
Hazards of VOCs in the atmospheric environment

author:Integrate and test electronics

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) This is an important class of air pollutants, usually referring to a boiling point of 50 to 260 °, and a saturated vapor pressure of more than 133 at room temperature. 32kPa of organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the like.

Hazards of VOCs in the atmospheric environment

The harm of VOCs

(1) Harm to the environment

(1) Participating in the oxidation reaction to form ozone under the action of sunlight and heat, resulting in poor air quality and is the main component of photochemical smog and urban haze in summer;

(2) VOCs are important precursor substances that form fine particles (PM 2.5) and ozone, and the proportion of VOCs in pm 2.5 in the atmosphere is about 20% to 40%, and some PM 2.5 is converted from VOCs;

(3) VOCs are mostly greenhouse gases – causing global warming;

Hazards of VOCs in the atmospheric environment

(2) Health hazards

(1) Irritation & toxicity;

When VOCs exceed a certain concentration, they will stimulate people's eyes and respiratory tract, making skin allergies, sore throat and fatigue; VOCs can easily damage the central nervous system through blood-brain disorders; VOCs harm people's liver, kidneys, brains and nervous system;

(2) Carcinogenicity, teratogenic effects and reproductive system toxicity;

Hazards of VOCs in the atmospheric environment