
Is it feasible to pay 1,000 yuan per person per month to the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas?

author:Apan Taobao

Hello everyone, here is @Apantaobao, thank you for reading my article.

At present, there are two main types of endowment insurance in the mainland: urban and rural residents' endowment insurance and urban workers' endowment insurance. Regardless of the type of insurance, the number of years of participation is 15 years, and after reaching the statutory retirement age, you can go through retirement procedures and enjoy pension treatment on a monthly basis.

Is it feasible to pay 1,000 yuan per person per month to the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas?

Most peasants participate in the old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, and receive old-age insurance for urban and rural residents after retirement. As you can see, those who participate in the urban workers' pension insurance can receive a pension of more than 1,000 yuan after retirement after paying the minimum payment period, while the per capita monthly pension of urban and rural residents is only more than 100 yuan, which is less than 200 yuan per month.

Only a few areas of urban and rural residents pension treatment can reach more than 1,000 yuan, such as Shanghai in 2021 urban and rural residents pension increased to 1200 yuan per month, is the highest level in the country. The second is that Beijing is 850 yuan per month, and only in economically developed areas can you get a pension of about 1,000 yuan. However, Beijing and Shanghai are the super-first-tier cities in the mainland, with a prosperous economy and strong local finances, while other cities are difficult to compare with.

Most of the other cities only have one or two hundred yuan, which is difficult to maintain the living expenses in the old age, so the elderly in the countryside, even if they are sixty or seventy years old, still need to work in the field, or do some odd jobs to maintain their daily living expenses.

Is it feasible to pay 1,000 yuan per person per month to the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas?

If the farmers are uniformly distributed, 60 years old retirement is 1,000 yuan per person per month, is it feasible?

I believe that as long as the elderly living in rural areas, they all hope to have a monthly pension of 1,000 yuan. It's understandable that everyone will raise their hands in agreement. However, at present, there are more than 100 million rural elderly people receiving pensions from urban and rural residents, and each person pays 1,000 yuan per month. Huge expenses can only make the pension fund unaffordable and accelerate the depletion of pension funds.

In the mainland, if you want to receive pension treatment, you can only pay pension insurance on time in accordance with the provisions of the law, and you need to pay the minimum payment period. If you do not participate in pension insurance, you can directly receive pension treatment, which is actually contrary to the current policy provisions. The principle of pension insurance contribution has no practical significance.

Is it feasible to pay 1,000 yuan per person per month to the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas?

The payment of pension benefits has always followed the principle of paying too much for a long time, paying more and getting more, and not paying without paying. The purpose is to enable everyone to actively participate in insurance, and to encourage everyone to pay more and pay longer. That is to say, only by paying more, paying long, and paying according to high standards can we get more pensions. Would it be fair for people who did not contribute or who paid according to the minimum standard to receive as many pension benefits as those who paid according to the high standards of contributions?

In fact, for now, the national pension insurance system has been relatively perfect. By paying the basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, farmers can also receive pensions at retirement age. Farmers can also pay long and overpay, so that the pension after retirement is higher.

Some farmers complain that the current pension insurance system is unfair, and after paying the same fee for 15 years, urban workers can receive thousands of pension benefits after retirement, while they can only receive one or two hundred yuan after retirement.

Imagine the pension insurance payment of employees and the pension insurance payment of urban and rural residents, and compare the payment of yourself and others.

Is it feasible to pay 1,000 yuan per person per month to the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas?

Urban workers' pension insurance is paid monthly, and the fee paid in January needs to be more than 1,000, and it is more than 10,000 yuan a year. The pension insurance of urban and rural residents is paid annually, and most rural people choose the lowest level of payment, paying 100 yuan to 200 yuan a year. The payment pressure is much higher than that of urban and rural areas and residents, and the pension is calculated according to the formula, more to pay more, more to pay more, and to retire late. Because of this, the pension gap between urban workers is also very large.

Therefore, if you want to support the elderly, the only way is to pay more pension insurance when you are young, and pay pension insurance for a long time.

Are you in favor of a unified pension for farmers? Welcome to comment on the message, follow @Apantaobao