
Pin Rui experimental equipment: What characteristics should the physical and chemical laboratory equipment welcomed by the school have?

author:Sina Home Information

As we all know, school laboratory equipment is a necessary teaching equipment for primary and secondary schools and even higher education schools, mainly used in physical and chemical student laboratories, as well as science laboratories, geography laboratories, history laboratories, etc., which has far-reaching significance for subject education.

Pin Rui experimental equipment: What characteristics should the physical and chemical laboratory equipment welcomed by the school have?

  So, what are the characteristics of laboratory equipment that is popular with schools?

  1. Environmental protection, safety and energy saving

  This is the most basic requirement for laboratory equipment and the embodiment of vigorously advocating national energy conservation and emission reduction policies. Subject laboratories usually place experimental devices such as water supply and drainage, power supply, ventilation, and lighting, and there are naturally more safety hazards than conventional classrooms. Only equipment that passes national security and environmental protection testing can ensure the safety of personal and property and allow teachers and students to use them with confidence.

  2. Beautiful, strong and durable

Laboratory equipment needs regular maintenance, strong and durable equipment can effectively reduce the maintenance and repair costs of equipment, and will not delay students' experimental learning. The beautifully designed equipment can greatly increase the affinity of the classroom, make people pleasing to the eye, and help students experiment and learn in a relaxed and pleasant environment.

Pin Rui experimental equipment: What characteristics should the physical and chemical laboratory equipment welcomed by the school have?

  3. Innovative, advanced and multi-functional laboratories are places of inquiry that combine theory and practice, and are an important medium to stimulate students' quality and ability to think, explore, innovate and so on, so as to avoid unrealistic theories of empty learning. Therefore, the equipment must keep pace with the times, complete functions, refuse flashy, convenient for students to practice, digest and absorb the theoretical knowledge of the textbook. The unique innovative equipment greatly promotes students' ability to explore natural sciences and cultivates more comprehensive talents for society.

  It should be noted that the school's laboratory should also pay attention to some problems and preventive measures in the process of use, which is also the key to ensuring the service life of laboratory equipment.

For example, in daily use, efforts will be made to clean and maintain the laboratory regularly, especially when some stains appear on the surface of the equipment during the experiment, and deal with them in time. This prevents some harmful chemicals from damaging the experimental equipment. Secondly, when cleaning the experimental table, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of mild detergents to prevent some strong acid detergents from damaging the surface of the experimental table.

Pin Rui experimental equipment: What characteristics should the physical and chemical laboratory equipment welcomed by the school have?

  At the same time, we should also pay attention to avoiding long-term exposure to light-avoidance experimental equipment, especially in the hot summer. If the experimental equipment is close to the window, we should try to use some shading devices to prevent the experimental equipment from being damaged due to long-term exposure.

  Of course, we must also pay attention to the dryness of the steel and wood test bench in the laboratory. Don't let the temperature in the lab get too high. This will not only damage the steel and wood test bench, but also have a great impact on various instruments and equipment.

  Changsha Pinrui Laboratory Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., focusing on laboratory equipment projects, can provide attentive services for partners who need laboratory-related equipment, welcome to consult with partners in need!