
Friends who lost their three-piece set of supper in one day, have you ever heard of night food?

author:Hu Yujiao Psychiatrist

This year's 3.15 party exposed the "soil pit sauerkraut", eating the old altar sauerkraut instant noodles for many years is really disgusting; there are also workshop hygiene problems of Shuanghui ham sausage; and Wujiang squeezed vegetables have become the top ten unsubscribed products because of the relatively large amount of sodium and sweeteners. Netizens have ridiculed comments, and the beaters lost the three-piece set of supper in one day.

Friends who lost their three-piece set of supper in one day, have you ever heard of night food?

Believe in these things, everyone will certainly not eat again in the future, but the supper will still eat as usual, how many people eat supper at night is not healthy and what does not eat at night can not sleep directly entangled wandering?

Obviously know that it is not good for the body, in the middle of the night before going to bed also picked up a large number of strings; said good weight loss healthy diet, insisted on 1 day to reward themselves with a bucket of fried chicken; afraid of getting fat and dare not eat carbs, at noon ate two mouthfuls of rice to fall into self-loathing; every day was listless, seeing that there was no appetite for any food.

Do you think it's a relationship of self-control or bad health? In fact, it may be that there is something wrong with your psychology. Have you ever heard of nocturnal eclipse syndrome ??

Friends who lost their three-piece set of supper in one day, have you ever heard of night food?

Night food disorder is a disease caused by improper lifestyle, and is more common in young and middle-aged people who like to stay up late or who often work the night shift. In 2013, the medical community has a clear definition of "nocturnal syndrome", including anorexia in the morning, eating more at night, and symptoms of insomnia. Further studies found that these patients were similar to other patients with eating disorders, but there were neurological and endocrine imbalances and emotional problems. Usually eat more times, but also more than ordinary people absorb more energy, so it leads to obesity.

American doctor Albert Stancord, a pioneer and authoritative expert in the medical community to study nocturnal food, pointed out that nocturnal eating disorder is a clinical disease caused by mental stress and leading to hormonal secretion disorders. Researchers have found that the carbohydrates that night eaters crave at night can prompt the brain to produce a neurotransmitter complex amine that causes "pleasure." This suggests that nocturnal eating may be an unconscious act of self-suppressing emotional problems and releasing stress.

Friends who lost their three-piece set of supper in one day, have you ever heard of night food?

Patients with nocturnal eclipse have 3 types of disorders——— eating disorders, sleep disorders, and mood disorders. At midnight, the more anxious and depressed their mood, the more they eat, and the subconscious wants to adjust their mood, reduce stress and help sleep by eating, generally choosing high-carbohydrate foods, and carbohydrates can stimulate the secretion of complex amines. Complex amine is a chemical in the human body that soothes nerves and promotes sleep.

According to the medical community, if it is an occasional supper after dinner or before going to bed, or if it is caused by some reason to eat dinner late, or if you often go to bed after eating, this may not be caused by nocturnal food. However, if the following phenomena occur and have been maintained for a long time, be careful to guard against nocturnal food:

1. Poor appetite during the day, not much to eat, but at night to eat and drink, and the content of eating is a bit similar to hunger and hunger, get what you want to stuff into your mouth.

2. There will be a feeling of anxiety if you do not eat, and there will be a deep sense of guilt after eating.

3. Sometimes I have already slept, and I will suddenly wake up looking for something to eat.

4. You must eat before going to bed to fall asleep faster, if you don't eat, it is difficult to sleep. Especially eating starchy foods or sweets to fall asleep.

Friends who lost their three-piece set of supper in one day, have you ever heard of night food?

Chen Jiejun pointed out in "The Plastic Me": "Stress-type eating or pressure-based anorexia itself is a manifestation of physical wisdom. "The way you eat actually has a lot to do with your state of life." This kind of physical wisdom expresses the relationship between the individual and the outside world through the form of "eating", when you feel that you have been wronged very hard and need to be better to yourself, you may overeat; when you feel that the outside world always seems to be hurting you, and the people and things around you make you insecure and want to close yourself, you may be anorexic.

A person's psychological state is greatly affected by food factors. Foreign researchers have found that eating some sweets helps to alleviate tension, irritability, depression and other behaviors, and make people get a pleasant mood, and when the human body ingests the corresponding carbohydrates, there will be an increase in vasoconsin in the brain, which in turn makes people's mental condition tend to be good.

According to psychologists, snacking can soothe nervousness and anxiety, and it's not just about satisfying hungry needs. From a physiological point of view, the mouth can greatly divert people's attention when chewing some food, so that the brain's feeding center can produce excitement areas. In addition, some special chemical components in snacks have the effect of causing people's appetite, and it will become very natural to love snacks.

Friends who lost their three-piece set of supper in one day, have you ever heard of night food?

In general, people who love snacks are more likely to form an irresistible habit of eating snacks, which is not the same as addiction caused by substances such as caffeine or morphine, mainly reflected in a psychological dependence rather than physiological needs, so it is completely achievable to achieve the habit of quitting eating snacks. Of course, snacks do not need to be quit, as long as the scientific and reasonable snacking will not have much negative impact.

For partners who like to eat snacks, you may wish to make a snack schedule, first of all, to know which time of day you most want to eat snacks, secondly to prepare some low-calorie and nutritious snacks in advance, and finally to drink some water when eating snacks to reduce hunger. The other is not to always put snacks in the places where they are easy to see and get, and different snacks are best not to put together.

Recently, there are many weight loss training camps on the Internet, saying that 30 pounds of weight loss in 1 month, many people have run to lose weight, but in fact, the reduction is fast and rebounded, in fact, this kind of foreign country has long been popular. According to the research of foreign scientists, people's diet is not only affected by special biochemical processes, but also affected by emotional will. The dietary psychology of obese people is different from that of ordinary people, which can be said to be a bit pathological, and it is also one of the important reasons for their obesity. To lose weight, you must correct a slightly pathological appetite. Fundamentally change the pathological psychological feelings of obese people about hunger and fullness.

The following are the latest research by scientists on the relationship between diet psychology and obesity and ways to correct it.

1, the pursuit of taste

Some scholars have done such experiments, covering the eyes of obese experimenters and then asking them to judge different flavors. It was found that 60% of obese people were able to make accurate judgments about different tastes, suggesting that there is an inevitable link between a keen sense of taste and a desire for delicious food. Obese people often have a stronger pursuit of food than normal people's weight, pursuing variety and taste. They will eat constantly to be satisfied, which is a pathological appetite.

2. Tension and chewing

According to the survey of American scholars, when psychological tension, 48% of the respondents said that they ate less than usual, 44% said they ate more than usual, only 8% said that there was no change, and their in-depth investigation found that the satisfaction of the stomach and the taste of food did not help to eliminate psychological tension, and just chewing was enough.

Obese people have such a pathological appetite psychology, that is, when they are nervous, they think of eating. In fact, they do not need to supplement nutrition or energy, what they need is to eliminate the tension of chewing action, but after all, things are eaten and digested, so they are getting fatter and fatter. Therefore, when obese people are nervous, they should choose some high-fiber, low-calorie chewable foods, which can have the best of both worlds.

3. Carbohydrate preference

Studies have found that some obese people have a special hunger caused by carbohydrates and like to eat carbohydrate foods such as cookies, candy, and cakes. If they eat foods with low levels of carbohydrates, they feel restless, very hungry, and unable to even fall asleep or concentrate on work and study. Eating a lot of carbohydrates leads to the accumulation of calories in the body and obesity. It is recommended to eat a moderate amount of carbs, or choose coarse grain carbs.

4. Strong reaction to food information

Food image includes the shape, smell, color, and so on of the food. Studies have found that some people are very sensitive to food information, and these people tend to have higher levels of insulin in their bodies, and just thinking of or seeing food will increase insulin levels, which in turn will produce a feeding response. Whenever this happens, it is recommended that obese people use attention transfer methods, such as walking, drinking water, etc., may be able to resist this strong eating reaction.

Three meals should be regular and quantitative, in addition to a balanced diet, it is best not to lose weight arbitrarily, if you want to lose weight, you must be under the guidance of professionals, and you should exercise more to relax yourself and relieve stress; when you encounter setbacks, you should seek the right way to vent, relax your emotions, and try to develop good living habits of going to bed early and getting up early.