
Spring's natural "anti-inflammatory dish"! is a dish is more of a medicine, to enhance immunity to detoxify spring "poison", the elderly should eat more

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

I remember when I was a child, every spring and March, I would look for a wild vegetable with my partner in the countryside field, this dish was very flavorful, dug up and washed and mixed, scooped a scoop of salt, a scoop of vinegar, a scoop of cooked oil spicy, fragrant and crisp, you can fill a bowl of rice.

This wild vegetable, the locals call it "pig nose arch", "folded ear root", "Compendium of Materia Medica" records it: "Its leaves are fishy, so it is commonly known as houttuynia cordata." ”

It's time to dig up houttuynia again

The Benefits of Houttuynia Cordata You know?

In nature, wild houttuynia cordata grows in wetlands by the water, and the young buds are green and purple, the smell is intense, it has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, and it can especially remove the moisture in the liver and gallbladder.

Houttuynia cordata is used to treat lung fever cough, which is an important medicine for the treatment of sputum fever lungs, the appearance of pulmonary carbuncles, and the coughing up of pus and blood. In winter, especially during the Spring Festival, it is inevitable to eat spicy and greasy hot foods, or if you do not adjust in time after the cold in winter, you will accumulate internal heat in the lungs.


In the spring, when the chest is opened, the lungs are opened, and there will be coughing and even yellow sputum. At this time, just fresh houttuynia on the market, you can buy a little to boil water to drink.

Also, many people are often plagued by rhinitis nowadays. Especially in large cities, pollution is serious, there are many particles floating in the air, coupled with the pressure of urban people, poor eating habits, often stay up late, etc., it is easy to appear rhinitis. This is because of the wear and tear of the body and qi, the turbidity in the human body can not be eliminated in time, at this time, when the nostrils are dug, it is all black.

In this case, you can go to the wild away from the pollution, dig some fresh houttuynia to squeeze into juice, point into the nostrils, and at the same time wrap the kneaded houttuynia with gauze and stuff it in the nose, so that after three or five times, the symptoms of rhinitis will slowly disappear. If you can't find fresh houttuynia cordata, you can also buy houttuynia oral liquid.

Spring's natural "anti-inflammatory dish"! is a dish is more of a medicine, to enhance immunity to detoxify spring "poison", the elderly should eat more

Houttuynia cordata is also considered to be a food that is particularly suitable for smokers, clearing the lungs and helping to eliminate the body's accumulated garbage toxins. Prepare some sun-dried houttuynia cordata, take a little water to drink every day, can reduce the damage of smoking to you, prevent chronic pharyngitis, tracheitis and even lung cancer, but it should be noted that houttuynia itself is relatively cold and not suitable for long-term use.

Houttuynia cordata can not be boiled for a long time like boiling other Chinese medicines, but should be cooked for a few minutes after the medicine is almost ready.

Fresh houttuynia smells strong, but after drying the smell will be included in the body, people who are not accustomed to eating fresh houttuynia, or really do not have the conditions to boil water, such as when going to work, you can directly take dried houttuynia cordata to make tea. Houttuynia can be placed in a pan and sautéed until it can be kneaded into powder, and let cool. Take an appropriate amount each time and soak in boiling water.

In addition, Houttuynia cordata is also a good anti-radiation medicine, and is one of the few plants that can regenerate strongly at the atomic bombing site in Japan.

But the benefits of houttuynia cordata are far more than that, and the following will focus on its biggest effect - anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Natural first "antibiotic": houttuynia cordata

Modern pharmacological experiments have shown that Houttuynia cordata has antibacterial, antiviral, improving body immunity, diuresis and other effects, known as "natural and safe antibiotics".

Houttuynia cordata can clear heat, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, treat a variety of inflammation. It is said that sometimes, inflammation occurs in the body people may not be aware, but when you go to the hospital for blood tests, there is an elevated phenomenon of white blood cells, that is, inflammation. At this time, even if you can't figure out where the inflammation is, you can immediately use houttuynia cordata to adjust it, and it will be effective.

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, the so-called inflammation is actually a local congestion of the human body, and the body is not connected to produce garbage, and finally it is caused by depression and fire. In addition, there is no good sperm in winter, there is a small fire in the body, and when it grows in the spring, the fire is not hidden, and many of these inflammations are reflected in the liver and gallbladder.

The most rare thing is that the medicinal properties of houttuynia cordata can reach the upper, middle and lower directions of the human body. From pharyngitis and pneumonia to urethritis, vaginitis, urinary tract infections, frequent astringent urination, nephritis, inflammation and herpes on the skin, can be treated.

Sometimes, inflammation occurs in the body, people may not be aware, if you go to the hospital for blood tests, there is an elevated phenomenon of white blood cells, that is inflammation. At this time, even if you can't figure out where the inflammation is, you can use houttuynia cordata to adjust it immediately, and it can quickly work.

Specific effects of Houttuynia cordata:

1. Anti-pathogenic microbial effect, inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, influenza bacillus, streptococcus pneumoniae.

2. Diuretic effect, so that capillaries dilate, increase renal blood flow and urine secretion, so it is also used for frequent urinary pain of urinary tract infection.

3. Enhance the role of the immune system and improve the phagocytosis of white blood cells in patients with chronic tracheitis.

Medicinal Value:

1. It is used for pulmonary carbuncle cough and vomiting pus and lung fever cough, yellow and thick sputum. The former is often used with platycodon, reed root, winter melon kernel, etc., to strengthen heat and detoxification, reduce swelling and drain pus; the latter, often used with skullcap, shellfish, mulberry white skin and other lung-clearing phlegm and cough medicines. This product is an essential medicine for the treatment of pulmonary carbuncles.

2. It is used for heat poison sores, and is often used with antipyretic antidotes such as purple flower ditin, honeysuckle, and forsythia. It can be used internally or externally.

3. It is used for hot forest urinary astringency, and is often used with diuretic drugs such as mutong, talc, and psyllium.

4. Modern multi-purpose treatment of lung abscess, pneumonia, acute and chronic tracheitis, urinary tract infections, etc.

The unilateral prescription effect is good:

There are many unilateral prescriptions for the treatment of diseases with houttuynia cordata, which are now introduced as follows:

1. Tonsillitis, pharyngitis: fresh houttuynia soaked in water as tea, or cooked and fried as a dish to eat.

2. Urinary tract infection, frequent urinary astringency: take 50 grams of fresh grass or 30 grams of dry products, and fry.

3. Lung abscess: fresh grass washed and stir-fried to eat, or with houttuynia cordata 50 grams, platycodon 12 grams, licorice 6 grams, water decoction.

4. Acute bronchitis, tuberculosis, cough with blood in sputum: use 30 grams of houttuynia cordata, 6 grams of licorice, 30 grams of plantain, and decoction in water.

Usage of Houttuynia cordata:

Houttuynia cordata in the south is usually eaten as an ordinary vegetable, can be cold mixed, can roll pancake fruit, can also be fried to eat, can be said to be medicinal and food homologous herbs, in the north is not used to eat that taste can be boiled water to drink, fresh medicine is the best, if it is not convenient to pick, you can use dry. Houttuynia cordata makes tea to drink, and also has a little anti-inflammatory effect, especially suitable for people who work in places with severe air pollution, or passive smoking.

The unpleasant smell will dissipate a lot, but its antipyretic and detoxifying medicinal effect will also lose a lot, and the cold mix heat detoxification houttuynia cordata is the best choice.


Houttuynia cordata 60 g, 1 spring onion, 1/2 millet pepper, 4 g rice vinegar, peppercorn powder to taste, light soy sauce 15 g.

【Preparation method】

1. Wash the houttuynia cordata with water, remove the old roots and leaves, leave the tender white roots and leaves, and then fold them into short and suitable segments by hand;

2, garlic head pressed into minced garlic, use the microwave oven to make good chili oil;

3, soak the houttuynia in cold boiled water for 5 minutes (people who do not like the fishy smell of houttuynia will soak more time), fish out and drain;

4: Put the houttuynia cordata in a large basin, drizzle with chili oil, minced garlic, put all the spices and mix well.

The most common way to eat is to eat cold sauce, which is suitable for most people. Many people eat houttuynia cordata only eat white roots, in fact, the young stems and leaves of houttuynia can be eaten, and the leaves are light, more suitable for the lightness of the lungs, and the effect on the conditioning of lung problems: such as cough, phlegm, hoarseness and so on is stronger.

Houttuynia cordata poisonous?

Pay attention to two points to eat with confidence

Houttuynia cordata has been revealed to contain aristolochic acid, because aristolochic acid is the culprit that induces kidney disease, houttuynia has also been charged with "poison".

In fact, the Health Commission has long explained that the aristolochic acid contained in the root of the folded ear is not aristolochic acid with strong renal toxicity and strong carcinogenicity.

When eating houttuynia cordata, pay attention to the following two points, which can exert its antipyretic and detoxification effects while reducing the "side effects" it brings.

1. Houttuynia cordata is a cold food, relatively cold, not suitable for people with cold cough and body cold, so as not to aggravate the symptoms of physical discomfort.

2, should not be long-term large-scale use of houttuynia cordata, because houttuynia has a slight toxicity, long-term large amounts of use may lead to some side effects, such as lack of energy, yang damage, induced diseases, etc., is not conducive to people's health. It is recommended to eat 2 times a week, and eat no more than 100 grams of fresh products at a time.

Source: Vegetarian, Phoenix Great Health.