
Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

author:Wind forests in the distance

The current situation: one day at a time, one big change in a week.

A game of "fierceness" between the United States and Russia has become a state of "Russia is more real" glue.

Biden's actions in the past 20 days or so, when we look at it, are still saying the most cruel words and playing the most imaginary tricks.

Over the past 20 days, we have seen that the international order that the United States and even the West have dominated and maintained for hundreds of years has been almost completely shattered.

In the short term, it seems that the United States has gained a lot of benefits, and in the long run, the United States has lost the bottoms of the future.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

I have to say that even if we had sent a group of provincial and ministerial-level cadres here to help the United States manage it, the evolution of the situation would not have been so overwhelming and groundly.

Of course, we think that Joe did a terrible job, Trump has always felt that Biden is the worst president in American history, and Biden evaluates his rule as "perfect rule" and "major achievements exceed expectations."

Well, whether it is brazen or old and dim-witted, with such a master, the United States will have to go with the flow.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

Previously, US politicians have repeatedly warned future generations not to let China, Russia, and Iran join hands, because once they complete geopolitical integration, this will be a great challenge to us hegemony.

In the past 4 years since Trump was in power, Putin as a whole was relatively relaxed, and in recent years, the US government has launched a full range of non-war attacks on China like crazy, including financial wars, trade wars, science and technology wars, public opinion wars, diplomatic wars and other extreme pressure policies, and frequent provocations on issues involving China's core interests, almost forcing us to the point of intolerability.

In the past few years when the United States initiated and China and the United States fought each other, Putin mainly sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, and there was some sense of freehand for the melon-eating masses.

When Biden came, Trump's domestic and foreign policies, Biden actually continued most of them, but in the order of operation, there were some differences.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

Trump has exhausted almost all means against China, and instead of containing China, it has seriously hurt the Vitality of the United States.

The Biden team knows that this is a hopeless path of killing a thousand enemies and losing fifteen thousand.

Therefore, Biden still reflected a lot of cooperation in the early days of China, but in operation, it is more insidious than Trump who went straight.

On the basis of Trump's china policy and practices, Biden has been engaged in nearly a year, always jumping around on the two lines of friendship and hostility, and wants to get our cooperation, and has a deep prejudice and hostility toward us.

China's volume is too large, according to the evaluation of purchasing power, China's GDP has exceeded the United States, the United States exhausted all available means, has always been helpless against China.

With domestic contradictions growing sharply and inflationary pressures widening, the United States can only target Europe.

As a result, the United States ignited the fire and arched the fire, Russia and Ukraine added fire to the nest, the Europeans came out to extinguish the fire, and finally the United States successfully angered Putin, and the Russian-Ukrainian war began.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

This is just like the scoundrels in the previous village, three days and two ends to a certain big family in the village to pick quarrels and provoke trouble, every day put on a "you have the ability to beat me" underwhelming appearance, although the big family can endure for a while, but can not endure for a lifetime, after the patience is exhausted, can only pick up the scoundrel and beat up violently.

Russia and Ukraine have successfully pinned together, and the Wishful Thinking of the United States has been realized.

Whether it is the flow of European capital to the United States, or the more dependent on the United States for European security, or Europe and Russia have completely torn their faces since then, and there is the West taking the opportunity to slowly consume Russia under all kinds of stubbornness, these are the results that can be seen now, and the White House and Capitol Hill these days are indispensable to celebrate, stagger, and smile.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

No matter how generously the driver actors made their speeches in the parliaments of Europe and the United States, the parliamentarians in the audience only shed some crocodile tears in a formal manner, in return for some ecstatic applause.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

But what about the long term?

The United States has succeeded in pushing Russia completely toward China, and relations between Russia and the Western world have not returned to the possibility of the past for at least one or two decades, and the two sides have completely cut off in various fields.

This has forced Russia to fully shift its economic, financial, and trading systems to integration with China, and China's RMB internationalization has taken a big step.

In addition, the retreat of Afghanistan has not been forgotten, the scene staged in Ukraine has made many countries chill, but also made many rich people who allocate assets globally, when Switzerland also abandoned centuries of so-called neutral tradition and began to plunder depositors' funds, many countries and peoples have a great sense of distrust of these Western countries.

The forefathers of the United States, who have worked hard for 200 years to build up the foundation of hegemony and the credibility of the world, have been destroyed by the presidents and elites of the United States in recent years.

Does the United States still have credibility? Can it still be reputable? How many people still have faith in them?

It is said that many non-European and American billionaires have begun to find ways to re-allocate assets, eggs can not be put in a basket, many countries of foreign exchange allocation is as diversified as possible, in the long run, this is a subversive blow to the so-called dollar hegemony and financial hegemony.

In recent years, Saudi Arabia, the initiator of the petrodollar, has also repeatedly declared that it wants to pay for part of the oil exports, and after the Russo-Ukrainian war, Saudi Arabia has obviously considered this matter as an important national policy.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

In the past, Saudi Arabia's economic cycle was basically to dig oil, sell oil, exchange dollars, buy and buy globally, buy and buy treasury bonds in the United States... Saudi Arabia only recognizes the US dollar and does not recognize people, this habit has been maintained for more than 40 years, but in the face of the era of major changes that have not occurred in a hundred years, Saudi Arabia can not but take precautions.

For Saudi Arabia, taking out a part of the oil traded with China for RMB settlement, it is also considered to be a good relationship with China, After all, China is the world's largest industrial country, Saudi Arabia needs most of the things in China can be bought, there is no loss in the hand, I think you can also buy a little bit to test the water.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

After all, a world power like Russia, more than 600 billion foreign exchange reserves of more than 300 billion have been frozen, then other countries except the Us camp, who will not worry about whether this scene will happen to them in the future?

The United States has repeatedly turned the worries and worries of various countries about the hegemony of the dollar into a cruel sanction fact, and everyone's dislike and annoyance of the dollar is also obvious.

In addition to the US dollar, there are also euros, renminbi and so on, at least the renminbi, in China you can buy almost everything you want, China will not arbitrarily make things difficult for you.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

Does the United States not understand the consequences of doing so?

Although many American politicians are relatively stupid and biased, the consequences of this point must always be understood by some people.

But under political correctness, at a time when populism was on the rise, when Zelenskiy had become a great anti-Russian hero in the eyes of the Western people (packaged by Western public opinion), the West had to send it.

In addition to the request for a no-fly zone, Zelenskiy's other requests were granted by the West.

The driver wants weapons, and the West gives them generously;

The West wants an army, the West sends mercenaries;

The driver wants to publicize, and the West packs him up;

The driver wants to sanction Russia, and the West sanctions everything related to Russia.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

The driver wanted to strangle Russia's lifeblood, the United States and Europe hesitated for a few days, the United States finally made up its mind not to import Russian oil, but what about Europe? Europe does not dare, does not want to... Natural gas is rising again, and it is time for the European people to burn wood to cook.

Under Zelenskiy's "moral coercion", Biden can only lick his old face to find his sworn enemies Iran and Venezuela to increase oil production.

In terms of increasing oil production, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have rejected Biden's phone calls, while Iran and Venezuela have continued to wait and see.

Obviously, whether it is an ally or an enemy, people do not trust the United States.

Shell Oil is still doing business with Russia, and the Ukrainian foreign minister @ Shell asked: Don't you think that every penny you earn from Russia has the taste of Ukrainian blood?

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable
Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

Shell had to apologize publicly and withdraw completely from Russia's oil business.

Because morality is justice, many multinational companies have had to leave Russia one after another, and their assets in Russia are at risk of confiscation and nationalization by the Russian government.

All kinds of art, sports, culture, markets without borders, freedom of speech, private property can be confiscated and frozen at will...

Many of the Century-old values of the West have become jokes.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable

In just a week or two, the world order formulated and dominated by the West has been completely broken.

So Trump said: Take the 5 worst presidents in U.S. history and put them together, and none of them will cause damage to the United States in 13 months!

Even Trump can "seriously" refute Biden, how bad This Biden is, it can be seen!

Russo-Ukrainian War: Actors fight back into heroes, Biden is stupid and miserable