
Escort youth | reject school bullying! "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law

author:Charm Suihua
Escort youth | reject school bullying! "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law

In order to greet the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, thoroughly implement the spirit of the provincial conference of directors of the Cyberspace Administration of china, strengthen the construction of network civilization among young people, ensure the safety of minors' cyberspace, protect the legitimate online rights and interests of minors, and create a good cyberspace environment for the healthy growth of minors, the Cyberspace Office of the Suihua Municipal Party Committee and the Suihua Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly launched a series of network dissemination activities with the theme of "Gathering Strength and Escorting Youth". Today's release is the People's Procuratorate of Wangkui County, Suihua City, "Refuse School Bullying!" "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law.

In order to prevent the occurrence of bullying incidents in schools, further improve the legal awareness and self-protection awareness of young students, and shape a good campus environment, on March 16, 2022, Yue Yingying, procurator of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Wangkui County People's Procuratorate, walked into Wangkui County No. 6 Middle School and gave the first rule of law education class of the new semester to young students.

Escort youth | reject school bullying! "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law
Escort youth | reject school bullying! "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law
Escort youth | reject school bullying! "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law

The procurator of wangkui county people's procuratorate took "rejecting campus bullying and youth need warmth" as the theme, combined with the psychological characteristics of young students, from what is campus bullying, the main manifestations of campus bullying, how to deal with campus bullying, etc., through vivid PPT, combined with adapted real cases, in-depth and simple integration of legal knowledge into the rule of law classroom, so that students recognize the harm of campus bullying, know how to prevent and respond to campus bullying. Students have said that in the future study and life, we must strictly demand ourselves, be a good student who abides by discipline and law, not only to protect herself, but also to know how to respect others, and actively build a harmonious and warm campus environment.

Escort youth | reject school bullying! "The first lesson of the school year", Wangkui procurator said about the rule of law

This activity is another concrete practice of the Wangkui County People's Procuratorate in actively implementing the "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation", and it is also a concrete embodiment of the procuratorate's cadres and policemen's concern for the growth of minors. In the future, our institute will faithfully perform its duties, continue to carry out a series of activities to bring the rule of law into the campus, continue to strengthen the publicity of the rule of law, guide children to study, understand, abide by and use the law, effectively enhance the awareness of the rule of law and rule of law thinking of young people, and escort the healthy growth of minors!

Source: Wangkui County People's Procuratorate