
The best years in the world: do not seek perfection, only peace of mind

author:Sioux House

A moment to persuade people to speak, a hundred generations to persuade people to write.

Sioux House, a radio station dedicated to your emotional healing.

The best years in the world: do not seek perfection, only peace of mind

Sanmao once said: "A person has at least one dream, has a reason to be strong, and if the heart has no place to live, it is wandering everywhere." ”

In this life, there are always people crossing you, someone is loving you, someone is hurting you, and someone is complaining about you.

No matter what others do to you, as long as you understand that peace of mind is nature, everything will be simple, everything will be very smooth.

Life is not going to be complete. Incompleteness is a crippled beauty, and incompleteness is a unique charm.

Nothing is immutable, and no one is perfect.

Everything in the world has its own unique style and charm, we can't control the changes of nature, we can't change the external environment, and we can't seek perfection in everything.

The best encounters are those who don't talk about the past rather than nostalgia for the past; the best partings are not about the return date rather than the period after that.

Flowers blossom and fall, people come and go, there is no need to dwell on the past, there is no need to wait for the return of people.

You remember, the flower will always bloom, you remember, he will always stay.

The best years in the world: do not seek perfection, only peace of mind

Life is short, the years are quiet for only a moment, and a place of chicken feathers is daily life.

We must live authentically, live out ourselves, tear off the mask of hypocrisy, just to be a better version of ourselves.

A thing happens to us, whether good or bad, we must accept, experience, summarize, there will be gains.

We have to translate the complaint about why it happens to us into what it has taught me or what I have learned.

Slowly you will adapt to this bland and real state, and you will gain a lot of real feelings and experiences.

At that time, you will no longer be noisy, no longer impetuous, in order to better enjoy the natural beauty, better enjoy life.

Even if the world is thin and the human feelings are thin, our hearts can blossom.

Do not rely on others, become a shallow love, deep understanding, light release of the interesting soul.

A passage in "The World of Man": "The farther you go, the more you see, and the more people you know, the more you can realize that in this life, what people can really care about and can really care about you, in fact, there are only so many people, and these few people are your whole world."

The best years in the world: do not seek perfection, only peace of mind

The world is realistic, and no matter how hard you try and how good you are, there will always be people who will pick and choose you and speak ill of you.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have

We just have to do it, be alone in our own circles, and let nature take its course in other people's circles.

Don't pay too much attention to other people's words, and don't make unnecessary entanglements with them, they have mouths, but they don't necessarily have brains.

People often cheat on you and even bully you just to make you understand that sometimes the only person you can trust is yourself.

Thoreau once said: "Everyone is an island, can decide his own exile, in the face of wind and rain, the heart is not open, the sorrow will be long, until one day, bump into the sun." ”

People who are good at comforting others must be strong at heart. Because the first thing to do to comfort others is to comfort yourself.

Only by self-help can he save, and when he has the ability, can he have the ability to save others, and can he make himself feel at ease.

When you are strong enough, your energy will get higher and higher, and you will understand everyone around you.

You will find that there is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong, but each has its own suffering, each has its own differences, and has its own choices.

The best years in the world: do not seek perfection, only peace of mind

There is more than one color in life, it should have many colors, no matter what color you are, as long as you are full of heart, confident, optimistic, and colorful life will have meaning.

Be your own star, but also appreciate the stars of others. Allow yourself to be yourself, and allow others to be others.

Even if you have worked hard for a long time and have not seen the desired result, don't be discouraged, it is yours that will always come, not your demands.

Don't have to worry about who is better than yourself, don't be too harsh on yourself, as long as you do your best every time and pay without regrets.

The star never cares about its coordinates in the universe, because it knows that as long as it tries to illuminate itself, it can shine enough.

The best state of life is that the flowers are not fully bloomed and the moon is not full, and the best ending of life is not to seek perfection, but only to seek peace of mind.

All arrangements are the best, remember is the best forgiveness, forgiveness is the most beautiful forgetting, letting go is the best practice, and peace of mind is the best ending.

Past issues of the United States to share

  • Stay away from anxiety and do so
  • Accept yourself, be kind to yourself, embrace happiness, and reap happiness
  • Be yourself, the most authentic, the easiest
The best years in the world: do not seek perfection, only peace of mind

Little Sue House, love yourself and love life