
Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

author:Zero distance from Aksu City
Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

Hello, hello audience teachers, here is your annual job search guardian presepsis, recently many students to the pre-job bacteria crying, similar to this:

"Spring strokes are too difficult! The resume was thrown out and there was no response, and I was so tired..."

"Can Spring Stroke still go ashore?" I just want to lie flat now. ”

"I cried, failed to take the exam and then participated in the spring recruitment, is it still too late?"

Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

To be reasonable, as a person who has come over, pre-employment bacteria can understand everyone's anxiety, fear, and distress, especially for students who have not yet been invited to interview.

To be honest, the job search environment in 2022 is not very optimistic, coupled with the repeated epidemics, it is a lie to say that there is no anxiety.

But it is useless for anxiety alone to solve the problem, and it is not a good idea to lie flat on this.

After all, it is still in the spring season, is it not worth it to give up so early?

Therefore, we must adjust our mentality and take out 100% courage to overcome difficulties!

Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

Spring recruitment cast out of the resume is always no response, always no interview invitation, if you rule out the possibility of hanging up, then eighty percent is our resume production problems.

Therefore, if you want to find a job smoothly, resume production is really very important and particularly important, especially some details of resume production We must grasp it!

So these resume details, don't you know yet?

1. Resume production and layout should be clean and tidy

When the pre-job bacteria gave resume guidance to students, they found that many students were looking for templates that were either too fancy or unorganized.

The resume gives people a feeling of division, east and west; or the font is not uniform, sometimes italic and sometimes orthodox, sometimes this font size, sometimes that font size; either there is an extra lower horizontal line here, or a useless solid line suddenly appears, which seriously affects the appearance.

To be reasonable, a resume like this one that is not organized and clean is very easy to be passed.

So keeping your resume clean is very, very important, and it's the first hurdle that affects hr impression scores.

After making a resume, you can let the students around you help see if there is a problem with your typography, and at the same time, you must also check whether the font size inside is messy.

Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

2. Job search intentions must be written, not empty

The importance of job search intentions, pre-employment bacteria in the previous article more than once mentioned to everyone, when writing resumes must be written job search intentions!

Job search intentions largely determine the pass rate of resumes.

However, in the process of practice, the pre-job bacteria still found that many students will miss the job search intention, or some students will write the four words of "job search intention" on the resume, but the specific content behind it is empty.

Pre-job bacteria was a shocking big move at the time, what kind of performance is this?

The best way to write job search intentions: industry + occupation or accurate job title

If you're not sure, write the scope bigger. For example, if you don't know whether you want to do web design or graphic design, then write your job search intentions into a design category and write it in the big picture.

If you are very clear about your job search intentions, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the job search intentions should be concise and general, and avoid vagueness and generality.

Of course, it should also be reminded that a resume has and only one job search intention, and avoids multiple job search intentions in one resume.

Like what

Job intention: clerk / assistant / administration / personnel / editing / logistics / customer service

Da, da, don't write like this!!!

Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

3. Don't list all the courses you have studied on your resume

Pre-occupational bacteria found that many students will list all their college majors on their resumes, to be honest, if it is not an unpopular major or your professional course is particularly excellent, pre-job bacteria is not recommended that you write professional courses.

If you want to write related courses, it is recommended to choose a position-related to write, do not write all the courses you have learned.

Of course, if some masters and doctors plan to engage in scientific research and consider working in the research institute, such very professional talents, then professional courses must be written on the resume.

Because the resumes they write are academic resumes that are not the same as the job resumes we write.

4. Do not have unnecessary information

Pre-employment bacteria found that some students have put personal photos on their resumes, and they do not need to write gender in their personal information.

Because generally speaking, if you put a photo, HR can see whether the job seeker is male or female, so there is no need to emphasize your gender again, it is repetitive, redundant information, it is recommended to delete it directly.

Take a quick look! Don't you know these resume details yet?

In summary, these small details in the resume, we must pay attention to the adjustment. May everyone make a high-quality resume, go ashore as soon as possible, and refuel!!!