
For visas to Australia, is there a work visa that is processed first and then given money?

author:Arron Visa Specialist

Inquiry Profile:

For visas to Australia, is there a work visa that is processed first and then given money?

In foreign countries, part-time workers do not earn money now, and they want to change countries

First of all, the conclusion: to borrow the verses of the ancients - this song should only be in heaven, and can be heard several times on earth. Wake up!

Ben didn't want to answer, he wanted to laugh it off, but Faith and Justice still let the respondent answer seriously. Hereby declare: This answer is not aimed at anyone, only according to the question to seek the facts, to seek the truth.

Since the subject wants to apply for a work visa, it is necessary to first understand what the Australian work visa is.

1. Definition of an Australian work permit

An Australian work visa is a temporary work visa that allows you to come to Australia for temporary work, and it is also a visa condition that only allows you to perform the prescribed work or to work for certain designated employers. Its categories are 482/485/476/489/188, etc. The subject can also use Visa Finder to check the categories of work visas you need on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

2. Qualifications and conditions required for a work visa

All of Australia's work visas (not discussing the Investment 188 visa) require certain qualifications and conditions, and by no means require language, age, skills, etc. "nothing" people can apply for a work visa.

Take, for example, the 482 Employer Sponsored Work Visa,

For visas to Australia, is there a work visa that is processed first and then given money?
For visas to Australia, is there a work visa that is processed first and then given money?

Employers nominate/have skills, qualifications and employment background in relevant occupations/nominate occupations with at least 2+ years of work experience/Technical assessment/English proficiency requirements, etc., which are the basic requirements for applicants. Then some people may ask, then I do not meet these requirements? So I can't do it? Congratulations, you're right to think so! You are a "nothing" person, why did you come to Australia to work? There are many locals, so why hire a foreigner to work in Australia and grab jobs with locals? Is the government low to this extent? So, before you start doing something, ask and think about it, there's nothing wrong with that.

Therefore, if there are no conditions, or do not talk about English ability, do not talk about work experience, do not talk about academic requirements, etc., do not require anything, as long as you can apply for an Australian work visa with money, do you think there is a pit in this? Are there any pitfalls?

3. The visa comes with the difference between work authority and work visa

Work visas have been introduced above, but many small whites think that visas with work permissions are work visas, and many people with purposes also say so, in fact, this is a mistake and inducement.

There are many visas in Australia with work permissions, and this work permission is limited to work (working hours are limited, can not work full-time), some can work full-time, and some are not allowed to work in the type of work, such as doctors, laws and other types of work that require a license to work.

So, even if a visa comes with work permissions, it's not a work visa, and that has to be made clear. For example, 500 student visas, 300 unmarried visas, 309 marriage temporary visas, some bridge visas, etc., these are not work visas, although with certain work permissions.

Seeking the Truth:

Since the subject has such an idea, it means that there is a market, so what is the truth?

● Apply for a 600 visa to australia before transferring to TAFE

This way, you first apply for a tourist visa in China, and then apply for a student visa after entering the country. Use the work permissions of your student visa to work. Not to mention that the student visa has a working limit of no more than 40 hours per two weeks (full-time work during the epidemic is a special situation and cannot be taken for granted) that is, even if you use the student visa to work full-time without restrictions, it is also illegal, and the visa will be cancelled at any time, and I will be repatriated at any time. This will have a very significant adverse impact on the applicant himself or herself, his or her family, the child's future visit to Australia, and will also have a very negative negative impact on future applications for visas from developed countries.

This is one of them.

In addition, all applicants for such 600 visas should be said to not meet the eligibility requirements for tourist visas, which is nothing more than providing false materials to apply, which is a serious crime for Australian law. As a result, not only was the visa not passed, but it also had a very negative impact on the future Australian visa applications of themselves and their families and children. Even if it is a fluke, the Future Investigation by the Department of Immigration may be discovered at any time, even if you have obtained nationality. By then you'll be scarred and beaten.

● Transfer asylum visa after 600 visa to Australia

Although the asylum visa allows you to work in Australia full-time, it is not a work visa in the strict sense of the word, but nothing more than the use of the working conditions attached to it to work. It should be noted here that the approval rate of asylum visas is extremely low, and for applicants of Chinese nationality, these applicants are nothing more than using the "empty window period" of the trial to work. Once you apply for an asylum visa, you can not legally work in Australia after all, after the bridge visa is over, you will not be able to work legally in Australia, and it will also have a very negative impact on your family, your children's future Australian visa applications.

Your negative effects are double-stacked: 600 effects at the time of visa application (already elaborated above) + the impact of asylum visas.

Therefore, the above two points show that this routine is not a work visa at all, but a false and beautiful statement.

A modern rendition of the contractor.

Everyone on the earth knows that anyone who has the ability will not mix with the Chinese circle, because the hourly wage given by the Chinese is the lowest, and according to this organized model, the people who participate in australian work should be remote farms and the like. Or factories away from the city or something. Before you came out, you seemed to have picked up a big bargain, but in fact you had to pay the price of being squeezed and exploited for several years for your behavior. Why? Because you understand your situation when you apply, you are a "three no-ones", and now you have a "gorgeous turn" dream to Australia, you have a "handle" in the hands of others, plus you have to pay others through labor, which is equivalent to you being invisibly tied up by others. At this point you may be wondering: Isn't Australia a legal country? Yes, yes, Australia is a legal country, but people don't know the oppression you suffered, do you have evidence? At that time, it is really called heaven and earth, and the earth is not spirited.

Such incidents are occurring in Australia one after another.

For visas to Australia, is there a work visa that is processed first and then given money?

ABC has reported that Australian farmers are happy to accept and rely on exploited illegal labor.

For visas to Australia, is there a work visa that is processed first and then given money?

It was also titled "Modern Bonded Workers Hidden in Australia in Full View" and reported with pictures. Having been in Australia for a long time, this kind of thing has not been strange.

Conclusion: Therefore, where there is a free lunch, the world will not drop the pie, and there is a way that is the right way in the world and the vicissitudes. Wake up!

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