
Energetic garden exercises, childlike heart

author:Central Plains Cultural Information

(Reporter Yang Chuanzhi Correspondent Chen Wei) Inter-exercise activities are an important part of the kindergarten's one-day life, which has a unique educational effect on the development of children's basic movements, enhance children's physique, and improve children's ability to feel and express the beauty of music. In order to develop children's physical and mental health, enhance children's physique, and cultivate children's ability to cooperate and sense of community, on March 17, 2021, the second class of Huayuankou Kindergarten in Huiji District launched the "Vitality Garden Exercise, Children's Hearts Flying" garden exercise evaluation activity.

Energetic garden exercises, childlike heart

Each stand straight

Energetic garden exercises, childlike heart

Wave your shoulders to do the exercises

Energetic garden exercises, childlike heart

Martial arts exercises are really powerful

Energetic garden exercises, childlike heart

Toddlers move neatly and vigorously

The small faces are full of childishness and vitality, vitality and vigor, and feel the enthusiasm and vitality of the children. Don't look at the young age of the children, their movements are in place, neat and powerful, following the rhythm of the music, and every movement is full of vitality. In the process of evaluation, each child was very serious, with strong steps and standardized movements, which made the teachers present praise.

This activity not only exercised the physical fitness of the children, improved the coordination and flexibility of the children's movements, further enhanced the children's sense of collective honor and interest in morning exercise activities, and also showed the healthy, lively and positive style of the children in the kindergarten.