
In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

author:Dr. X
In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Edit: Siby

When many people go to school, they should have heard such an urban legend:

Zhang Zhen, who told ghost stories, was too involved in work and was patted on the shoulder by his wife, which was directly scared to death.

Later, we learned that this was fundamental nonsense, and Zhang Zhen lived well.

The reason why the rumors arose was entirely because Zhang Zhen's ghost story was told so well, and people felt that such a god and man must be scared to death.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

At the end of the music is a ghost story

In the cognition of normal people, the strange talk radio anchor is a particularly mysterious group of people, it is estimated that the usual gods are nagging, with two big black circles, dare not go out during the day, get to wait for everyone to fall asleep at night, put a roll of bedding, headphones a wear, and play a dream of sleeping during the day.

But is this really the case?

We found some of Lychee FM's head weird radio anchors and chatted with them.

Want to know what kind of people the anchors who tell supernatural stories are?

And where did those supernatural stories come from?

What is the difference between the "supernatural" in the eyes of these old jianghu who have listened to the stories of the supernatural and what we know?

01. Blackwater Park Ray Boss:

I firmly believe in science, but I am also in awe of science.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Boss Lei, born in 1988, a native of Xicheng, Beijing, is himself doing Internet marketing advertising, and engaging in radio is completely a hobby. But the Blackwater Radio station he cooperated with Zhao Aiwen made the most famous group in the talking circle.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Boss Ray and his lover have been to many places together

In July 2017, he occasionally heard Mr. Zhao collaborating on a bizarre show about a sloping rotten building on Beijing's Chaoyangmennei Street.

"I thought that the man was not as good as what I told my friends at the wine table, so I submitted a manuscript to Evan and tried to record an issue." Because the story was vivid and interesting, and the response was fierce, Boss Lei soon became a regular visitor to the show.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Contrary to what we imagined in the environment in which the strangers worked, most of Boss Ray's stories were created on the small desk in front of him, and the recording device was not a long gun or a short gun, but a portable sound card from Sony.

The location is more casual, the company conference room, the living room at home, once in a hurry to catch the program, and even opened an hourly room to record.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Lei boss's desk

According to Boss Lei, a large part of it is handed down by the elderly in the family, such as "West Single Meat Buns" and "1995 UFO Incident".

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

"When I was young, I was particularly interested in strange things, loved to listen to relatives around me, and loved to tell my friends."

"Xidan Meat Buns" is about in the late 1980s, Beijing Xidan had such an incident, the brothers opened a bun shop, selling buns with a big filling, the fly in the ointment is that the boss is not very good at making noodles, the dough is hard, and some people eat his buns and always don't eat the skin.

One morning, the boss got into a fight over this and beat him to death with a rolling pin. Because there was no place to dispose of the body, he conveniently made the man's body into a bun filling. As a result, human meat stuffing was very popular, and the business became more and more prosperous, so the brothers began to steal corpses to make bun fillings in Babaoshan.

But what is the truth?

Boss Lei told me that there was no such thing as a human meat bun, just a simple murder case, the two people had a verbal altercation, the murderer killed the person opposite in the conflict, hid in the water tank in the panic, and the police quickly solved the case. Because this person once worked in the canteen of a certain organ unit in Beijing, he was falsely rumored to be a "Western single person meat bun" incident.

"People's fears and suspicions are the most terrible, and many stories come from this."

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Lei Boss's bookshelf

Boss Lei himself does not believe in the theory of gods and ghosts, is only simply interested in the theory of ghosts and gods, and he is skeptical about whether there are really these "things", and he believes that most of the strange talk can be explained by scientific knowledge.

This also affects the story processing concept of Boss Lei to a certain extent: only increase the authenticity, not increase the metaphysics.

Therefore, in his story, there are very few vicious events such as "ghost" killing, he has a natural ability to distinguish the truth and falsity of the story, after the fire, there are often readers to give them articles, for those who are not authentic enough, he directly passed.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

But after engaging in the Weird Talk podcast, his worldview has indeed shaken.

In order to maintain the update, the audience submission is difficult to meet the demand, and the family often helps Boss Lei collect strange stories, many of which are the personal experiences of Boss Lei's relatives.

Boss Lei's uncle went to a wedding feast to help cook when he was young, and when he came back in the afternoon through the woods in the western suburbs of Beijing, he saw several people in the forest playing chess around the stone table, still winning money. The eldest uncle was addicted to chess, rolled up his sleeves and joined the battle, played until dark, and won a lot of money.

The eldest uncle went home with Qian Meizi. The next morning, he pulled out his pocket and found a pile of coins wrapped in the yuan earned by the kitchen, and then went to the bamboo forest to take a look, only to see that there was only one grave there, and there was no stone table.

"The strongest impact is to listen to the people around you, he is the one who saw it with his own eyes, every time it is repeated, people can't question him from a scientific point of view, when the old man tells you, your world view is shaken." 」

And Boss Lei himself has personally experienced some mysterious events.

"In the summer of 1998, I spent the summer vacation at my grandmother's house, and my grandmother got up early in the morning to walk around, and I touched the remote control to turn on the TV, but the TV did not respond for half a day. I thought the battery was out of power, open the battery cover to see, or Nanfu's, the remote control red light also reacted.

After a few more clicks, the TV still didn't respond. At this time, the old-fashioned sitting fan next to it was activated. I pressed the "+" key and the fan sped up; pressed the "-" key, and the fan slowed down and went for ten minutes.

You say that it is a pure mechanical clockwork driven fan, how can it receive infrared signals? Later I also took the fan apart and made sure there was no irred receiver inside. ”

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Similar to this

"Have you seen the Three-Body Problem, at the beginning of Death Immortality, when the witch used high-dimensional fragments to cross the terrain, I think something must have happened to me at that time that current science can't explain." 」

Boss Lei's biggest headache now is that he can't find strange things, and he lamented to me that in these years, "ghosts" are also a scarce resource.

In order to ensure the quality of the story, Boss Lei can only maintain the monthly change, and some listeners chase him to urge him, saying that they can't sleep without listening to him tell the story.

"I want my audience to be unable to sleep because of curiosity, not fear."

Boss Lei believes that there is no need to scare everyone with obvious ghosts, the story must leave room for everyone to think, can not be scary for the sake of scaring, it is best to finish the story, the audience can touch the story, but also understand some truth.

02. Yiyu Radio Xiaowei:

I believe in the theory of ghosts and gods, and believe that ghost culture has always existed in the folk.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Xiao Wei, born in 1991, is mainly engaged in music production.

We met in a Loft apartment in Shangdi, Beijing, and as soon as we entered the house, on the left hand side were two bookshelves of script killing scripts, and in front of us was a round table where you could play script killing. This floor is mainly used for rest and entertainment.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

On the second floor, you will reach the recording area of the radio station.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Unlike Boss Lei's guerrilla recording, Xiao Wei's workshop is covered with sound-absorbing cotton, which is a very professional recording studio. Through the window of the balcony, we can see the traffic below, which has nothing to do with the eerie forest.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Xiao Wei is a supporter of ghost gods, "I personally believe in the existence of ghosts and gods, and I usually study some numerology and metaphysics knowledge."

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Xiao Wei's bookshelf

He believes that the existence of a thing depends on facts to prove that the theory of ghosts and gods has often occurred from ancient times to the present, and if these unscientific things had not happened, then it would have been eliminated long ago and would not have a far-reaching impact in history.

"I positioned the station as a window and a communicator, so 100 percent of the story comes from audience submissions."

From 2016 to 2022, in the six years that Xiao Wei has been a radio station, the folk legends he has most impressed have several keywords: paying off yin debts, hitting yin mountains, and qigong.

Pay off your debts

The so-called repayment of yin debts is to repay the debts owed by one's past lives.

In the "Taishang Laojun Says that the Five Buckets of Gold Medals are born in the Scriptures", it is recorded that after the souls had made a wish to reincarnate in the next life before they were reincarnated in the underground government, they needed to repay the silver money of their own lives, that is, to receive the birth debt. Those who are born will repay this debt, those who do not pay it, sickness and greed, wealth and fortune, the disaster of tongues, the extreme of resentment, and so on.

How to pay it back? Be alone in the mountains at midnight, burn your folded gold treasures, and you can't turn back on the way down the mountain.

Zhiyuan said that the core of many stories points to the disintegration of atheism, and the folk strange things that happen everywhere vary.

The manuscripts of the Northeast Immortals account for more than 60% of the submissions, but the audience is already immune to such stories, but some southern folklore and strange talk can arouse the reader's interest, such as:

Bump into The Yin Mountains

The so-called Bump yin mountain is a way of bumping into evil spirits that often occurs south of the Yangtze River.

Collision is to collide with evil, and the robbers are often fascinated by some mysterious forces, instantly go crazy, and begin to run around.

Yin Mountain means grave head. When the evil seeker is found, it must be full of mud, and this soil is usually eaten by the soil on the head of the grave.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Xiao Wei has collected a lot of stories, and he believes that "ghosts" are also good and bad, because they are born out of reality, so the stories of ghosts are as complicated as reality.

For example, the supernatural story of abortion is actually the child's desire for the warm embrace of the mother.

Most of the dream stories are long-cherished wishes. In Baoding, Hebei Province, there is a village cemetery transformation, the village chief is responsible for moving the grave, a small matter of moving the grave continues, tonight the pot rings, last night the door rings.

The village chief went to sleep at night and dreamed that a group of old men and women came to him and asked him what he was going to do.

He said that he would repair the columbarium for the villagers, so that everyone could reunite and provide for them. An old man told him that there was a grave under the four red bricks in the east of the village, and the grave was flattened, so don't forget to take him.

The next day the village chief led someone to dig, and sure enough, there was a wild grave. I haven't had a fight at night since I hit that.

The village chief said that after this matter was completed, he thought it was more important than any political achievement, and he was very pleased to help the old man and old lady of the family move.

This also affected Xiao Wei's view of life and death. "On the one hand, I am nostalgic for this world, but there are many things that happen to me that I will go to another world after death, and if this is true, then my fear of death will be a little less." 」

So what is my attitude toward supernatural stories? People should not do bad things, do not cross the line, infringe on the interests of others, whether there is anyone who sees it, there will definitely be problems.

"So the number of listeners to podcasts has continued to climb in recent years, why?"

Podcasts need to live in the soil, girls go to work to hide headphones in their hair to listen, commuters listen on the way to work, or when doing housework to mop the floor, listen when they can't sleep. If a person does not live in these soils, it is difficult to have the habit of listening to podcasts.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Years of Thief The brothers listen to the radio

This change is actually a change in the entire leisure system of society, and everyone is a participant and creator of this change.

Nowadays, the leisure system is more bizarre, and the increasing desire, fancy form and endless stream of new things are facing the challenges of fast food lifestyle and eyeball economy.

Unlike videos and pictures that exhaust all means to search for eyeball vision, Xiao Wei believes that radio can accompany more people in a down-to-earth manner.

Because the eyes see more things, they will be blurred, and the ears will hear less things, but they can go straight to the heart.

Audio programs can give the audience more imagination space, although the video pictures are wonderful, but too specific, is equivalent to some things framed to death.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

"The popularity of the Spirit Radio in recent years has also shown a change in China's view of ghosts and gods, how do you view this change?"

Xiao Wei told me that ghost culture has always existed in the folk, but in the past few decades, for some reasons, it has become a taboo topic, and now the scale is constantly expanding, in general, the behavior of folk belief in ghosts and gods has not changed.

Today it's more like a regression, and that regression will always be bubbling out, or a process from taboo topics to openness. Because people's material life and culture have accumulated to a certain extent, they will look for spiritual sustenance.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

People's views on believers have also changed, and when they said that you had faith, it must have been so poor that you couldn't solve anything before you pinned down the ghosts and gods. But you see now that those who have faith are either rich or expensive, giving people a feeling that "those who have faith are senior people".

But this has also triggered some bad habits, and some people see senior people with faith, can't sit still, and begin to follow the trend of faith.

This part of the people devote themselves to the faith for the sake of profit and to flaunt themselves, but because the basic material needs have not yet been met.

So they chose faith, but they didn't respect it and did something against it.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

03. Beijing DialectIsta:

The human world, including the entire universe, can ultimately be immortalized only by emotions.

Beijing dialect people (hereinafter referred to as Bei dialect) have many fans, with more than 300,000 fans on the Lychee platform alone. Bei dialect not only talks about the city of Beijing, but also talks about music and humanities and urban weirdness.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

At first, the Great Sage who lived in Xizhimen was only one of the listeners of the Northern Dialect. In 2017, after hearing the content of the urban legend theme, he submitted his own strange experience to the twisted machine, because the story was legendary, and he became one of the anchors of beijiao.

In the dialogue, the Great Sage, born in 1980, told me that he was born with a supernatural constitution and could always feel or see "good friends" that ordinary people could not see. On this point, he also mentioned it bluntly when he first appeared on the Northern Dialect program , "Ghost Story , The Second Story".

According to him, this supernatural constitution has manifested itself since he can't remember. His mother told him that when the Great Sage had just learned to speak, when she saw the Great Sage dancing and shouting at his grandmother to the closet full of bedding in the house, her legs and stomach were frightened to the front.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

The recording studio of the Great Sage

As he grew older, his perception became sharper.

The Great Sage said that when he was sixteen or seventeen years old, he began to frequently encounter similar things on street corners, highways, and even recording scenes; for example, he could often see the image of the deceased, or the objects that teleported and passed. Even later, he had the ability to perceive, and through the photos, he could guess the person's characteristics and connections with other people.

To some people, people with this ability seem to be cool, like having some kind of superpower, but dasheng said that this ability bothers him a lot, and every time he perceives this, his body will have a feeling of discomfort and tension near the fever, very tired. You have to sit down and settle down before you can continue to do what you have to do.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

The saying of the Great Sage's "spiritual constitution" was beyond the scope of my cognitive understanding. But I still want him to say something about the laws of urban weirdness, especially in Beijing.

Many people will think of supernatural events as stories of curiosity and excitement, and feel that this event is like a scenic spot.

But Dasheng believes that good friends are everywhere, just the "magnetic field, space" is inconsistent, so you can't see "them". Good friends are everywhere regardless of region, but prefer to move in wet, cold, and popular places. As for the specific geographical names, it is not convenient to say.

Because he calls his "good friends" "past lives", he believes that they are a lonely and miserable group that cannot be reincarnated, wanders in the world because of obsession, and falls into a dead cycle and cannot come out.

He was very disgusted by the behavior of some people who went to explore the spirits in order to attract people's attention and seek profits, believing that they did not even have the minimum respect for the deceased.

So he was reluctant to reveal his address, just to avoid such things from happening.

At the beginning of each episode, the Great Sage will murmur these four verses of the poem he wrote.

Gather the world's strange things and explore the ghosts and foxes in the world.

Experience the cold and warm of the world, and understand the love and hate of yin and yang.

He believes that most of the people he listens to are the stories of the first half of the sentence, but what he really wants to say is the attitude of the second half of the sentence.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

From the drinks that the Great Sage family usually prepared, it can be seen that he really has a very good attitude

The Great Sage believes that everything in the dark is related by cause and effect, and there is no unprovoked love or unprovoked hatred.

This kind of connection is not limited to the present world, whether it is before or in the future or in the present, as long as it is done, there will be this entanglement, this entanglement.

"Then do you believe in the sayings of ghosts and gods?"

"I think ghosts and gods are two completely different concepts for me. God may exist in two worlds, one is what we call the spiritual world of religion, and the other may exist in the form of energy. “

The Great Sage said that he did not have any religious beliefs and that he was more of an agnostic, believing that in fact, the so-called ghosts or ghosts could be explained by science.

For example, magnetic fields, he believes that "good friends" like to listen to music the most, because the magnetic field of music is the closest to their essence, and their feelings are the strongest.

So we have these so-called technical failures many times when recording programs, we are all used to it, and many people may think that this is a gimmick, but we don't think it, because I think they are actually more willing to listen to radio than living people, more willing to watch TV, more willing to watch drama, so in theaters, film and television bases, it is the easiest to meet "good friends".

So if normal people see "good friends", do you have any suggestions?

The first is to be calm, don't be afraid, you ask him what he needs your help, and let go of the fear in your heart.

After hearing and experiencing many supernatural events, the Great Sage felt that when people mentioned "supernatural" now, they would naturally think of terror and curiosity, which was a relatively single cognition.

For example, the dream of a loved one, or the story of going home to see, in the eyes of others, this is also a kind of supernatural. But Dasheng believes that this kind of thing should not be attributed to the supernatural, after all, in the Chinese context, the word is more of a bad meaning.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

So in the future, he will continue to do it in Beijing Talker and Holy Eye World Sub-Radio, because he feels that telling stories in this way is a small thing, but it is also a meaningful thing.

He wants to use the experience of meeting countless "good friends" to tell people that they should do the right thing in the state of "people" and cherish the present.


To many people, the supernatural story is like a kind of nonsense, a kind of joke; but in fact, the supernatural is also a way of telling history. It will serve as the title page of history, annotating the present for the next era.

In ancient China, there were many ways to record history, including the correct history recorded by historians, as well as the stories of ordinary people written in miscellaneous notes, including so-called supernatural events and ghost stories.

Just as we now often use ancient ghost stories to understand the lives of living individuals in history; in the future, these radio stations will become the mobile hard disk for future generations to understand the current life.

And now, most of the part-time anchors will get together again when night comes, temporarily away from the pressure of life, vocals, breathing, the sound of music in the film and the sound of FM, slowly swinging in the narrow studio, and then lingering in the hearts of people who patrol this electronic wasteland.

Appendix: Map of Beijing Spirits

Combined with the information chatted with several podcasters, we made a simple map of Beijing spirits, which we have the opportunity to continue to expand.

In 2022, Psychic Radio is no longer low-key

Design/Visual Elaine