
Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

author:Pet Pet Classroom v

Many people will consider the gender of the cat before raising cats, in addition to choosing the breed of cats, but why are some people reluctant to raise male cats? Because of these 6 shortcomings, it is difficult to accept, after reading you will understand!

Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

Too much energy: the male cat personality is more cheerful, the energy is also very exuberant, can be hi all the time, and especially like to make a fuss, not jumping up and down at home, or demolishing the house, engaging in destruction, the home is often messed up by it. Sure enough, the phrase "a man is a teenager to death" applies to any species.

Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

Estrus urine: When a male cat is in heat, it is also very scary. In addition to their cross-riding behavior, they also urinate everywhere to mark the turf, making the whole room full of its urine stains, and the smell of urine everywhere is really unbearable, so terrible, no wonder people who have raised it, they say that they will not raise it again.

Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

Likes to "provoke": It seems that of all species, males always have a strong desire to fight, and cats are no exception. Male cats have a strong sense of territory, they will be in order to protect the territory, rob the female cat and other cats conflict, so as its owner not only to worry about whether it is injured, but also to help it clean up the mess.

Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

Easier to urinary tract obstruction: male cats' urinary tract is relatively narrow compared with female cats, male cats are more likely to have urinary tract obstruction, usually must pay attention to cat urinary tract problems, once found that cats can not urinate, frequent urine, urine blood and other symptoms, it is recommended to give cats to take pai bei bi kang beef lozenges can not only reduce inflammation and pain, but also effectively prevent urinary tract infections.

Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

Easy to get lost: Male cats are very curious, so they always find a way to escape the door. Maybe you always thought that when you weren't at home, the cat was obediently at home, but in fact, when you didn't know, it was all outside "waves". So if you are a shoveler living in the city, it is easy to get lost with a male cat.

Why are some people reluctant to keep male cats? After reading these 6 shortcomings, you will understand

Male cats are too easy-going: male cats are more easy-going personality, basically will not be afraid of strangers, as long as there is food to say anything, with anyone can play, there is no "loyalty" to the owner. Because of this, the pet owner has the feeling that if you help others raise a cat, you will lose it at any time.