
Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

author:Mogami Langzhong

Many pregnant mothers will have symptoms of anemia during pregnancy, which is because the body's demand for trace element iron after pregnancy increases significantly, plus most women do not store enough iron in the early stages of pregnancy, so anemia will occur. Pregnant women's anemia is mainly caused by iron deficiency, so what are the foods for pregnant women to replenish blood?

1. Red dates

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

The ingredients contained in jujube can regulate the body's metabolism, promote cell growth, and enhance the hematopoietic function of bone marrow and increase the content of red blood cells in the blood. Eating more red dates can not only replenish blood, but also make the skin smooth and delicate, and elastic.

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Red date pumpkin porridge

2. Black dates

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

The market often looks like this for black dates

Black jujube is rich in vitamin C and calcium, iron is the most, mostly used for blood tonic and as a conditioning drug, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis, fatigue, insomnia has a certain effect. Most of the common black dates on the market are of this species.

3. Black rice

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Black rice has the effect of bright eyes and blood, warm stomach, liver and intestines, wet bone and sperm, etc., can be used in medicine, and has the best effect on dizziness, anemia and white hair, waist and knee soreness, night blind tinnitus and so on. Long-term use can prolong life, and is called "longevity rice" by the world, while for pregnant women, it is "blood tonic rice".

4. Black sesame seeds

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Black sesame seeds are rich in protein, fat, calcium, iron and so on. Regular consumption can not only replenish the blood of pregnant women, but also improve and improve the nutritional quality of the diet. In addition, experts remind that the blood nourishment of black sesame seeds is higher than that of white sesame seeds.

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Black sesame brown rice porridge

5. Lean meat and animal liver

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Lean meat and animal liver iron content is particularly high, of which iron is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, pregnant women eat lean meat and animal liver twice a week, than eating jujube blood tonic effect is better.

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Lean porridge with green vegetables

6. Yellow cauliflower

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Yellow cauliflower has a particularly large iron content, 20 times higher than spinach, and is also rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and protein, as well as diuretic and stomach effects. The nutritional content of broccoli will also be of great help to fetal development and can be regarded as a health food for pregnant women.

Seven, pumpkin

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Babe pumpkin

Pumpkin is known as "blood tonic miracle", rich in plant protein, carotene, vitamins, and essential amino acids, calcium, iron, pro, etc., of which cobalt is an important component of vitamin B12, can help red blood cells function normally, zinc will directly affect the function of mature red blood cells, iron is the basic trace element of hemoglobin, is an excellent nutrient for blood replenishment.

Eight, carrots

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Carrots are called "ginseng", contain vitamins B, C, contain a special nutrient carotene, extremely beneficial to blood replenishment, the use of carrot soup is the best blood drink.

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Carrot and green porridge

9. Guiyuan

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Every summer, there are fresh cinnamon balls on the market, which contain vitamins A and B, glucose and sucrose, etc., and are rich in iron. Pregnant women can use guiyuan to boil soup, which can effectively replenish blood.

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Glutinous rice cinnamon porridge

10. Grapes

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Containing calcium, phosphorus and iron, as well as a variety of vitamins and amino acids, grapes are a good tonic for the elderly, women and the weak anemic and over-fatigued. Pregnant women can eat more, have good nutrition for the fetus, and can also make pregnant women look better.

11. Cherry

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Cherries are rich in iron, which is conducive to blood production and is the best blood tonic fruit for pregnant and lactating women.

Pregnant women are anemic, and what they eat can quickly replenish blood

Oatmeal cherry porridge