
After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

author:Dr. Yi said

When it comes to Liuwei Dihuang Pill, I believe everyone is very familiar with it, because there have been six flavor Dihuang Pills on many TV commercials, especially in the homes of many middle-aged and elderly men, Liuwei Dihuang Pills have become a common tonic herb.

As we all know, with the increase of age, the function of the body's organs gradually declines, more and more male friends begin to feel that they are powerless, kidney deficiency problems are becoming more and more common, in order to be able to improve kidney function, Liuwei Dihuang Pill has become the first choice.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

Indications for the treatment of Liuwei Dihuang Pill

Liuwei Dihuang Pill is from the Northern Song Dynasty Qian Yi's "Pediatric Medicine Certificate Straight Recipe", and its formula is derived from Zhang Zhongjing's "Golden Essentials" in the Eight Flavor Kidney Qi Pills. Bawei Kidney Qi Pill was originally the basic formula for treating kidney qi deficiency, especially kidney yang deficiency, which was modified by Qian Yi of the Northern Song Dynasty and became the basic party for treating kidney yin deficiency, mainly treating children's kidney yin deficiency.

The formula is composed of cooked land, mountain meat, danpi, yam, poria, ze diarrhea, six flavor medicines, which has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys, and is also the basic formula for nourishing the kidneys.

Liuwei Dihuang Pill is suitable for dizziness and tinnitus caused by kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee soreness, bone steaming hot flashes, night sweats, thirst and so on a series of symptoms of kidney yin deficiency.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

1. Improve the body's immunity

Nowadays, the pace of people's lives is getting faster and faster, the pressure of work is also increasing, at the same time, the physical health is also greatly threatened, many people have gradually appeared in a sub-healthy state, and their resistance is getting worse and worse.

Immunity is like a guardian of our human health, Liuwei Dihuang Pill can improve immune function, not only can enhance the immune function of the normal body, but also can enhance the immune function in the disease state. A large number of studies have shown that Liuwei Dihuang Pill has a significant regulatory effect on the body's immune system.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

2. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

According to survey data, one in every three deaths dies of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which have become the first cause of death of the mainland population and the first killer of endangering the health of the Chinese people.

Medical experiments have proved that Liuwei Dihuang Pill has the effect of dilating blood vessels, has a significant antihypertensive effect on hypertension, and can also reduce the deposition of myocardial collagen, which has positive significance for the prevention and treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular damage.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

3. Improve the quality of sleep

After a day of work and study, the human body will become tired and weak, hoping to go to bed to rest and relax, but most people will be high-spirited as soon as they pick up their mobile phones, so they will stay up late for a long time and have sleep disorders.

Liuwei Dihuang Pills have the effect of relieving fatigue, can help the mood to relax, so that people's stress is relieved, eat a few pills of Liuwei Dihuang Pills before going to bed at night, help soothe the spirit, improve the quality of sleep, and have a sweet dream.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

4. Treatment of menopausal syndrome

For traditional Chinese medicine, menopause is a manifestation of liver and kidney insufficiency, patients usually have hot flashes night sweats, irritability and other manifestations, mainly menopausal estrogen deficiency, resulting in endocrine disorders in the body, can be used to nourish the liver and kidney method for conditioning.

For example, erxian soup, xianmao, xianling spleen, bayantian, zhimu, yellow cedar, etc., to supplement the liver and kidneys, clear the fire, and improve the menopausal syndrome. Liuwei Dihuang itself is mainly based on nourishing kidney yin, which has a certain conditioning effect on the liver and spleen, mainly for three supplements and three diarrhea, and has a certain therapeutic effect on typical yin deficiency patients such as waist and knee soreness and bone steaming hot flashes.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

Who is not recommended to take Liuwei Dihuang Pills?

1. Healthy people

Although Liuwei Dihuang Pills have the effect of tonifying the kidneys, healthy people may have no side effects when taken in a short period of time, but if you take Liuwei Dihuang Pills for a long time, its cold nature may cause uncomfortable symptoms in the human digestive tract, such as loose stools and loss of appetite.

2. People with colds

When the human body is in the cold stage, the drugs used can solve the evil, and the six-flavor dihuang pill belongs to the drug of tonic and nourishing, the direction of the two drugs is opposite, so when the cold is generally recommended to suspend the taking of the six-flavor dihuang pill, and other external feelings are lifted in the service, so as not to affect each other.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

3. Obese people

Obese and other people should not take Liuwei Dihuang Pills for a long time, so as not to affect the spleen and stomach function. Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is mainly transported, water wet figure, obese people are mostly phlegm wet physique, spleen and stomach burden is heavier, if you take Liuwei Dihuang pill, will further aggravate the symptoms of bodywear wet is the spleen and stomach burden aggravation affects the spleen and stomach function.

4. Yang deficiency crowd

All kidney and yang deficiency is formed on the basis of kidney yin deficiency, but do not immediately supplement the yin, the diagnostic indication of yang deficiency is that the color of the tongue is light, the pulse beat is mostly slow, the lower limbs are cold, afraid of cold, the urine is long, such a group of people must first supplement the yang and then supplement the yin, or both at the same time.

After eating Liuwei Dihuang Pill for a long time, what will the body become? The doctor finally told the big truth

5. People with spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness

Spleen and stomach deficiency is mainly manifested as waist acid, fear of cold, cold abdomen, loose stool, even if there are symptoms of kidney yin deficiency, it is best to take it under the guidance of a doctor, because the six-flavor yellow pill is more than a drug, which will affect the function of the spleen and stomach, and will aggravate symptoms such as loose stool.
