
Vogel teased KD: Ruowei taught him to withdraw from the 3-point line, and the Nets are the championship! FAN: Take care of yourself

On March 20, Beijing time, the Los Angeles Lakers challenged the Washington Wizards away, and Vogel was amazed in an interview with the media to ridicule Durant's two-point tread in the Eastern Conference Finals last year.

Vogel teased KD: Ruowei taught him to withdraw from the 3-point line, and the Nets are the championship! FAN: Take care of yourself

Vogel quipped, "I told Westbrook that if he taught Kevin Durant to withdraw from the three-point line, then the Nets would beat the ultimate champion Bucks in last year's playoffs, and the course of NBA history might change (the Nets might win the championship)." ”

You know, in yesterday's game, Wei Shao deliberately looked at whether his foot was outside the three-point line when shooting a three-point shot. In last year's playoffs Eastern Conference Finals to grab seven battles, in the last moments of regular time, Durant had a chance to kill, but unfortunately the last blow stepped on the three-point line, and finally lost in overtime and missed the finals.

Vogel teased KD: Ruowei taught him to withdraw from the 3-point line, and the Nets are the championship! FAN: Take care of yourself

However, for Vogel's statement, many fans complained: "Still think more about how to make the team win more, take care of yourself." "Why is Vogel's mentality like a fan now".

Vogel teased KD: Ruowei taught him to withdraw from the 3-point line, and the Nets are the championship! FAN: Take care of yourself

Yesterday's westbrook's three-pointer also set himself a number of magical records, including since Westbrook entered the league in 2008, he has scored the most equalising or counter-overtaking goals in the final 60 seconds of the game, with Westbrook shooting a total of 53 goals, Lillard 52, Durant and James 51 goals each.

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