
Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

author:There is a phoenix Talk

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Sino-Russian relations were severely tested.

In this regard, Russian scholar Timofey Bordachev raised three questions about the future of Sino-Russian relations in the Russian media "Viewpoint" on March 16.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

The three questions are:

First, is China a partner of Russia?

Second, is China the only partner that Russia completely depends on?

Third, based on the development plan, to what extent do China and Russia need to maintain close relations?

Below, we analyze these three problems one by one.

First of all, the first answer is yes, China and Russia are not only neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, but also comprehensive strategic partners back-to-back.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has mentioned more than once that Sino-Russian relations have entered a historical high, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry has also said that Sino-Russian cooperation is endless, has no forbidden areas, and no upper limits. This fully shows that Sino-Russian relations are thriving day by day and can withstand any test.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

The Sino-Russian partnership can be seen from Putin's first indication that he will attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Among the leaders of many countries, Putin has met with Chinese leaders the most. The leaders of China and Russia have a high degree of mutual trust, are close and friendly, and call each other "old friends" to each other.

At the high-level meeting between China and the United States a few days ago, the US side spoke harshly to China, warning China not to be in the company of Russia, trying to make China cooperate with the actions of the United States and the West and isolate Russia internationally.

However, the US calculation has failed, and China has always adhered to its consistent position, will not collude with the United States, and is unwilling to become an accomplice of US hegemonism.

Sino-Russian cooperation is beneficial to both sides, and Sino-Russian relations can withstand any test, so China is undoubtedly Russia's partner.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

The second question, the answer is no, china is not the only partner that Russia is completely dependent on. Complete dependence can be understood as Russia's dependence on China in many fields such as finance, trade, science and technology, and there is no choice but to cooperate with China. This is of course impossible and unnecessary.

Although Russia has few allies compared to the United States, Russia is not alone and has not been "isolated" by the world, and Russia maintains friendly relations with China, North Korea, India, Cuba, Venezuela and other countries.

Sino-Russian cooperation is not that Russia is completely dependent on China, but that China and Russia complement each other's advantages according to each other's needs and maintain cooperation in areas where cooperation is needed. In other areas, Russia can fully cooperate with other friendly countries, so Russia is not completely dependent on China, and China is not Russia's only partner.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

The third question, the answer is yes, it is necessary for China and Russia to maintain close relations, and as for the extent to which development planning is needed, it is necessary to analyze specific issues.

For example, on the issue of opposing US imperialist hegemony, China and Russia must twist into a rope, think together, work hard together, unite and cooperate, kick the United States off the "throne" of hegemonism, smash the chain of the hegemonic order dominated by the United States, build a new order of fairness and justice, and let the concept of "community of human destiny" shine all over the world.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

For example, on the issue of counter-terrorism in Central Asia, China and Russia also need to maintain close relations. Central Asia is Russia's traditional sphere of influence and China's "rear" at the same time, but for some complex reasons, Central Asia is prone to become a hotbed of terrorism and extremely unstable.

In terms of maintaining stability in Central Asia, the objectives of China and Russia are not in conflict.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

Not long ago, Kazakhstan, the largest power in Central Asia, suddenly rioted, suspected that the United States and the West were plotting a "color revolution" in an attempt to overthrow the pro-China and Russian regime in Kazakhstan, and then support the puppet regime controlled by the United States, taking this opportunity to insert the stinger into the position of The confidant of China and Russia.

Of course, China and Russia unanimously opposed this, and Russia quickly sent troops in the name of the collective security organization to help Kazakhstan quell the unrest, and then quickly withdrew its troops, waved its sleeves, and did not take away a cloud. Of course, China is highly supportive of Russia's actions in the Kazakh riots, because a peaceful and stable Central Asia is in the interests of both Russia and China, because it is the only place through which the "Belt and Road" must pass.

Sino-Russian relations have been severely tested, and the Russian media has raised three questions related to the future of Sino-Russian relations

In short, China and Russia will maintain close relations in many fields, and the cooperation between the two countries is complementary, not who depends on whom, nor who "binds" whom. As the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said, Sino-Russian cooperation is endless, has no forbidden areas and no upper limit.