
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District

author:Bozhou Sun Yuanli

Autumn is crisp and fruitful. On the afternoon of September 10th, the 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held at the Zhoudong Central Primary School, which kicked off with the solemn sound of the national anthem. Li Cheng, secretary of the street party working committee, Fan Wenhua, deputy director of the office, and Yu Xiaoqing, deputy director of the district education bureau, attended and spoke, and the conference was presided over by Li Lu, president of the central school, and Guo Jianmin, the school leader, and Zhang Jian took their seats on the rostrum. Outstanding teachers from central elementary schools and school districts attended the conference.

The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District

Fan Wenhua, deputy director of the subdistrict office, delivered a congratulatory speech and asked the central school to review the work of the past year, sum up experience, find deficiencies, and formulate measures to facilitate the re-fight. It is hoped that the majority of teachers will further understand the situation, unify their thinking, clarify their tasks, fulfill their duties, strive to dedicate, create good results in the new semester, and promote the healthy and steady development of the education cause of the Huaxilou Street Office. And read out the list of awards for advanced collectives, outstanding teachers and outstanding class teachers in the 2020-2021 school year on the spot.

The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District

In recent years, Zhoudong Central Primary School has achieved gratifying results in all aspects with the efforts of all teachers, and a number of outstanding teachers and outstanding class teachers have emerged in the school, reflecting the spirit of selfless dedication, forge ahead and hard work in them.

The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District
The 37th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference was held in Huaxilou Street, Tancheng District

Li Cheng, secretary of the street party working committee, emphatically pointed out that the central school should take this conference as an opportunity to redouble its efforts in future work and bravely create good results. Through unremitting efforts, as always, in a down-to-earth manner, we will live up to the ardent hopes of the Party Working Committee of Huaxilou Street and the people, cultivate more good students with excellent character and learning for the jurisdiction, and make the future of Zhoudong Central Primary School in Huaxilou Street more beautiful.

(Sun Yuanli)