
Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

author:Suzhou High-tech Zone released
Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

Strictly guard against the virus and go all out to ensure production!

For days to come

Suzhou High-tech Zone made overall plans to do a good job

Epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development

Cohesion to achieve epidemic prevention and control and production construction

"Grasp with two hands", "two mistakes", "two promotions"!

Ellingk Linger Automotive Parts (China) Co., Ltd

Closed-loop management of imported materials

Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

In the lightweight product workshop of Ellingk Linger Auto Parts (China) Co., Ltd., the worker return to work rate is 100%. For all imported materials, the company has achieved closed-loop management of fixed personnel, fixed posts and fixed points, and the materials are first placed in the designated closed area and sampled and killed by third-party testing agencies after arrival. "Compared with the same period last year, the output value in the first quarter is expected to increase by 20%!" Chen Hu, general manager of the company, said confidently.

Suzhou Tissot Elevator Co., Ltd

The order volume continued to grow steadily in the first quarter

Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

Suzhou Tissot Elevator Co., Ltd. orders in the first quarter continued to grow steadily compared with the same period last year, and is going all out to carry out production.

"Nearly 100% of the current employees are on the job." According to the person in charge of the enterprise, in order to ensure the continuous and stable development of production tasks, at present, Tissot Elevator regards epidemic prevention and control as the top priority of enterprise production. "We strictly control the doorpost, 'wearing masks, body temperature detection, checking Su Kang code and nucleic acid testing' the normalization of epidemic prevention and control step by step." Production areas and public spaces should do a good job of environmental disinfection. In addition, the requirements for epidemic prevention and control are strictly implemented, and each department checks the situation of employees every day and gives feedback at the first time. ”

Suzhou Hemai Precision Instrument Co., Ltd

The number of anti-epidemic "artifact" orders increased by 10 times

Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

Dry fluorescent immunoassay analyzer

Antigen detection is fast and easy. Recently, with the approval of the State Food and Drug Administration, a number of new crown antigen self-testing agent boxes were officially listed.

Suzhou Hemai Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. used high technology to help fight the epidemic and developed and produced a dry fluorescent immunoassay analyzer (FIC-H1W). Once an immunofluorescence kit is inserted into the instrument, the results can be displayed quickly and accurately in seconds.

Recently, the order for hemai precision dry fluorescence immunoassay analyzer has increased by 10 times. At present, the company's production lines are at full capacity and full capacity.

Construction site

Strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures at construction sites

Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

Recently, the construction site of Jingshan Light Machinery Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing East China Headquarters and Shengcheng Photovoltaic Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Center has strictly implemented epidemic prevention and control measures, implemented verification requirements such as itinerary cards and Su Kang codes for all construction personnel, and required all personnel entering the site to undergo nucleic acid testing to meet the epidemic prevention requirements of construction sites in high-tech zones. All the people entering the venue are independently filed, entering and leaving according to the badge voucher, and doing a good job of daily elimination. At present, the two projects have completed the foundation work, the underground garage single body has been completed, the overall construction progress is 40% complete, and the construction is expected to be completed by the end of the year as planned.

Suzhou Food Line Fresh E-commerce Co., Ltd

The average daily supply of civilian biological resources exceeds 200 tons

Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

In order to ensure the stable supply of residents' vegetable baskets, Food Bank Fresh actively coordinates multiple sources of goods to ensure the stability of the supply chain. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and other daily necessities that can be stored for a short period of time are 30% more than usual. Through the contactless distribution mode of "online booking + full cold chain intensive distribution + community freezer self-pickup", the food store has an average daily supply of 1752 stations, with an average daily supply of vegetables, fruits, meat, rice, flour, grain and oil and other civilian biological resources of more than 200 tons.

Food Line Fresh strictly implements the epidemic prevention requirements, and comprehensively eliminates the daily elimination of the single distribution center, office area, canteen, dormitory, etc.; there are more than 500 front-line accommodation employees such as single operators and logistics drivers, all of which implement closed management.

In the critical period of epidemic prevention and control

The whole high-tech zone will strengthen confidence and take positive actions

Make greater efforts to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

Make overall plans for the stable and orderly operation of the economy and society

Overcome all difficulties and obstacles, ride the wind and waves, and move forward steadily

Ensure the realization of the expected annual economic and social development goals

Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, production and construction do not stop

Produced by Suzhou High-tech Zone Rong Media Center

Source: Zhang Weimin, Hushuguan Economic Development Zone, Shishan Hengtang Street, Fengqiao Street

Producers: Yun Bin, Ding Rui

Editor-in-Chief: Huang Xiaomei

Edit: Yingzhi

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