
Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

author:Emotional diandian flowers

After doing so many dance videos, I often see someone leaving a message in the comment area "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance", every time I see it, I don't know how to reply, I think it is necessary to have a video to talk about this topic.

Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

For "good men do not gamble", I am in favor of it. Some people will say: big bet hurts the body, small bet is pleasant. However, "small gambling" under certain conditions, or when people lose their minds, it is easy to become a "big gamble", and the result is far from being as simple as "hurting the body", and many of them are often "ruined" and "high debts". So don't gamble for both men and women, of course, the "gamble" I am talking about here does not include competitive games for entertainment purposes.

Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

Regarding "good women do not dance", I think it is very "extreme", which is a bit of a partial generalization. It is easy for a good woman not to dance that the women who dance are not good women, which is really difficult for women who like to dance to accept.

Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

In feudal society, dancing women in addition to the palace to flatter, are basically to do a living of "dancers", these dancers are from the bottom of society, in order to live a last resort, many people because of money and degeneration, especially since the introduction of ballroom dance to China, at that time in some big cities, few good family women can bravely dance, so the dance with men are mostly "dancers", so the folk have a "good woman does not dance" saying. But I don't think they are "women", many of them are forced to laugh with tears in their livelihood, and some dancers even made the feat of dancing all night to collect donations for the volunteers.

Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

As early as the Yan'an period, due to the influence of the Soviet Union, the leaders of our party took the lead in dancing ballroom dance, so that ballroom dance was on the hall of elegance, and many female comrades who danced with the leaders were enthusiastic young people who rushed to Yan'an from big cities and even overseas at that time, and it can be said that they were the initial positive energy on the ballroom dance field.

In the early days of liberation, ballroom dancing was even more popular, celebrating the founding of New China, and many places held large-scale dances, and there were many female cadres, female party members, and female activists who participated in the dances.

Later, due to the influence of left-leaning ideas, ballroom dancing was banned for many years, and then in Chinese New Year's Eve 1979, ballroom dancing was held in the Great Hall of the People, but the good times were not long, and it was soon banned, saying that ballroom dancing was suspected of being a third party. It was not until 1986 that ballroom dancing really came out of the haze, and dance halls blossomed all over the country.

Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

Most of the women who dance now are ordinary workers or retirees who love to dance in all walks of life, most of them regard dancing as a hobby or a way of exercising, they take the improvement of dance skills as a pursuit, practice hard every day, and only take time to dance under the premise of taking into account the family, and they can't see any "degenerate" shadow from them. It is precisely because of their persistence that the folk dance culture of the mainland can be carried forward day by day, in full swing, so they are "good women" from both a social point of view and a family point of view.

Of course, in some places, the dance hall still has the bad habit of "dancing girls", that kind of situation is another matter, I will not explain it here, I have not seen it, I really have no right to speak, I guess whether the local good women have succumbed to the old man's words of "good women do not dance"? That's why dancers have a market.

Also talked about "good men don't gamble, good women don't dance"

In summary, about "good men do not gamble, good women do not dance", we must look at it in two, because good women who dance really still account for the vast majority. At the same time, women who like to dance should not cower because of this sentence, challenge the world with their own integrity, and dissolve the prejudices of people, especially their families.

I like to talk about the emotional dianhua of the dance hall fun, like me please pay attention to me, I will try to put more wonderful, present to everyone! Thanks for your attention!