
How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

author:Jingjin reading

What drinks do you drink every day? Is it the simplest boiled water, or other colorful drinks? What are your needs when you drink them? When we want to answer these questions, let's take a look at Alexis together. Willett's Why We Love Drinks.

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

From this we can see why many drinks fascinate us, and what is its secret? Let us use scientific data and cutting-edge research results to understand a variety of drinks from the most basic knowledge, but also let us have a clear understanding of the daily understanding of "healthy drinks", so as to look at the variety of drinks on the market more rationally, to understand those marketed "health drinks, what are their flickering formulas?" In order to avoid spending money and hurting the body.

First, for drinking water, what do we need to know?

When we follow the author to learn everything about drinks, the first thing we talk about is water, which is the main raw material of all drinks and the main ingredient that sustains our lives, and its importance to our lives goes beyond words. What kind of impurities or ingredients are contained in the water and how they can affect our health are also mentioned in books.

For example, when it comes to what is hard water and what is soft water, how do we deal with these two kinds of water? The difference between hard water and soft water is the mineral content, hard water is a large amount of soluble minerals, while soft water is low mineral content, in understanding the difference in water quality, can let us understand their impact on our body.

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

For example, many people's water purifiers are now designed to remove impurities from the water, so that they can drink water with a better taste, and can also make the stones in the body less likely to form. When there are many impurities or minerals in the water, we often accumulate scale in the pot that boils the water, which is because the calcium and magnesium minerals in the water are easy to form scale.

For the understanding of water, in addition to understanding the water quality and the difference between different waters, it is more about how we look at them, and what kind of needs do they serve us? In the book, it is carefully classified and described, from which we can more clearly understand the various characteristics of drinking water and the relationship and difference between other drinks.

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

Second, is milk to help sleep be a false rumor?

We have always been said that if we can't sleep at night, we can drink some milk to help sleep, is this really the case? In the book, a point of view is put forward: there is not much evidence that can effectively promote the conclusion of milk sleep, and the reason for this conclusion stems from the understanding of "night milk", which does not mean drinking milk before going to bed, but refers to the cow's milk that is milked at night, and the melatonin content of milk milked at this time is relatively high.

And because melatonin plays a more important role in sleep, it can help the human body to prepare for sleep, but in fact, the milk we usually drink, do you think it must be milked at night?

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

Knowing the source of why milk helps sleep, then we can be more rational about the fact that we can brag about this effect when promoting it, and the evidence obtained in scientific research on the claim that milk helps sleep is not only sparse and inconsistent.

When there is a new trigger and understanding of the idea of milk sleep assistance in books, which has always existed in our own habits, we begin to understand that many of the conclusions we take for granted, if we do not think deeply about the reasons for it, without effective and rigorous scientific argumentation, there will actually be misunderstandings.

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

Third, from the narrative logic of drinks, what can we see?

In this book, what we can clearly see is that it is based on the framework of several popular types of beverages, systematically introducing the secrets of their favorite, to what is the specific drink of each thing, what is the difference between them, as a popular science book, it has both a clear explanation, and a very detailed and rigorous narrative, so that we can see what the drinks that have been keen on are? What are the pros and cons?

Moreover, in narrative logic, it tells us at the beginning that correlation is not equal to cause and effect, it refers to the occurrence of things, such as the relationship or correlation between drinks and health, when there is no very detailed evidence to prove that it has a causal relationship, and it is not possible to draw a conclusion because they are related. It's like if you eat an orange first and then your stomach hurts, it doesn't mean that the orange is causing your stomach pain, it's likely that it's because you ran hard and caused the stomach pain, but because you ate the orange before the stomach hurt, so you mistakenly think that the orange is the cause of your stomach pain.

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?

At this point, correlation is not the same as the principle of cause and effect, which allows us to look at many things, especially things related to health, more rigorously and rationally, and from the references provided at the end of the book, we can also see the author's rigor and seriousness. As a popular science book, it is very readable and rigorous.

"Why We Love Drinks" not only brings us to understand the characteristics and differences of various types of drinks, but also brings us the perspective of rational thinking about problems, so that we can draw reasonable and rational conclusions from any kind of discrimination and thinking process, whether it is the understanding of drinks or the thinking about health problems caused by them, which makes us better look at things, look at the world's complicated information, and thus consume drinks more rationally.

How much do you know about the drinks you drink every day?