
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!

author:Zhuji Police
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!


The epidemic situation in various places shows a trend of "multi-point flowering"

The vast number of medical personnel and public security cadres and policemen

Fighting day and night on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

There are a large number of people at the "willing to inspect" points

Obey the command of the personnel on duty

It is especially important to wait in line for inspection in turn

But there are always a few people who don't follow the rules

They even grabbed and beat up public security personnel on duty

Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!

On March 14, 2022, the Zhuji Municipal Public Security Bureau investigated and dealt with one case of suspected obstruction of the performance of duties, and administratively detained 1 person in accordance with law.

Brief facts of the case

At about 9:20 a.m. on March 14, 2022, Zheng Yongfeng and Zhong Lei, auxiliary police officers of the Datang Police Station of the Zhuji Municipal Public Security Bureau, were on duty at a new crown vaccination site in Datang Street, Zhuji City in accordance with the instructions. During the period, there are several 70 or 80-year-old people to come to vaccinate, because the city is currently making every effort to promote the new crown vaccination of people over 60 years old, opened a "green channel" for the elderly, the staff will guide several elderly people to give priority to vaccination, Jiang Moumou, who is queuing, has dissatisfaction after seeing this matter.

Seeing Jiang Moumou complaining, Zheng Yongfeng and others came forward to explain the epidemic prevention policy to him, but Jiang Moumou still refused to cooperate with the work, and even caused Zheng Yongfeng's neck and other parts to be injured by scratching and beating.

After investigation, Jiang Moumou's behavior was an obstruction of the performance of his duties, violating the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, and was eventually sentenced to administrative detention according to law.

Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!

(Photo of Zheng Yongfeng's injury)

Public security reminder: Under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the masses who arrive at the isolation point and the nucleic acid testing point should consciously obey the command of the on-site medical staff and duty personnel, conduct testing in order, jointly maintain social order, and be responsible for their own and others' health.

Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!
Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!

Epidemic prevention and control is everyone's responsibility

Consciously abide by epidemic prevention regulations

Proactive support for collaboration

To protect the beautiful homeland together


Obstruction of the performance of duties during the epidemic, detention!

Edit: Si Yuru

Review: Chen Tujun

Contributed by: Security Brigade