
How can a man wake up in time after drinking alcohol and not suffer from drunkenness?

author:Open-minded love of learning

Chinese wine culture has a long history, what no wine is not a table, wine is a confidant with a thousand cups of less, etc., things are inseparable from wine, if the guests are not drunk, the host will think that the friendship of the landlord has not been fulfilled. In fact, the guests are tired, the host is also tired, and the people who accompany the wine are even more tired. "This wine, it looks like water, it looks like water, it's spicy in your mouth, it's haunted in your stomach, you stumble when you walk, you get up in the middle of the night to find water, and you wake up in the morning and regret it!" However, this wine can not be drunk, regret must also be drunk, so how can you do a thousand cups without getting drunk, or after drinking wine can wake up in time, without suffering from drunkenness?

Preparation before drinking

  Alcohol can hurt the liver, which is known to everyone, in order to minimize the damage of alcohol to the stomach and liver, reduce the occurrence of fatty liver. Preparation for the wine is important, and it's a key factor in keeping you from getting drunk with a thousand glasses at the wine table. Before going to the feast, eat something at home and let something go to your stomach. So what's the point of eating? Generally, it is better to eat high-protein, such as eating two eggs, drinking some milk, soy milk, etc., because these high-protein foods can be combined with alcohol in the stomach to react and reduce the absorption of alcohol. In addition, eating some biscuits, pastries, etc. can also make something in the stomach, because drinking on an empty stomach, alcohol is easily absorbed in the stomach, resulting in easy drunkenness. Note that it is important not to drink salted fish, sausages, and bacon, because such smoked foods contain a lot of pigments and nitrosamines, which react with alcohol, not only hurt the liver, but also damage the mucosa of the mouth and esophagus, and even induce cancer.

  In addition, for people who drink regularly or accompany them frequently, you can try some of the methods described in ancient books. For example, the Qing Dynasty anonymous clan in the "Tuning Ding Collection" said: "Those who drink alcohol and are not drunk, take a little borax, and their drinking of kudzu soup, kudzu pills are late." "A Thousand Golden Fangs": "Tanabata day quarry calamus, the last serve, drink not drunk." ”

Protection in drinking alcohol

  "Three rounds of wine, five tastes of vegetables", this is the proverb of the winery left over from ancient times, which also shows the importance of eating vegetables when drinking. Before drinking, try to eat a la carte before drinking, and then drink, the principle is the same as the previous statement. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on an empty stomach, which is easy to get drunk and easy to hurt the stomach.

How can a man wake up in time after drinking alcohol and not suffer from drunkenness?

   Decanting measures after drinking

  After drinking, dizziness, headache, vomiting, and even unconsciousness, drunk people have to experience a lot of pain, this time need to wake up as soon as possible to reduce the pain caused by drunkenness, and prevent the possibility of greater harm. Here to teach you a few ways to decant the wine, simple and easy, drinkers can choose their own method according to their own situation, may wish to try.

  Drink white radish juice: raw white radish, wash and squeeze the juice, heat up slightly, each time a teacup, 10 minutes once, three times to relieve the wine.

  Eat Chinese cabbage hearts: take out the Cabbage hearts and cut them into strips, one is not enough to take two, add a small amount of sugar and white vinegar and mix well and marinate for three or five minutes to take, this method quickly dissolves the wine.

  Take celery juice: fresh celery washed and chopped juice, when the tea is drunk, drink three times in a row (every 5 minutes), which has a special effect on the headache after drinking, brain swelling and blushing.

  Drink fresh orange peel water: 2 two fresh orange peels plus 1 kg of water boiled, and then add a small amount of salt to shake well when drinking tea, one tea cup at a time, 5 minutes to drink again, three times to see the effect.

  Drink mung bean juice: mung beans 2 two, add water to cook after drinking, even soup with beans. If the mung beans are mashed and served with boiling water, it has an antidote effect.

In addition, how to reduce the headache, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms caused by drunkenness? Here are a few foods that researchers from the National Headache Research Foundation have found, and you might as well make a reference:

  Honey water cures headache after drinking: Honey contains a special fructose that can promote the decomposition and absorption of alcohol and alleviate headache symptoms, especially headaches caused by red wine. In addition, honey also has a hypnotic effect, which can make people fall asleep quickly and will not have a headache after waking up the next day.

  Tomato juice cures dizziness after drinking. Tomato juice is also rich in special fructose, which can help promote the decomposition of alcohol, and drinking more than 300 ml at a time can gradually make the dizziness after drinking gradually disappear. Adding a small amount of table salt before drinking can also help stabilize mood.

  Fresh grapes cure nausea and nausea after drinking. If you eat before drinking alcohol, it can also effectively prevent drunkenness.

  Watermelon juice cures fever all over the body after drinking. Watermelon utensils can clear heat and remove fire, and can accelerate the excretion of alcohol from the urine.

  Yuzu eliminates the alcohol in the mouth. Eating grapefruit meat dipped in sugar is of great help in eliminating the alcohol in the mouth after drinking.

  Celery juice cures gastrointestinal discomfort and redness after drinking. This is because celery is rich in B vitamins, which can break down alcohol.

  Yogurt cures irritability after drinking. Yogurt can protect the gastric mucosa and delay the absorption of alcohol, which is rich in calcium, which is especially effective in alleviating irritability after drinking.

  Bananas cure palpitations and chest tightness after drinking. Eating 1-3 bananas after drinking can increase the blood sugar concentration, reduce the proportion of alcohol in the blood, and achieve the purpose of alcohol. At the same time, it can also alleviate palpitations and eliminate chest depression.

  Olives cure anorexia after drinking. Since ancient times, olives have been a "good medicine" for decanting, stomach heat and appetite, which can be eaten directly or stewed with rock sugar.

Decanting drugs

How can a man wake up in time after drinking alcohol and not suffer from drunkenness?

  At present, there are many decanting drugs on the market, such as Neptune Golden Bottle, "Kegebo" capsules, accompanying sommeliers "liquor tea", and a kind of ZEO imported from the United States, etc., so are these drugs really effective? In the final analysis, the so-called decanting drugs are nothing more than the following two ways to achieve the destination of decanting: First, it can quickly decompose alcohol, make alcohol lose its efficacy, or block the absorption of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the amount of alcohol entering the bloodstream, so that the purpose of decanting can be achieved naturally. However, no matter what decanting drug, no matter how magical its effect, there are certain side effects, can not be eaten often, especially for those who often accompany alcohol or often need to socialize, especially for those who often accompany alcohol or often need to socialize. Generally speaking, do not eat, because even if you take medicine, alcohol still enters the body, causing damage to the liver, the best is not to drink, when you must drink, you must first use other methods to sober up.

How can a man wake up in time after drinking alcohol and not suffer from drunkenness?

   Care after drunkenness

  Drunk people often do not know their own behavior, can not take care of themselves, then as a relative or friend must take care of well, pay attention to the following aspects:

  If the drunkard is unstable, care should be taken not to let him fall, to prevent bruises, or to bump into important parts such as the head.

  Pay attention to keep warm, because the body function of drunks is reduced, and it is easy to get cold at this time. Tilt the drunk's head to one side to prevent him from vomiting, and if there is vomiting, remove the vomit from his mouth to prevent it from entering the trachea, causing suffocation or lung infection.

  If the drunkenness is more severe and it is impossible to take the decanting product, it should be made to spit out the contents of the stomach, and it can be inserted into the throat area with fingers, cotton swabs, etc. to make it vomit. If necessary, the stomach can also be washed with warm water or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. In cases of worse, call 120 or send them to the hospital for emergency treatment immediately.