
Huang Gongwang's painting

author:Tao Lan Xiao

Huang Gongwang (1269-1354) was a Yuan Dynasty painter who called himself a native of Pingyang, eastern Zhejiang. Tao Zongyi's "Record of Quitting Cultivation" said that his "original surname was Lu", and he was inherited to the Huang clan of Pingyang in Wenzhou as a righteous son, so he changed his surname to Huang. Huang Gongwang served as a minor official, was implicated and imprisoned for a time, and lived in Hangzhou in his later years at the age of eighty-five.

Huang Gongwang's painting

The picture in Figure 1 is derived from a part of the network work

Huang Gongwang is known for his calligraphy, understands musical rhythms, is good at poetry and song, and is famous for painting landscapes. His calligraphy and paintings were once instructed by Zhao Mengfu and were also influenced by the families of his predecessors. The ink lines are delicate, the mountains are heavy and the water is complex, the peaks of the picture are stacked, and the depictions of grass and trees are full of vitality. He was ranked first among the "Four Families of The Yuan" (Huang Gongwang, Wu Zhen, Ni Zhan, and Wang Meng).

Huang Gongwang's painting

The picture in Figure 2 is derived from a part of the network work

Huang Gongwang's heirloom paintings include "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map", "Water Pavilion Qingyu Map", "Tianchi Stone Wall Map", "Jiufeng Xueji Map", "Fuchun Daling Map" and so on. Author of the painting theory "Tips for Writing Landscapes" (available in online search)

Huang Gongwang's painting

The picture in Figure 3 is derived from a part of the network work

Compared with green landscape paintings, I prefer "shallow landscapes", and Huang Gongwang's works belong to this category. In his later years, Huang Gongwang painted with grass brushwork, and because I did not understand the "grass basket", I searched for its explanation and could hardly get a positive answer. So I extended my understanding of it from the "seal brushwork".

Huang Gongwang's painting

The picture in Figure 4 is derived from a part of the network work

The seal penmanship mainly refers to the calligraphic brushwork, which is used as a center forward to carry the pen, and there is no turning. 籀, or the alias of the Great Seal. So is the cursive brushwork that is to paint with cursive writing? There are spectators who specialize in the history of fine art calligraphy and literature, and they can annotate the text to solve their puzzles.

Huang Gongwang's painting

Figure 5 is from the Internet

In short, calligraphy and painting have been a family since ancient times, and many great painters in ancient times are also calligraphers. Books and French paintings are all created with brushes, so the calligraphy of painters is often very strong.

Huang Gongwang's painting

The picture in Figure 6 is derived from a part of the network work

Ancient paintings, in my eyes, the value of cultural relics is greater than the value of art. That era of low productivity provided these literati with a love of painting with the opportunity to stay in the world, just as the times created heroes.

Huang Gongwang's painting

Figure 7 is derived from a part of a network work

Huang Gongwang's works, the brushwork is very complicated, the picture composition is very cumbersome, and it is common to paint a painting in a few years. He influenced many painters in the Ming Dynasty, and from this point of view, his works are worth studying. But if someone paints a painting like his now, the painting skills are definitely enough to enter the Art Association, but it may not have much fame.

Huang Gongwang's painting

The picture in Figure 8 is derived from a part of the network work

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, the front wave is also a ladder, many clever back waves, after studying the painting methods of the predecessors, they have the heart to innovate and become the masters of the painting world, thus influencing future generations of painters. Therefore, as today's people, we can appreciate the works of the painting masters of various periods.

Huang Gongwang's painting

Figure 9 is from the Internet

In terms of the comparison between the works of Taidou and Taidou, it is natural for people to evaluate differently due to aesthetic differences. For example, I feel that Shi Tao's works surpass all the painters of his predecessors, and the landscape painters after Shi Tao also have disobedience to Shi Tao. Beyond Shi Tao or not, since there is innovation in disobedience, such as Lu Yushao.

Huang Gongwang's painting

Figure 10 is derived from a part of the network work

Thanks for reading!

(Tao Haoxiao on 2022-3-18)