
Suspected of serious violations of discipline and law! An auxiliary police officer in Linyi is subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation

author:Lightning News

Linyi, 18 July (Qilu Net) This reporter learned from the official website of the Linyi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision that Zhao Weiguo, an auxiliary police officer at the U.S.-Macao Police Station of the Luozhuang Branch of the Linyi City Public Security Bureau, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Luozhuang District Discipline Inspection Commission and the District Supervision Commission after being designated by the Linyi City Discipline Inspection Commission and the Municipal Supervision Commission.

Zhao Weiguo's resume:

Zhao Weiguo, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1973, Linyi City, Hedong District, high school education, joined the Communist Party of China in January 2008, since July 2013, he has been an auxiliary police officer at the U.S.-Macao Police Station of the Luozhuang Branch of the Linyi Municipal Public Security Bureau.