
Today, the "big blowing" and "trumpet" in the village quarreled

author:Aya daily life

It was just after dawn, and I heard a particularly loud noise outside, like someone was fighting. I quickly got dressed and went out to have a look. It turned out that the village trumpeter and trumpeter had quarreled.

After listening for a while, I finally understood what was going on, it turned out that it had been raining for the past few days, and the rain was heavy, and the road in front of the blow was washed away, and the stone sand rushed to the door of the trumpeter. The trumpeter did not let go, so she looked for a big blow theory. It is said that the big blow deliberately blocked the road and let the rain flow towards the door of the trumpeter. The two of you will say a sentence, and the stir-fry is not lively. There were more and more people watching, and everyone didn't pull it, they were all there to watch the hilarity. After arguing for a while, I didn't move, and I didn't tell the difference between winning and losing, and I scattered.

In recent years, many quarrels in the village, some for the vegetable garden at the door, some for the homestead to build a house, some for the harvest, not a few days to quarrel, everyone is also commonplace.

Back when I was a child, the neighborhood was very harmonious, and there were very few quarrels over small things. At that time, life was not good, there was no need to eat, and everyone often helped each other. Whoever has a difficult family, the people in the village, you help, I help, are willing to get together.

When my father was young, he liked to drink, but he was too drunk to get drunk. Another year my father went to a neighboring village to run an errand and drank wine in the evening. But he didn't come back very late, and the family was in a hurry at that time. When the villagers learned of this, they went to look for it together. It was late and pushed my drunken father back, small at the time, but impressive. Many years after I left my hometown, I still can't forget my kind folks.

At the New Year, no matter how busy I am, I will go back to my hometown in the countryside to pay homage to the villagers who are still alive and pay tribute to the ancestors. Because their kindness is deeply imprinted in my heart, it is a nostalgia that I will never forget.

Nowadays, the society is developed, and people's living standards are getting higher and higher. The more things you think about. The intrigues in the workplace, the snobbish eyes of society, and all kinds of injustices are testing human nature. At the beginning of man, he was good in nature, and he wished to have peace in the world.

Many times, it is our comparison mind that is at work. Simplicity is happiness, and neighborhood harmony is happiness. Helping each other and respecting each other is what we initially pursue.

Today, the "big blowing" and "trumpet" in the village quarreled

In this impetuous society, difficulties are everywhere, troubles are everywhere, let go of the work in hand, to let go of the heart, let love and kindness pass out.

Compared with the previous days, we are all very rich, keep a new heart, a calm, life will be colorful. Just like the people who often quarrel in the village, if we use this enthusiasm on the right path, our quality of life will get better and better.

I have always had that innocence when I was a child, and although the burden of life is very large, I still maintain that kindness. Being kind to others and being kind to things, I can never forget those kind faces. I am always spurred to help others, to love others, to maintain a good heart.

After the 80s, we have run to the age of 40, people have reached middle age, and they feel that they are still the ignorant teenagers. Although he has been married and has children, he still maintains a childlike heart, and he does not want to think about those who are intriguing and doing things that harm others and themselves, and he is always a person who does not understand, does not seek progress, does not argue or grab, and ends up with a layman.

Blow the wind for ten miles, let love become eternal, and the story of the trumpet and trumpet become forever.

Today, the "big blowing" and "trumpet" in the village quarreled

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