
What is the difference between liking and loving?

author:Open-minded love of learning


When he was there, he was the only one in his eyes;

In his absence, everything carries his shadow.


It was when I suddenly remembered him while reading in the middle of the night,

Imagine what he is doing now, and a fluttering warmth ripples in his heart,

But he never took the initiative to call him. After a few minutes,

Attention is drawn back to the plot of the book!

It is in the lonely night, and the thoughts come like a tide,

Holding a book in his hand, he couldn't read it, wondering if he was still working overtime at this time.

After dinner, don't you think about yourself as if you were thinking about him?

Discussing issues with him was red in the face,

Each does not give in, and never concedes defeat in front of him like a hedgehog,

But in his heart, he already secretly admired his insight and his talent.

It is to hope that he will be in step with himself and communicate with his own soul,

A joke he inadvertently said can also make him feel depressed and even tearful in an instant.

In front of him, he was never defensive.

It was out and about sending him a text message to tell him that the weather was nice over here,

Then turn off your mobile phone and play alone in a different place for a week,

Suddenly appearing in front of him after being sunburned into a man in black startled him.

It is to hope to have him by his company wherever he goes.

You can stand on the beach and call him on the phone, let him listen to the sound of the waves;

You can also be stunned for a long time because you see a back that resembles him on the street of a foreign country.

It was he who simply said "all the way safe" before he traveled,

Looking at the back of his departure, there was a little reluctance in his heart,

But he said nothing, just silently waited for the news of his return.


At the train station, you have to wait until the train leaves before you are willing to leave.

And in the days after he left, he was distracted every day, praying over and over again that he would return safely.

It is when he is injured, he does not want to see his vulnerable side,

Quietly wiped away the tears in front of him, turned his head and still looked happy and strong.

It was when he was wronged, lying on his chest and crying bitterly, without pretense and without concern,

Tell him all your troubles and long for comfort in his arms.

What is the difference between liking and loving?

It is to eat KFC with him when he is tired of shopping on the weekend;

Be in the cold winter and grab a cup of hot coffee with him;

It is walking side by side with him in the middle of the street always half a meter apart;

The two people who played games with him in front of the computer laughed like children.

It is the weekend to use half a day to make a few good dishes by hand and watch him eat it;

It is to constantly add hot water to his coffee cup in the cold winter;

Walking down the street with him holding his hand tightly;

It was sitting quietly next to him, happily watching him concentrate while working in front of the computer.

Listen to him tell interesting stories about his childhood, and then laugh,

An inexplicable feeling welled up in my heart.

What is the difference between liking and loving?

Listen to him tell interesting stories about his childhood, and then smile slightly,

I pity this man in front of me who was once so mischievous and mischievous~!

It was to meet him in the corridor, greet him happily, and then briefly say a few words of greeting,

When I passed by, I saw the bright sunlight outside the window, and my mood improved for no reason.

It was in the corridor that I saw him, and I pretended to have a look of indifference on my face.

But when passing by, I carefully felt the fluttering air around me, so I couldn't help but look back!

It was seeing him and another girl holding hands and walking by, and there was a little pain in his heart.

But soon there will be a smile again in the morning sun!

It's a game you can't afford to lose, and after paying it all,

What is left behind may be just a scar engraved in the heart!

What is the difference between liking and loving?

When you stand in front of others, your heart beats faster;

But when you stand in front of someone you like, you just feel happy.

When you make eye contact with the person you love, you will be shy;

But when you look at someone you like, you just smile.

When you talk to someone you love, you find it difficult to talk about;

But when you talk to someone you like, you can speak freely.

When your loved one cries, you will cry with him;

But when someone you like cries, you'll skillfully comfort him.

When you don't want to love someone anymore, you have to close your eyes and hold back the tears;

But when you don't want to like someone anymore, you just have to cover your ears!

Like, is a mood

Love is a kind of feeling

Like, is an intuition

Love is a feeling

Like, can stop

Love, there is no end

Loved a person, especially natural

Love a person, especially calmly

Like someone and sometimes look forward to being with him

Love a person, sometimes afraid to be with him

Like a guy and keep arguing with him

Love someone and keep paying for him

Like a person and hope he can find himself at any time

Love a person and hope to find him at any time

Like someone and always laugh for him

Love someone and always cry for him

Like, is persistent

Love is worth it

Like is like, very simple

Love is love, and it's complicated

Like you, but not necessarily love you

If you love you, you must like you very much

In fact, liking and loving are only one step away

But, want to take this step

It depends on whether you like to take this step