
F35 encounters J-20 in the East China Sea? Why did Admiral Mei praise the J-20? Solve the big problem of stealth fighters

author:Rise and conquer

Recently, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Force broke the news that the F-35 had close contact with the J-20 in the East China Sea, and praised the J-20 for flying quite well and professionally, and said that the command and control system to which the J-20 belonged impressed them.

This revelation revealed several very important pieces of information.

First of all, the US military is deliberately sending stealth fighterStroke F35 to the East China Sea air defense identification zone to test our anti-stealth capability, which is a very dangerous signal, you can even understand that this is an offensive test of the US military against us, if we can't detect the US F35, in the face of the US F35 into the East China Sea air defense identification zone we do not have any reaction, let the F35 into the no-man's land, then the US military will judge that we are powerless against their stealth fighters, which will greatly stimulate the Determination of the United States to use force against us. It's like before the two compete, first try the depth of the other party, if the other party can't even catch your small trick, then the next step, the other side will launch a more violent attack, which shows from the side that the US military sent us F35, is a very dangerous signal, a bad response, we may face the risk of war.

Secondly, the US F35 was intercepted by our J-20 in the East China Sea, indicating that the US military's stealth fighter F35 was broken in front of China and could not be hidden, so it would be intercepted by our J-20, which also shows that we have a way to find and restrain the US stealth fighter.

F35 encounters J-20 in the East China Sea? Why did Admiral Mei praise the J-20? Solve the big problem of stealth fighters

Third, China sent the J-20 to intercept the US F35, which shows that we are not afraid of the THREAT of the US military, and have made a fierce reciprocal counterattack, and the US test against us has not only failed, but also lost very badly and facelessly.

We can not only find the F-35, but also sent a stronger stealth fighter than the F-35 J-20, reciprocal deterrence, that is, to tell the Us side, not only you US military has stealth fighters, we also have, and the performance is stronger than the F35, the fact is that the J-20 is stronger than the F35 in terms of range, speed, maneuverability and so on.

Thus avoiding the US military from advancing in inches, making wrong judgments, thinking that we are good bullies, launching more dangerous temptations, and even wars, which is also adhering to the wisdom of the ancestors to punch away, so as not to have a hundred punches.

Fourth, the J-20 can go out to the East China Sea to intercept the US F35, indicating that our J-20 has enough numbers and has been deployed in large quantities to form combat effectiveness.

Previously, the United States not only deployed stealth fighterS35s around China, but also sold F35s to South Korea and Japan in large quantities, for example, Japan bought more than 40 F35s, but also bought more than 100 F35s, while South Korea also bought 40 F35s, and also bought 20 more. Let China's air defense pressure increase sharply, we urgently need a large number of advanced stealth fighters to achieve reciprocal deterrence, this time the J-20 can rush to the East China Sea air defense identification zone in time to intercept the F35, indicating that our J-20 has been deployed in large quantities, in the front-line area, otherwise it is impossible to rush over in time to intercept the F53, which also reflects the number and output of our J-20 equipment from the side.

F35 encounters J-20 in the East China Sea? Why did Admiral Mei praise the J-20? Solve the big problem of stealth fighters

Fifth, the commander of the US Pacific Air Force called our J-20 flying good, which shows that the J-20 showed excellent performance when intercepting the US F35, this performance may refer to the flight performance displayed in close contact with the F35, or confrontation, may also refer to the electronic information confrontation performance, in short, the combat effectiveness of our J-20 has been affirmed and respected by the opponent, in the eyes of the US military is great, in a word, the affirmation of the opponent, is the best compliment.

Sometimes Ah Jian talks about how advanced and powerful the J-20 is, and some people don't believe it, saying that I bragged, and now the commander of the US Pacific Air Force has personally appeared to say that he affirms the performance of the J-20, and I don't know what other people have to say.

Sixth, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Force said that the J-20 flying professional, indicating that the J-20 did not do too dangerous action on the F35, but A Jian did not look at it this way, because according to the habits of the US military, but where can find something, there has long been a picture of the truth exposed, if the J-20 is really a daily warning to accompany the flight to expel the US military F35, the US military will generally take pictures of the J-20, there will be pictures bursting out, but this time the US Pacific Air Force Commander opened a mouth, there is no picture in the whole process, it is likely to show that the truth of the facts is just the opposite, The following is purely A Jian's personal speculation, if there is a similarity is not responsible, F35 broke into the East China Sea air defense identification area, walking, radar alarm sounded, but did not find any aircraft around, so want to do maneuver to avoid, find the target, but the J-20 maneuverability is better than the F35, F35 was walked around like a dog, and finally could not be more than can only receive the J-20's expulsion broadcast retreat, because the J-20 is out of view, and has radar stealth capabilities, F35 can not find, there is no photo no evidence, Can only eat dumb losses.

F35 encounters J-20 in the East China Sea? Why did Admiral Mei praise the J-20? Solve the big problem of stealth fighters

The most critical thing is that the J-20, as a stealth fighter, generally does not actively expose its radar signal characteristics, just like a killer, it will not easily expose what it looks like, so that the enemy can be recognized and targeted next time. This point is very common in weapons that need to be stealthy, such as submarines, if the submarine is known to the sonar signal characteristics, then it is easy to be found and sunk, so the commander of the US Pacific Air Force said that the J-20 close contact with the F35, some incredible, or he made up this matter, if the real contact, then the probability will not be and qi to let the other side's radar shine, obtain radar signal characteristics, take photos.

Seventh, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Force said that the command and control system of the J-20 impressed them, and the big problem of stealth fighter command was solved by us.

In order to be stealthy, stealth fighters generally do not emit any electromagnetic signals to the outside world, because the electromagnetic signals emitted will be intercepted by the enemy and the location will be exposed, so there is a risk that the stealth will be cracked.

The stealth fighter does not emit electromagnetic signals to the outside world, resulting in the stealth fighter being unable to contact other fighters, early warning aircraft, and rear command centers, unable to coordinate operations, and can only be a lone wolf assassin, unable to exert the full combat effectiveness of the stealth fighter.

F35 encounters J-20 in the East China Sea? Why did Admiral Mei praise the J-20? Solve the big problem of stealth fighters

And now the commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Force said that the command and control system of the J-20 impressed them, indicating that the problem we solved, like the American stealth fighter, uses directional communication technology to transmit signals to the relay communication aircraft in the rear, or the satellite overhead, so as to avoid being intercepted by the other side and exposing its own position.

Simply put, it is the difference between flashlight and laser pointer, traditional electromagnetic communication is like a flashlight, emitted, the signal will scatter very open, the nearby enemy aircraft can intercept the electromagnetic signal you send, and the directional communication technology is like a laser pointer, the electromagnetic signal is concentrated at a point to transmit, the scattering range is small, the other party is difficult to detect.

In this way, the J-20 can contact the command center through overhead satellites and communication relay aircraft in the rear, and coordinate with other fighters, which greatly enhances the combat effectiveness of the J-20.