
Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

author:The observer says the world
Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu was photographed when he was creating

  Fan Jinyu was born in a military family since childhood, likes the art of calligraphy and painting, loves music and piano skills, and also has a strong interest in the creation of short stories; she regards life as the source of art, whether it is creation or painting, she is writing her own wonderful with her heart; she is eclectic, moral and artistic, likes to do public welfare, and walks her own artistic life with her noble character.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu communicates with the artist

  As an artist in the new era, Fan Jinyu has created an elegant, quiet, beautiful, subtle, quiet and harmonious aesthetic taste from the artistic perspective of modern people. Looking at her calligraphy and painting works, you can feel the surging thoughts and life perception of a passionate author, and from each of her works, you can feel the flow of spirit under the pen and ink.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu's Chinese paintings

  "A good calligrapher and painter who wants to create fine works of calligraphy and painting with the spirit of the times and national feelings must find the soul of art on the basis of combining classical and modern, rational and perceptual, and Chinese and Western painting; in addition, he must also experience with true feelings, choose with understanding, and create in choice, at the same time, he must also understand the Fadu with a scientific attitude and depict the art of calligraphy and painting with a heroic spirit." Fan Jinyu, a famous calligrapher and painter, said in an interview with reporters.

  It is said that "women are a difficult book to read". But if you really understand the idyllic feelings of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain"; Refer to the long-term artistic conception of "indifferent to Mingzhi, tranquility to the far"; You also know the true meaning of "walking to the end of the water and sitting and watching the clouds rise", then it is not difficult for you to read the female painter Fan Jinyu. Because she is a person who has a true feeling for life, a person who is full of thoughts about art, and a person who works tirelessly in creation.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu exchanged views with Mr. Dai Ze, a disciple of Xu Beihong and the founder of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

  The higher realm of Chinese painting has always pursued not a simple expression of external things, but through the artist's artistic refinement and artistic processing, giving the work more humanistic connotation and humanistic feeling. Among the contemporary masters of landscape painting, Fan Jinyu especially likes Li Keyan's heavy and tense white paintings of Fan Zeng's figures, and has made a lot of efforts to copy his predecessors, and he is even more eager to copy his hands.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu's paintings

  Over the years, Fan Jinyu has combined the thicker colors of Western paintings with the brush and ink of Chinese paintings to produce a new artistic effect and create different realms of thickness, freshness, or elegance that are rich in personality. Her paintings have a broad and beautiful mind, but also a vigorous masculinity, if it is not personally interviewed by reporters, you will think that these paintings are from the hands of male painters! Because of this, she also painted the sky of female calligraphers and painters with a unique "golden jade" color.

  Fan Jinyu is the leader of female painting artists in this era, in artistic practice, he integrates inheritance and innovation, puts forward the sketching oriented to nature, in order to explore the characteristics of natural beauty and the combination of modern painting realism, pioneering and innovating traditional Chinese painting, creating a new artistic conception of painting ideas, her painting ideas and artistic practice expand the form of expression and spiritual connotation of painting, and make a positive impetus for the construction of the era style of traditional Chinese painting.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  In order to better pursue the beauty of art, in order to better experience nature, Fan Jinyu often goes to various places to sketch, in her eyes, these landscapes are not dull, boring, but full of interest and vividness. "The Song people proposed that landscape painting should be habitable and swimmable, which is not only to say that landscape painting can give people visual pleasure, but also to highlight the deep sense of pleasure it brings to people due to the realm." Fan Jinyu's pursuit is to render this internalized emotion through external pen and ink, and then implant this "humanistic atmosphere" into the viewer's heart. Her landscape paintings are relatively spiritually poetic, often a piece of paper on the upper forest like a net, the canopy like a cloud, the peaks and walls, the huge rock blocking the eyes, it seems to be extremely realistic, but it is extremely laborious. She is good at using beauty as the starting point for composition and expression, especially the strengthening of the layers of forest dyeing, so that her works use color as a means of image modeling, but also become a striking composition style, out of nature and higher than nature.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu was photographed while creating calligraphy works

  In addition to painting, Fan Jinyu also has a unique attainment in the art of calligraphy, her calligraphy works are between the seals, and the pen is jerky and old, from fresh and natural to spontaneous. She pondered huaisu's "Self-Narration" pen center, the rapid wind, the palmist, the arrogance, the consistent scene and absorbed some factors of modern black and white composition, thus forming a strange taste. Fan Jinyu's calligraphy, whether it is with a pen, knot body or chapter method, faintly exudes a kind of bold and heroic atmosphere, from her calligraphy works, not only to see the height of art, but also to feel the broader world inside her.

  Fan Jinyu often insists on doing public welfare while pursuing the art of calligraphy and painting, she told reporters, although my charity is not as good as those who are charitable, but I have been writing for many years, and every painting I have donated or painted is created with my heart. Every time I do public welfare, I always think that as long as the country needs, the people need, as long as people living in poverty can use it, as long as it can help the disabled people or poor groups of out-of-school children, then my donation is duty-bound, now and in the future.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu's paintings

  The famous singer and calligrapher Jin Bo is Fan Jinyu's long-time friend, and when talking about her artistic achievements and character in calligraphy and painting, she said: "She is a humble person, excellent character, is a simple, hard-working, dedicated to artistic creation of calligraphers and painters, she takes a wide range of materials, whether it is the mountains and the south of the sea, or the scenery that runs through the east and west, all the pleasing landscapes, characters, exotic flowers and birds can be seen under his hands." She is good at landscape painting placed in the grand landscape, the picture has both the open-minded and broad momentum of landscape painting, and the exquisite and exquisite movement and elegance of flower and bird paintings, reading her paintings, giving people the strongest artistic feeling is grand and ethereal, full of majesty and vitality. ”

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu paintings

  Ms. Zhang Xiujin, a member of the China Artists Association, vice chairman of the Beijing Dongcheng District Artists Association, and a famous calligrapher and painter, came to view her works and said: "Carefully watching Ms. Fan Jinyu's paintings, presenting a novel composition, vivid and beautiful, landscapes, figures and flowers and birds, ink, dots, lines are freely intertwined and colorful, moving in the still, moving in the still, light, colorful, colorful, plump, full of vitality, the layout of the picture has both rhythm and profound meaning, the shapes of the flowers and birds in her paintings are staggered and stacked. The combination presents a musical rhythm. Let the viewer be immersed in the scene, and it is like hearing a beautiful natural sound. ”

  The creation of calligraphy and painting art needs to be sincere, and only when a painter integrates his life into social and natural life, and gives him true feelings to experience and perceive, the art created is the real vitality. Over the years, Ms. Fan Jinyu has recorded life with the brush in her hand, grateful for life, conveying the beauty of nature, tranquility and harmony, conveying a message of reverence and positive health for natural life, nurturing a potential vitality and inspiring people to work hard. This is the true release of the painter's soul, and it is also the artist's love for natural life and the pursuit of the authenticity of life.

Fan Jinyu: Hanmo calligraphy and painting have a deep love for art to chase the new era

  Fan Jinyu's artistic life

  Fan Jinyu, born in 1961, a native of Jingzhou, Hubei Province, now lives in Beijing and comes from a military family. Since childhood, he has liked the art of calligraphy and painting, loved music and piano skills, and was more prominent in the art of calligraphy and painting. His works have participated in many major exhibitions at home and abroad and won awards. At the Sino-Foreign Friendship Conference in Beijing in 2009, a calligraphy of "Sino-US Friendship" was collected by the governor of Utah. In commemorating the 60th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, it was awarded the "Most Influential and Special Contribution Award." He is currently a member of the China Calligraphy and Painting Art Collection Association, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese music scene, deputy secretary general of the Star Charity Calligraphy and Painting Institute, vice chairman of the National Organizing Committee of the Chinese Folk Music Art Public Welfare Exhibition and Performance Activity, vice chairman of the Cross-Strait And Tri-local Entrepreneurs Cooperation Summit, researcher of the China Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and president of the Longteng Oriental Calligraphy and Painting Institute. Editor-in-charge: Zhao Jiayun