
Representatives of the six countries made 7 demands to sue Japan for an apology, and the Chinese side also warned the Japanese side on the same day

author:Sun Xuwen

More than 80 years have passed since the end of World War II, but the darkest page in human history has always been unforgettable, the wounds caused by Japan to the people of East Asia can never be repaired, and to this day Japan not only refuses to face history and admit the heinous crimes it committed, but also tries to make people forget this history through negative means such as deliberate avoidance, but for the victims of World War II, those tragic experiences are lingering nightmares, and the executioner with the butcher knife must be punished as he deserves.

Representatives of the six countries made 7 demands to sue Japan for an apology, and the Chinese side also warned the Japanese side on the same day

For so many years, the victims have never given up seeking justice from Japan, according to the Observer Network reported on March 18, the South Korean civil society group "Japan Comfort Women Issue Appeal international court promotion committee" held a media meeting in Seoul City on March 17 to explain the petition submitted by the south Korean, Chinese, Philippines and other comfort women victims to the United Nations, asking the United Nations Human Rights Special Rapporteur and a number of affiliated groups to urge the South Korean and Japanese governments to jointly raise comfort women related issues to the International Court of Justice. And to promote the resolution of the problem with the principle of victimism at the centre of the problem.

It is reported that the petition has won the support of representatives of South Korea, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Eastern Emperor's Tomb and the Netherlands, and the petition points out that Japan must implement the 7 demands of admitting crimes, carrying out investigations, formally apologizing, paying compensation, severely punishing those responsible, truthfully recording historical facts, and erecting monuments and filings.

Representatives of the six countries made 7 demands to sue Japan for an apology, and the Chinese side also warned the Japanese side on the same day

Seven years ago, South Korea and Japan signed an agreement in which Japan invested 1 billion yen to solve the "comfort women problem" in South Korea, but this agreement was widely opposed and criticized in South Korea, and lee yong-so, the victims' representative, said that monetary compensation is only one of the 7 demands, and the Japanese government should make a public apology and popularize education on historical events. The victims had therefore decided to take steps to proceed from the international level by submitting a petition to the United Nations and hoping that the International Court of Justice would be appealed so that the matter could be properly tried and adjudicated.

The victims just want to get justice, as the perpetrator of japan should face up to that history, avoidance and delay can not solve the problem, will only make this scar deepening, but also not conducive to Japan and its neighbors to unblock the gap. But the current situation is that Japan not only refuses to admit the facts, but also has a hidden posture of breaking free from the shackles of World War II and restoring the old road of militarism; all along, Japanese politicians have retained the tradition of visiting the "Yasukuni Shrine" and have also tampered with history textbooks to deny the crimes of that year.

Representatives of the six countries made 7 demands to sue Japan for an apology, and the Chinese side also warned the Japanese side on the same day

In addition, Japan has also made small moves in other aspects, not only coveting China's inherent territory, the Diaoyu Dao, but also listing the South Kuril Islands, which are now under the jurisdiction of Russia, as "Japan's inherent territory", which is actually a denial of the achievements of the victory in the world anti-fascist war. It can be clearly felt that in recent years, Japan is deliberately playing up the "Sino-Russian threat theory", and the reason why it has done so is to seek results for its own breakthrough in military normalization by exaggerating the so-called "security threat" posed by external forces to its own country.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian pointed out at a regular press conference on 17 March that recently some political forces in Japan are taking advantage of the Ukrainian issue in an attempt to strengthen the armed forces and expand their armed forces in an attempt to fish in muddy waters, and the Chinese side is warning that the achievements of japan's victory in the world anti-fascist war should be earnestly respected and observed, and that the Japanese side should profoundly reflect on history, draw lessons from history, respect the security concerns of its Asian neighbors, and do more things conducive to promoting regional peace and stability, rather than taking the opposite path. China's words have made it clear that Japan's wild running on the wrong path is not good for its own future.

Representatives of the six countries made 7 demands to sue Japan for an apology, and the Chinese side also warned the Japanese side on the same day

As the only country in the world that has been hit by a nuclear bomb, Japan must not forget the scars and forget the pain, otherwise it will surely suffer the consequences. However, judging from the current situation, Japan's ambitions seem to be far greater than we expected, and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio recently claimed to consider comprehensively strengthening Japan's defense forces by revising the national security strategy; at the same time, Japan is actively building a strike capability against enemy bases and is also deploying missile forces to the islands in the southwest direction near the main island of Taiwan, which is a very dangerous move.

Japan not only covets the Diaoyu Islands, but even has the idea of Taiwan Island, but the Taiwan issue has always been China's internal affair, and it is not a so-called "Japanese family affair" at all. Chinese mainland have already made a statement that the higher the United States and Japan jump on the Taiwan issue, the more painful it will be, and the PLA's ability and means to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity will continue to increase.

Representatives of the six countries made 7 demands to sue Japan for an apology, and the Chinese side also warned the Japanese side on the same day

It is worth noting that recently Japanese politicians have even put forward the idea of "holding nuclear weapons in disguise" and "entering the normal", and it is obvious that Japan is not willing to take a corner, but wants to rebuild the old dream of the empire. Therefore, all of Japan's current arching and provocative moves are aimed at intensifying the confrontation between the major powers, and then winning for themselves the opportunity to "turn the tide of the war" on the front line, but all the victorious countries will never give Japan this opportunity, and if Japan bets on the fate of the country and takes risks, the end will be miserable.

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