
How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

author:Dr. Xin talks about health

The uterus is a very important organ in the female body, is the largest reproductive organ in the female body, located in the center of the pelvis, shaped into an inverted pear shape, the uterus of adult women weighs about 50 grams, 7 to 8 cm long, 4 to 5 cm wide after 2 to 3 cm, the health of the uterus will directly affect the state of the female body, is an important indicator of women's physical health. #夏方养生指南 #

As an important place to conceive the fetus, the womb is a warm delivery bed for the baby, and every baby must live in the womb for a period of time before coming to this world.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

According to the latest data released by the WHO, at present, the incidence of gynecological inflammation and uterine diseases in mainland china is increasing year by year, and many women have to face the risk of removal of the uterus due to the late development of the disease and the failure to treat it in time.

So the question is, what are the differences between a woman who has had her uterus removed and a normal woman? The heartache in it is known only to those who have experienced it.


How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

1. Whether there is menstruation

Every woman needs to go through menstruation, since puberty, every 28 days or so, menstruation will always come to the woman's side, accompany the woman to grow, the appearance of menstrual blood is mainly caused by periodic shedding bleeding of the uterine lining.

Women who have undergone hysterectomy surgery cannot undergo periodic bleeding from the endometrium, and there is no longer a menstrual period.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

2. Inability to have children

The uterus is an important place to conceive the fetus, and after the removal of the uterus, it will also mean that women have completely lost the opportunity to conceive a fetus, which will also mean that many women who have never given birth to a child will also mean that they have completely lost the right to become a mother, bringing heavy psychological pressure to women.

3. Endocrine disorders

In women with removal of the uterus, the function of the ovaries to secrete progesterone and estrogen will also be reduced, the second sex characteristics cannot be maintained, metabolic disorders in the body, endocrine disorders, prompting women's breasts to collapse, buttocks to sag, abdominal circumference to become larger, urethral spasms, pigmentation, yellowing of the face, loss of teeth, and increased wrinkles.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

4. The function of pelvic floor muscles is impaired

There are more nerve tissues distributed around the uterus, once the uterus is removed, it will seriously affect the transmission of nerves, of which the most damaged is the pelvic floor muscle, resulting in pelvic floor muscle relaxation, serious out of shape.

5. Early menopause

45 to 55 years old is the best age for women to menopause, which will also mean that the amount of estrogen secretion in women's bodies will be greatly reduced, prompting early menopause, accelerating aging, and causing women to suffer double blows physically and psychologically.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

6. Occasional urinary incontinence

In women undergoing hysterectomy, pelvic floor connective tissues such as the plantar ligament complex and the pubic cervical fascia are severed due to surgery, directly leading to changes in the structure of the bladder and urethra near the ionic uterus.

The process of human urination is mainly affected by the filtration of glomeruli and renal tubules, the urine flows into the bladder, and when the bladder is full, it can stimulate the brain and produce a feeling of urination, when the bladder is filled, due to structural changes, a small amount of urine will appear extravasive.

In women who have undergone hysterectomy surgery, cystoscopic contractility is affected, strenuous exercise, and occasional urinary leakage during sneezing.

7. Decreased immune function

Immunity is the body's first line of defense against the invasion of bacterial viruses, women who have completed hysterectomy surgery, due to the reason that the mind is too heavy, long-term nervousness and low mood will also inhibit women's immune vitality, reduce immune function, so that a large number of viruses and bacteria invade the body, increasing the chance of gynecological inflammation in the future.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

8. Ovarian function declines

The ovaries are also very important endocrine organs in the female body, the development of follicles and the production of estrogen, mainly affected by the ovaries, women who have undergone hysterectomy surgery will also be affected by ovarian blood supply function, the ovarian wall is destroyed Hematopoietic capacity, can decline so that the patient's hormone levels are disordered, unable to secrete egg cells.

9. Affect normal couple life

Relevant data reports show that the cervix has about 100 glandular polymers, vaginal lubrication mainly comes from the cervix, secreting about 600 ml of mucus per day during menstruation, when the uterus is completely removed, the function of cervical secretion lubricant will also be lost.

When couples live as husband and wife, due to local overly dry reasons, it will bring great stinging, resulting in a decline in the quality of sexual life, affecting the relationship between husband and wife.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful


Hysterectomy surgery, what do I need to pay attention to after surgery?

(1) Just after the hysterectomy, it is best not to have sex in the first three months, so as not to induce bacterial infection.

(2) Within 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, avoid lifting heavy objects, bend less, do not climb the stairs, and do not exercise vigorously.

(3) Within three months after the hysterectomy, do not sit for a long time, avoid exercise dances such as yoga, and increase the ability to negative pressure, so as not to cause pelvic bleeding.

(4) Women who have undergone hysterectomy surgery regularly observe the wound, whether there is unknown secretions such as redness, swelling, heat and pain, and once there is an abnormal reaction, they must be reported to the attending doctor in time and treated as soon as possible.

(5) Women who have completed hysterectomy should pay attention to supplementing nutrition, eat more foods containing vitamins and dietary fiber, spicy and irritating and gas-prone foods, and ensure daily intake of 2000 to 3000 ml of water to prevent constipation.

(6) Within 6 weeks after surgery, try to use a bathtub when bathing, combine work and leisure, and pay attention to rest.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful


Extended Extension - What are the common uterine lesions?

【Uterine submucosal fibroids】

Uterine submucosal fibroids are the most common malignant tumors in the female population, the prevalence will continue to increase with age, the probability of submucosal fibroids in women over 30 years old is about 20% to 50%, and the clinical appearance of uterine submucosal fibroids is mostly benign tumors, as long as actively cooperate with doctors, they can be recovered in the shortest possible time.

The occurrence of submucosal fibroids in the uterus increases the incidence of miscarriage, premature birth, abnormal childbirth, bleeding and postpartum sepsis, and it is necessary to develop a good habit of regular physical examination for health.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful


Endometriosis is also a common gynecological disease, when the endometrium appears in other parts of the uterine cavity and infiltrates into local tissue growth, such diseases can be accompanied by pelvic pain, infertility and other symptoms, the prevalence in the female population is 25% to 47%.

【Uterine fibroids】

Uterine fibroids are also benign tumors, the cause of the disease has not yet been clear, most patients with uterine fibroids have no obvious symptoms, can be found through physical examination, some patients will have menstrual abnormalities, increased vaginal discharge, lower abdominal distension and abdominal lumps.

How is a woman's uterus removed different from a normal woman?' More than 9 o'clock, it is painful

It is more common in women aged 30 to 50 years, and women of childbearing age have a 25% chance of developing the disease.