
The old altar sauerkraut became "pit sauerkraut", double standards at home and abroad, and good things were left for export? 丨 European boundary

author:European life

European Report:

It is also the "International Consumer Rights Day", on this day, there will be many brands because of various problems to be exposed, and this year's 315, the recruitment is the familiar Master Kong Lao Tan sauerkraut instant noodles.

The old altar sauerkraut became "pit sauerkraut", double standards at home and abroad, and good things were left for export? 丨 European boundary

The main problem with the exposure of Master Kong's sauerkraut instant noodles is that the company uses good products for export, while the products sold to China are pickled sauerkraut in large pits, and the quality is seriously problematic. The reason why there is such a "double standard" behavior is mainly because if there is a quality problem in food, the fines abroad are at least 100,000 yuan, and the domestic fines are only a few thousand yuan.

Netizen: Doesn't it mean that Chinese don't cheat Chinese? I recommend coming every day to wave 315 okay?

The old altar sauerkraut you imagine: 9981 days of fermentation, canned sauerkraut carefully made, each process has undergone strict hygiene inspections.

In fact, "pit sauerkraut": the cabbage is not cleaned, the debris and withered vegetable leaves are mixed together, the maker works while smoking, and the quality of hygiene is worrying. The sauerkraut produced in this way is also sold directly to the regular sauerkraut processing plant, and the hygiene indicators are not detected at all.

The old altar sauerkraut became "pit sauerkraut", double standards at home and abroad, and good things were left for export? 丨 European boundary

Are merchants really unable to produce high-quality sauerkraut? As everyone knows, the sauerkraut that has been made and exported by the flag planting industry is only provided for export use, but what is sold to The country is the sauerkraut of the earth pit without safety guarantees, which is actually a serious violation of the law, consumers eat such sauerkraut, the food safety risk is also very high, not to mention that the sauerkraut belonging to the fermented food itself has a greater safety risk than ordinary food.

The old altar sauerkraut became "pit sauerkraut", double standards at home and abroad, and good things were left for export? 丨 European boundary

In order to prevent such a situation from happening again, strengthening market supervision and food safety testing is one thing. At the same time, food is related to people's livelihood and residents' health, it is recommended to strengthen the punishment of inferior food, health and safety of food enterprises, from the economic level and legal level to let businesses give full attention to this problem. In addition, enterprises should not forget the original intention, actively assume social responsibility, use high-quality products to expand corporate influence, attract more consumers, otherwise it will be like Master Kong's old sauerkraut instant noodles, after exposure, it will be pointed out by thousands of people.

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