as new; when the newly purchased colored flower cloth is first launched, add salt to soak for ten minutes to prevent the cloth from fading.

✿13: When there is bleeding wound on the body, you can immediately sprinkle some white sugar on the wound, because white sugar can reduce the local moisture of the wound, inhibit the multiplication of bacteria, and help the wound to converge and heal.

✿14: The white sweater will gradually turn black when worn, put the sweater in the refrigerator after washing and freezing for 1 hour, and then take it out to dry, you can be as white as new.

✿15: Don't wear it anymore because the rabbit sweater has lost its hair, you can put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate it for 3-4 days to prevent it from losing its hair.

✿ 16 : The magic of silk scarves. Do your hair at the beauty salon and you will be deformed when you wake up. Don't worry, put a smooth silk scarf on the pillow before going to bed, it will not mess up the hair, and the beautiful hairstyle can be maintained.

✿17: It's hot, many people have foot odor, the following two methods may wish to try: put a little tea in the shoes when wearing shoes; put warm water in the basin, put a little tea leaves, put your feet in it and soak for ten minutes, you can deodorize.

✿18: When washing hair, put a little salt in the water can also prevent hair loss.

✿19: When shampooing, it is especially good to add a little pure olive oil to the water.

✿ 20 : Shampoo your hair with vinegar, which can make your hair flow smooth, easy to manage and has the effect of removing dandruff. Especially suitable for hair after perming.

✿ 21 : When brushing teeth, add a little suda to the toothpaste, after brushing three times, the teeth are as white as jade, and the tooth rust naturally falls off.

✿22 : Place walnut kernels on a fire and then bite on sore teeth, so that several times never toothache.

✿23: When sleeping, you have a piece of orange peel in your mouth, and after 15 minutes, you can spit out 3-5 times to cure the snoring and clenching of teeth.

✿24: Apply white radish peel to the temples on both sides for 20 minutes every night to cure migraines.

✿25: Put the chopped green onion in a small plate, and put the small plate next to the pillow before going to bed to sleep peacefully, which can cure insomnia for several days.

✿26 : Wipe your face with an egg white at night, wash off with water after an hour, if you can rub it often, the skin is getting more and more.

✿ 27 : Open your mouth slightly when you look up and point at the eye drops, so that your eyes don't blink.

✿28 : The eyes enter a small dust, close the eyes and cough hard a few times, the dust will come out on its own.

✿ 29 : When you have just been bitten by a mosquito, it will not itch when you apply soap.

✿30: If the throat and gums are inflamed, cut the watermelon into small pieces at night, eat it with salt, remember that it must be at night, then the symptoms will be alleviated, and the next day will be fine.

✿31: Eat something with a peculiar smell, such as garlic, stinky tofu, and eat a few peanuts.

✿32: When arranging flowers, a drop of dish soap in the water can last for several days.

✿ 33 : Feet are easy to sweat in summer, soaking feet with light salt water every day can effectively cope with sweaty feet.

✿ 34 : Hands are easy to become dry and rough, soak hands with vinegar for ten minutes to skin care.

✿ 35 : Rub your face with tofu for a few minutes every morning, stick to it for a month, the face will become very moisturized.

✿36: Mash vitamin C, pour mineral water to dissolve, then soak the prepared compression mask in water and make it. Then apply to the face. After about 15 minutes, the skin becomes white and watery.

✿ 37 : 5-6 tablets of aspirin pills twisted into a very fine powder with a noodle stick, then mixed with a spoonful of water, rubbed on the face with cotton tablets to occupy the aspirin solution, wait for 20-30 minutes and rinse off. After washing the face, it is unusually smooth and delicate, the skin tone becomes white and even, the bean print is diluted a lot, and the skin is even and shiny the next day after making this mask.

✿38: Wash your face three times a day with white sugar and a little water, you can feel smooth white and tender in a week, and it is very effective for acne marks, you wash your face with facial cleanser, and then use a little white sand sugar,, in medicine, sugar is very good for wound healing, put it on the palm of your hand, add a little water to knead, to prevent too much irritation and allergies, and then put it on the face to wash, a minute or so, wash it with clean water.

✿ 39 : Potato chips to remove dark circles. Directions: Scrape the potato peel, then wash and cut into thick slices about 2 cm. Lie down, apply potato chips to your eyes, wait about 5 minutes, and wash them with water. Tip: Apply it at night to help eliminate eye fatigue. Potatoes are preferable to larger ones because of the larger coverage. Potatoes with teeth should not be used because they are poisonous.