
To make money you have to focus just like I did on pasta for decades and never leave

author:Fried sauce mixed noodle training

Ordinary people want to make a little name in this society, especially when your parents have no ability and no background, you can only rely on yourself to improve your social status and economic status. To put it bluntly, in this day and age, as long as you don't have money,

To make money you have to focus just like I did on pasta for decades and never leave

You have nothing, you can't have a house in a big city without money, it's hard for you to marry a wife, and it's even harder for adoptive parents to raise children. Then your only way out is to make money. How exactly is the money earned? It's that if you keep focusing on making money, you'll make money. It's not mysterious, just like if you pay attention to Korean dramas every day, you know several Korean stars, you pay attention to World of Warcraft and you will play World of Warcraft, you pay attention to health and you will be healthy, what you pay attention to, what you have in your world. I first set up a small stall in Chengdu to sell fritters, and later opened a small shop to sell buns. Then I opened a noodle restaurant, engaged in it and always made a fuss about noodles, and later found that selling noodles is the most convenient and most profitable in the whole pasta, so I have been studying noodles.

To make money you have to focus just like I did on pasta for decades and never leave

Until now! In the process of research, I found that sauce is very important for noodles, adding more soup to become soup noodles, and adding no soup to mix noodles. In order to verify the effect, I began to set up a stall in Hefei to see the market reaction, the result was surprisingly good business, and later I dared to accept apprentice training, and the trainees who went out from me did it one by one! Starting from this, I now have my own company, which is also a catering, but I still pay attention to research, so a person is poor, first of all, the things he pays attention to are originally poor, of course, you are willing to be poor for a lifetime, you don't change. If you want to be rich, then you have to focus only on making money and business. Just like me, I have been paying attention to the situation and dynamics of the catering market! Human energy is limited, we cannot pay attention to everything, we must restrain our desires. Everyone is always addicted to one thing, according to my experience for so many years, the most worthy thing is to indulge in making money, addicted to business, your mind is only those theories of making money, you only care about people who make money, you only care about business, entrepreneurship, doing business,

To make money you have to focus just like I did on pasta for decades and never leave

Your actions will start to make money, and then you will have money. At the beginning I didn't think of making money, I just wanted to make the noodles well, I was thinking all day long how to do better, sell the highest price at the lowest cost, others can still accept it willingly, although the road is a bit long, but now I do it! To survive in this society, if I am only allowed to choose one thing, then this thing is to make money. To survive in this society, if I were given ten things to choose from, I would still only choose to make money. Those who have poetry and far away will regret it,

To make money you have to focus just like I did on pasta for decades and never leave

Some things can be said, but you really do, you can only move yourself, you think you can move others, and when you have no money, you will understand what is the social reality, not to mention that even if you move yourself, you also move others, you have no money. Equal to zero, don't waste your time to deceive your own tears, make money, be a rational and intelligent person, only care about making money and business, this is the entrepreneur boss's money-making thinking!