
A delicious tomato pot that captures your heart

author:Tasteful 1

The red and non-greasy tomato hot pot base, the aroma is rich and seductive, the sweet and sour taste stimulates the taste buds, making people appetite, who can refuse such a delicious taste!

A delicious tomato pot that captures your heart

The happiness of the hot pot is that it can shake everything, the tomato pot is nutritious and delicious, it is not easy to catch fire, and it has long become the default "one of the Mandarin Ducks" in the "Mandarin Duck Pot". Balls, beef, duck blood, mushrooms, curd products, seafood... Eat to the happiness of the explosion.

A delicious tomato pot that captures your heart

Tomato pot base with good taste, the best raw materials, healthy ingredients can achieve deliciousness. There are two flavors, sweet and sour and sour, two flavors

A delicious tomato pot that captures your heart

Dish name: sour and spicy bamboo pot

Ingredients: rotten bamboo, flavorful tomato base;

Ingredients: white jade mushrooms, tomatoes, ginger slices, coriander, seasoning, wild pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence;

Directions: Soak the bamboo in water and dice the tomatoes. Beat the eggs into the egg and mix it evenly, put a small amount of oil in the pan, and fry the rotten bamboo into a golden brown. Heat the oil in the casserole dish and sauté the white jade mushrooms, fried bamboo and wild peppers, add water, add a little salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, and finally add the tomato base, simmer for about 25 minutes, use sesame oil to titian, sprinkle with coriander.

A delicious tomato pot that captures your heart

Good raw materials make a good soup base, and our R&D team travels all over the country to select high-quality ingredients and capture people's hearts with strength. There is a beautiful tomato pot base, sweet and sour is very appetizing!