
The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

author:Mother Viva's enlightenment

Nowadays, mobile phones have become an indispensable personal item in people's lives. Now people can go out without money, but it is impossible not to bring a mobile phone.

In addition to sleeping, it seems that the mobile phone is inseparable from all the time. Under such an environmental influence, many children have begun to play mobile phones from an early age, even more than some adults.

The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

Not long ago, when I was having dinner with friends, a child put down his chopsticks just after eating two mouthfuls of food, and then asked his mother who was sitting next to him for a mobile phone. At first, the mother was not willing to meet the child's requirements, thinking that the child should eat well, but with the child's crying, the mother compromised and slowly pulled out the mobile phone from the bag. The moment the child got the phone, he stopped crying instantly.

In fact, about children to play mobile phones, parents are nothing more than two attitudes.

First, parents are afraid that their children will be angry and unhappy, even if they are very resistant in their hearts, they still choose to let their children play mobile phones.

Second, this kind of parent is more principled, thinking of the various harms brought by playing mobile phones to children, so it is forbidden for children to play mobile phones.

Regarding these two situations, each will have different effects on the child.

In the first case, children will develop the habit of thinking that they can play with their mobile phones, so they will continue to prolong their time, addicted to the world of mobile phones and even unable to extricate themselves. For example, at the beginning it was half an hour of play, and then it became an hour of two hours or even longer.

In the second case, the child will feel more aggrieved, doubt whether his parents really love him, and even play with his mobile phone. Even if parents don't let their children play with their mobile phones, children will find ways to meet their own needs, such as seeing other children playing with mobile phones, taking the initiative to look over, or waiting for parents to put their mobile phones aside, and children secretly play with their parents' mobile phones.

The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

An American psychologist once did an experiment in which he spent a decade looking at 100 children and found that 50 of them, who rarely played with mobile phones, were far more likely to be admitted to college than other children who often played with mobile phones. So he came to the conclusion that destroying a child, a mobile phone is enough.

So, if the child wants to play with the mobile phone, should the parents satisfy him? To solve this doubt, we first need to clearly know what are the harms that mobile phones bring to children.

1. Affect physical health.

Scientific studies have shown that the child's vision cervical spine and sleep are harmful, and it is easy to hurt the child's brain nerves.

When children play with mobile phones, various postures emerge in an endless stream, lying crookedly, finding their own comfortable postures to switch back and forth, so the child's spine is bent and walking does not look straight. Children who play mobile phones for a long time have a greater chance of myopia in their eyes.

Dr. Gerald Kaidu of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom also said: "Mobile phone radiation will destroy the normal function of the child's nervous system, resulting in memory loss, headaches, poor sleep and a series of other problems." ”

The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

2. Influence the mindset

Children who like to play with mobile phones will have fewer opportunities to communicate with people face-to-face, and in the long run, they will become lonely and paranoid.

I believe that everyone has encountered such a situation: a group of children playing together, one or two children hiding to play with mobile phones.

Children who are accustomed to playing with mobile phones alone, immersed in their own world, lack of communication with people, will become slow in response, and their language organization ability will not be improved, which is not conducive to the improvement of thinking ability.

The harm of addicting to mobile phones to children is self-evident, as a parent, in what ways should I try to reduce the harm?

The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

Let the child leave the mobile phone", the "three magic weapons"

1. Parents lead by example and create a good family atmosphere

As the saying goes: "Parents are the mirrors of children, and children are the shadows of parents." "Parents' words and deeds always subtly affect their children.

Some parents come home from work, pull out their mobile phones as soon as they enter the door, and then curl up on the sofa to play with their mobile phones. The child spoke as if he had not heard.

Since parents play with mobile phones when they have time, they will naturally stimulate their children's interest in mobile phones. Therefore, in order to avoid children's addiction to mobile phones, first of all, parents themselves should play less mobile phones and create a good family atmosphere for children.

The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

2. Spend more time with your children and increase parent-child interaction

Once, I discussed with a friend the problem of children playing with mobile phones, and friends felt that children could not sit dryly, and would run around without playing mobile phones. In order to free their hands and have their own leisure time, many parents give their children a mobile phone, so they have fun playing.

However, if parents can accompany their children more, such as playing one or two sports they like with their children, will the children still be interested in playing mobile phones? Parents can play games with their children at home, read picture books together or go out to play, which will not only keep children away from mobile phones, but also help children's physical health and the development of parent-child relationship.

The difference between a child who plays with a mobile phone and a child who does not play with a mobile phone is too big in ten years, and every parent should understand

3. Cultivate hobbies and distractions

As adults, often we think of playing with mobile phones as soon as we are idle, so why not children? If parents let their children "have something to do", it will naturally reduce the time for children to play mobile phones.

If a child devotes time and energy to healthy hobbies, when he gets pleasure from it, the demand for mobile phones will be greatly reduced.

Will you meet kids playing with mobile phones?

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