
Along the beach: promoting the "largest increment" of high-quality development with the "key variables" of scientific and technological innovation

Focusing on the development idea of "integrating into the construction of the western science and technology innovation center and building it into a sub-center of science and technology innovation in Chongqing", the beach area actively integrates and serves the new development pattern, insists on grasping the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries on the one hand, and the development and growth of strategic emerging industries on the other hand, closely grasps the key links, continuously consolidates the foundation for the development of scientific and technological innovation, firmly regards scientific and technological innovation as the "living water" for high-quality development, and strives to make scientific and technological innovation the biggest kinetic energy along the beach, so that the "key variables" become the "largest increment".

Along the beach: promoting the "largest increment" of high-quality development with the "key variables" of scientific and technological innovation

Cultivate and strengthen the main body of scientific and technological innovation. Fully implement the deployment of the "5553" action plan for urban innovation, promote more "cages" and "plates" planned by provinces and cities along the beach, vigorously cultivate innovative subjects, implement the multiplication plan for high-tech enterprises and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the cultivation library of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises, cultivate a number of scientific and technological innovation enterprises, and hire experts to "sit in shifts" to guide enterprises to develop and grow in the direction of high and new technologies. Up to now, the whole district has built 7 high-tech enterprises, 18 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, and strives to cultivate 2 new high-tech enterprises in 2022.

Along the beach: promoting the "largest increment" of high-quality development with the "key variables" of scientific and technological innovation

Enhance the ability to source innovation. Coordinate and promote the identification and creation of "golden signboards" such as provincial chemical parks, industrial cooperation demonstration parks in the Chengdu-Chongqing region twin-city economic circle, and advanced economic development zones in the province and counties, amplify the influence and radiation of platform carriers such as the new material industry base in southern Sichuan, vigorously introduce the construction of innovation platforms that support industrial development, develop enterprise research and development institutions, and accelerate the creation of a power source leading industry innovation. Up to now, the district has built 7 municipal enterprise technology centers, 15 municipal small and medium-sized enterprise research and development institutions, and strives to add 2 new innovation platforms in 2022.

Along the beach: promoting the "largest increment" of high-quality development with the "key variables" of scientific and technological innovation

Increase investment in scientific and technological research and development. Pay close attention to the advanced manufacturing industry, implement the leading enterprise chain stabilization project, start a number of industrial base reconstruction projects, implement the whole process of scientific and technological innovation projects, the whole chain "shop small two" tracking service, support enterprises to strengthen basic research and application, improve the coverage of enterprise R&D activities, promote the use of scientific and technological innovation vouchers, adhere to the preferential enterprise policy "fast cash" to help transform scientific and technological achievements, and continuously enhance the level of autonomy and controllability of the industrial chain and supply chain along the beach, and strive to increase R&D investment by 10% over the previous year in 2022.

In addition, the beach area also adheres to the guidance of scientific and technological innovation and promotes the settlement of high-quality projects. Focusing on leading enterprises and high-tech, aiming at cutting-edge scientific and technological projects such as digital economy, energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, lithium battery materials, and fluorine materials, giving full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of industrial parks and investment departments, leveraging the east-west cooperation mechanism, striving for greater breakthroughs in the "increment" and "quality improvement" attracted by projects, concentrating on accelerating the construction of high-tech industrial parks along the beach, and striving to achieve a "gorgeous turn" from "building nests and attracting phoenixes" to "flowers blooming and butterflies coming from themselves". In 2021, 17 investment promotion activities will be held independently in yantan District, more than 50 investment promotions will be held in Zhejiang, Guangdong and other provinces, 28 high-quality industrial projects will be settled, including 7 projects of more than 1 billion yuan, and more than 30 major industrial projects will be newly signed in 2022.

Next, along the beach area will deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain, lay out the industrial chain around the innovation chain, focus on the main industries such as new chemical materials, machinery and equipment manufacturing, specialty food and beverage, find out the key core technology "home bottom", tightly tie the "bull nose" of scientific and technological innovation, solidly promote the "card neck" technology research in key areas, continue to climb to the middle and high end of the industrial chain and value chain, seize the commanding heights of industrial transformation with technological leadership, build a comparative advantage in industrial development, better achieve "curve overtaking", and promote high-quality development along the beach. (Zou Rui)

Edit: Marisa

Editor: Yu Jia

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