
The Zhoujiadi community in Long March Street has made further efforts to accurately promote the new crown vaccination work

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

In view of the current still complex and severe epidemic situation in recent days, in order to further build a barrier for epidemic prevention and control, the Zhoujiadi community in Long March Street has taken many measures to improve the organization and launch of new coronavirus vaccination, and vigorously grasped the task of strengthening the vaccination of people aged 60 and above and vaccination of people aged 18 and above.

The Zhoujiadi community in Long March Street has made further efforts to accurately promote the new crown vaccination work

Refine the plan and form a mobilization team. The community has formulated a fine-tuned vaccination work plan, implemented the responsibility to every link, every post, and every staff member, and ensured that the vaccination work is effective and orderly. The community worked the line of screening and mapping, divided the responsibility grid into the smallest unit, formed a household team of community workers, carried out the household investigation and statistical work of the new crown virus vaccine, verified the vaccination situation, registered and filed, effectively counted the number, the situation was clear, and the account was real, and the unvaccinated and contraindicated personnel were mobilized to the vaccination point for vaccination, to ensure that everyone should be connected, no household was missed, and no one was missed, so as to build a national immunization defense line.

The Zhoujiadi community in Long March Street has made further efforts to accurately promote the new crown vaccination work

Community patrols give full play to the advantage of "acquaintances". At the entrance of the community, the volunteers of the "Old Neighborhood" wore red vests and red armbands, and every car must be stopped and everyone must ask, "Have you been vaccinated?" It's done in a few minutes, but it's convenient! Some community workers, along with volunteers from the old neighborhood, held loudspeakers in their hands, "patrolled" the community and were on duty at the gate. The "old neighborhoods" are all old acquaintances of residents, and while nagging and persuading, residents are more receptive.

The Zhoujiadi community in Long March Street has made further efforts to accurately promote the new crown vaccination work

Accompany the whole process to build a barrier for vaccination. "We now have mobile vehicles into the community, special car pick-up, special service" Many residents went to vaccinate in the morning after the publicity and mobilization of community personnel. At the same time, the community has also launched humanized services such as vaccination into the community and free transportation of the elderly with limited mobility, so that the vaccination speed is more warm and accelerates the construction of a national immunization barrier. (Editor: Wei Dingzhou Review: Lv Jinyan)


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