
The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

author:Professor Su Hao

Against the backdrop of Turkey's closure of the Bosphorus, the passage of Russian naval vessels into and out of the Black Sea through the strait has been basically cut off, which means that it is difficult for the Russian side to further strengthen the strength of the Black Sea Fleet, and even launch a large-scale "sea-to-land" attack on Ukraine from this direction. From this point of view, the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet often reinforced operations in the direction of Crimea, or could only be suspended for a period of time, but this does not mean that the Pacific Fleet is "idle".

The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

The Global Network quoted Japan's Kyodo News Agency as saying that the four ships of the Russian Navy crossed the Tsugaru Strait in turn, and the Kishida cabinet expressed "serious concern" about this and demanded that the Russian military exercise restraint to avoid an escalation. What is particularly worrying to the Japanese government is that some Russian landing ships are loaded with a large number of combat vehicles and military personnel.

The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

"Will the Russian army practice island capture operations"? This matter quickly became a hot topic of discussion in Japanese public opinion. Judging from the trajectory of the formation of these four ships, it maintained a uniform speed, and it was only 70 kilometers away from Aomori Prefecture in Japan. To guard against possible risks, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces dispatched P-3C patrol aircraft and destroyers to track them.

The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

If the Russian military does intend to hold a large-scale landing and anti-landing exercise in the Far East, it is clear that it will have enough room to deal with the threat of the Asian direction while maintaining "special military operations" against Ukraine and maintaining the readiness of nuclear forces. Considering that after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in response to the call of the United States, Japan has continuously added sanctions against Russia, which is equivalent to tearing up the agreements previously reached between Russia and Japan and making the contradictions public and sharp.

The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

It has to be said that the Japanese government's abacus is indeed "crackling", and it seems that Russia is deeply trapped in the "quagmire" of Ukraine and will have no time to look east. However, this view is still shallow after all. The reason why the Russian military is not making rapid progress is also because the Putin government needs to maintain the balance of power, and the large NATO troops on Russia's northwestern border need to be paid more attention to by Moscow.

The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

That is to say, the performance of the Russian army in Ukraine cannot fully show its strength, which belongs to the "leisurely fight". This gives the outside world the illusion that Russia is "nothing more than that."

The Russian Navy is directly approaching the Japanese mainland! Can you take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to be dishonest? Kishida was knocked

The passage of four consecutive ships through the sensitive Tsugaru Strait and the generous display of the massive military vehicles and other equipment they carry undoubtedly show the confidence of the Russian government and military in their own strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and also have the possibility of "tapping" the Kishida Fumio government. Although Japan is shrewd, in the face of absolute power, no matter how much calculation it racks, I am afraid it will not be enough to shake Russia's strength and position in this direction.

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