
Effective ways to improve the survival rate of rutin chicken brooding?

author:Gramera Biotechnology

The cultivation of rutin chicks is a very meticulous and important task in raising rutin chickens. The cultivation of rutin chicken directly affects the growth and development of rutin chicken and economic benefits. Therefore, how to improve the survival rate of chicks has become the primary problem for every farmer. According to the practice of brooding for many years, the author has summarized the experience, and is now introduced as follows.

Effective ways to improve the survival rate of rutin chicken brooding?

1. Preparation before brooding

1. Determine the brooding method: Before purchasing chicks, it is necessary to determine the brooding method (that is, cage breeding or flattening), and then arrange the brood house according to the planned number of breeding.

2, the preparation of the house and equipment: the brood house requires good thermal insulation performance, and can be ventilated as needed, can not leak rain, the ground is dry, can be anti-rat. Comprehensively check whether the house leaks rain, whether the doors and windows are tight, whether there are rat holes around, the doors and windows must be equipped with barbed wire to prevent the rutin chicken from flying out of the house, and prepare all the feeding utensils.

Effective ways to improve the survival rate of rutin chicken brooding?

3, site and utensils disinfection 3-5 days before entering the hatching must be thoroughly cleaned poultry house floor and all feeding utensils (drinking fountain, feed barrel, etc.), disinfectant is the concentration of 0.1% of the new Jieer extinguishing, 1: 2000 poison killing and 2% sodium hydroxide. Then, after the floor has dried, lay the bedding or padding and put the brood utensils into the house to seal the doors and windows. According to the volume of the poultry house, according to 7 grams of potassium per manganate per cubic meter, 14 ml of formalin fumigation, closed until 24 hours before feeding, open the doors and windows, remove odors, gases and then close the doors and windows for backup.

Second, create a good environment

1, temperature: temperature is an important factor in the success or failure of brooding, to provide suitable temperature for chicks, can effectively improve the survival rate, accelerate growth and development, improper high and low temperature is the stress factor leading to the occurrence of diseases, each age of rutin chicken temperature requirements see the following table. The chicks are small, have weak digestive function, eat less material, and do not produce much heat, while the unit body surface area is large, the heat dissipation is more, and it is easy to be affected by the outside world. Therefore, you should often patrol the house, observe the dynamics of the flock, and judge whether the temperature is appropriate. For example, when the temperature is appropriate, the chicks behave lively, scattered in the brood, and the appetite is strong; when the temperature is too high, the chicks are far away from the heat source, the amount of food intake is reduced, the amount of water is increased, the mouth is breathing, and the feces are thin; when the temperature is too low, the chicks squeeze each other, shrink their necks, lose their appetite, and pile up under the heat source.

2, humidity: the environmental humidity of the brood is very important for the growth of chicks, such as excessive humidity, the body surface heat dissipation is difficult, loss of appetite, easy to get sick; the humidity is too low Chicks feathers dry, easy to peck, peck anus and peck toe phenomenon. The appropriate humidity is 60%-70% within 1 week of age and 55%-60% after one week.

3, ventilation: chicks grow fast, metabolism is strong, there should be enough fresh air in the house, in order to make the chicks grow fast. Under the premise of ensuring a certain temperature, properly open the doors and windows to ventilate, but do not let the chicks get cold.

4. Density: The feeding density of each day-old rutin chicken is: 80-100 per square meter at 1-10 days old, 50-60 per square meter at 10-4 days old, and 30-35 per square meter at 4-13 weeks old.

5, light: out of the shell within a week of the chicks can implement full-time light, a week after the use of 20 hours of light, and then with the increase of the age of the day and reduce the light time, and the light should not be too strong, 2 watts per square meter, otherwise it is easy to appear pecking feathers, pecking anus, toes and other vices.

3. Scientific breeding management

1. Drinking water: Prepare astragalus polysaccharide water and insect antibacterial peptides to promote the excretion of meconium before the chicks enter the chicks. In addition, putting stones in the drinking fountain can prevent the chicks from getting wet and sick when they are immersed in the water, and on the other hand, they can induce the chicks to drink water. The next day, water-soluble multi-dimensional or compound vitamin B solutions can be used alternately to adjust the appetite of the chicks.

2, open food: chicks boiling water, you can open food, the best rutin chicken opening material is Shandong Caoxian Kemaira Biotechnology Co., Ltd. developed and produced rutin chicken special opening material, the initial adjustment can be sprinkled on the pad cloth, let the chicks feed, 2-3 days later gradually with feed buckets instead, feed buckets should be placed near the lights, so that chicks can see the feed. Chicks that are 1-3 days old can be kept fed continuously throughout the day, and then fed 3-4 times a day to enhance the feeding ability of chicks. 

Effective ways to improve the survival rate of rutin chicken brooding?

3. Broken beak: If the density in the feeding management is not large, the occurrence of pecking can be avoided, and the beak is generally not cut. The beak is very stressful to the rutin chicken. If the measures do not meet the requirements and the pecking habit occurs, it can be completed at a time when the group is 50 days old.

Fourth, immunization and disease prevention work

1. There is a disinfection pond at the entrance and exit of the poultry house, and the breeders should change their clothes, shoes, etc. when entering the poultry house, and outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the house.

2, adhere to the all in, all out of the system, after the chicks are raised and transferred to the group, they should be strictly cleaned and disinfected before they can enter the chicks again.

3. Frequent washing of drinking fountains, frequent change of bedding or pad cloth, which is conducive to disease prevention. In the practice of brooding for many years, according to the pathogenesis characteristics of chicks in different periods, a reasonable set of preventive drugs and immunization procedures can be formulated.