
If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

author:Blessed to live

I silently remembered the look of the wind, hoping that the next time it came, it would recognize me and take me to the field full of roses.

--- what I want to say

Sister Yue is the daughter of my mother, the two of us are inseparable from childhood to adulthood, she is particularly smart, often take awards, the wall of my mother's home is plastered with awards from Sister Yue, which is particularly good-looking.

But the sky is unpredictable, and people have bad luck.

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

When Sister Yue was in her third year of high school, she accidentally fell from the second floor and landed on the ground on the back of her head, although the mother sent her to the hospital in time, but still left sequelae: Sister Yue's brain nerves were damaged, and her intelligence became good and bad, and occasionally accompanied by convulsions.

They also took Sister Yue to many hospitals, including West China Hospital, and even Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and came to the conclusion that the damage has been irreversible, and can only be controlled by drugs, so as to avoid excessive use of the brain and calm the mind.

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

After Sister Yue knew, she cried for a long time, cried for a night, and after a month of recuperation, despite the obstruction of Ganma, insisted on going back to school and insisted on taking the college entrance examination, Ganma saw Sister Yue's resoluteness and could only agree.

Not surprisingly, the first day of sister Yue's arrival at school, she suddenly fainted in class, fortunately, the teacher sent her to the hospital in time, so that there was no danger to her life, when gan mom and dry father arrived, they took Yue Jie's hand, cried like a little, and blamed themselves for why they agreed to let Xue Jie go to school.

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

The doctor said to the mother, "Your daughter's brain nerves are already damaged, and she can't think for a long time, that is, she can't use her brain excessively, and she has to pay attention to it later."

But after Sister Yue heard that she couldn't take the college entrance examination and couldn't continue her studies, she threw all the things on the table to the ground and yelled at her mother: "I have to take the college entrance examination, I want to go to college."

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

Therefore, in order to calm the mood of Sister Yue, but also consider the body of Sister Yue, the mother and the school discussed it, the school is also reasonable, and do not want to lose a seedling with such good academic performance, just in the school's teacher dormitory divided a room out, used as a special room for Sister Yue, and the mother lived and studied with sister.

Gan Ma followed the doctor's advice, strictly controlled the learning time of Sister Yue's day, studying for two hours, she had to rest for an hour, Sister Yue also knew her situation, did not refute, but in a small number of times every day she was studying hard, and classmates and teachers also gave her a lot of help.

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

Every time Sister Yue learns, the more she learns, the more uncomfortable it will be, and even there will be sweat dripping down, and every time her mother silently sits outside the classroom, find a small stool to sit on, occasionally look at sister Xue, and her heart is also very painful.

After the results of the first mock exam came out, Sister Yue did not do very well, 12 points away from last year's line, and she cried and said to her mother: "Mom, am I really not a good brain, am I very useless?" Gan Ma gently touched her head, held back tears, smiled and said, "How come, you have worked very hard, it's okay, just try your best."

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

In the second mock exam, Sister Yue exceeded a line of 26 points last year, and Her mother made her favorite braised pork, and Sister Yue smiled like a child that night.

The last mock exam, the questions are difficult, but the student sister still exceeded the line of 14 points last year, she feels that she is not good enough, but we will comfort her, encourage her, and tell her: You have worked hard.

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

From the last half a month of the college entrance examination, Sister Yue did not follow the time of using her brain, and the time of studying every day was more than an hour than before, and the sweat would fall down, and she always gritted her teeth and insisted.

On the day that the college entrance examination results came out, we all sat quietly in front of the computer in advance, did not speak, silently waited, when the sister carefully entered the admission ticket number and password, clicked to confirm the query, the sister cried, covered her mouth with her hands, and cried.

If you don't forget it, there will be an echo

The final result was that Sister Yue scored 634 points and went to the Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology as she wished, and she told me: "I have long thought of studying medicine, no matter what, I can't go back."

Yes, how can you easily go back to what you decide to do?

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(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement must be deleted.) )