
When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

author:The king of Qin does not have the surname Qin

One day in July 1985, when the weather was hot, Mr. Deng was sweating profusely at the people across from him in a conference room in Beijing where he was meeting foreign leaders.

I saw that the man looked solemn, and from time to time he frequently nodded at Deng Xiaoping's remarks, and he seemed very tired. He is the leader of Zimbabwe and the founding president of Zimbabwe, Mugabe.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

in Mugabe

Mugabe looked at Deng Xiaoping with respect and admiration, and he kept praising what He said.

But when Deng Xiaoping talked about the "socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics," Mugabe frowned deeply.

Subsequently, he directly interrupted what Deng Xiaoping said and began to criticize Deng Xiaoping, you know, in the past, Mugabe rarely expressed his opinion in conversations with other leaders.

In an unpleasant atmosphere, the talks ended.

After Mugabe left, when Deng Xiaoping washed his face and wiped his face with a towel, he told the people around him that this person could not listen to the advice and would definitely suffer losses in the future.

32 years later, Mugabe suffered a big loss.

Mandela of Zimbabwe? Advocates of racial cooperation!

In fact, Mugabe is a person full of contradictions, so many people have mixed evaluations of Mugabe.

Mugabe's childhood was tragic, even incomplete.

His father abandoned him and his mother when he was very young and ran away from home, so Mugabe has always been dependent on his mother.

Mugabe, who lacked his father's love from an early age, was very withdrawn, and when he was in school, he was reluctant to socialize, which eventually led to his entire school not having a friend who could speak.

When he was in school, his only passion was reading and believing that knowledge could change his destiny.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

After hard work, Mugabe was admitted to Fort Hall University in South Africa with excellent results, you know, Ford Hall University was the top university in Africa that black people could attend at that time, and the famous black leader Mandela also graduated from this school.

Mugabe, who entered the university, began to learn deeply and systematically, and at that time he began to reflect on the problems facing his home country, Southern Rhodesia.

When he learned about British colonial rule in Southern Rhodesia and the exploitation of blacks by white landowners at home, he was determined to change the status quo in his homeland, which set the stage for Mugabe to become a tenacious anti-imperialist fighter.

What really changed Mugabe was Marxism and Mao's Selection in the university library.

Marx's philosophical theories and Mao Zedong Thought convinced the young Mugabe and fascinated China, which had achieved great success in socialist reform.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

He was determined to overthrow imperialism and change his impoverished homeland.

Under the influence of Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought, Mugabe began his revolutionary path.

After graduating from university in 1964, Mugabe practiced Mao's theoretical approach, "uniting all forces that can be united."

Following the example of China, Mugabe established many rural bases in the country, constantly challenging the dominance of whites in the country, and soon Mugabe gained more and more popular support.

However, Mugabe, who had just begun to develop his ambitions, was arrested by the white government at home for reactionary reasons and imprisoned for ten years.

Ten years in prison did not erode Mugabe's heart, and during his imprisonment Mugabe studied hard and earned a master's degree in law and economics from the University of London to prepare for the rebellion after his release.

In 1974, immediately after his release from prison, Mugabe mobilized the masses and organized a massive anti-white movement.

A few years later, Mugabe was successfully elected Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia. After taking office, he and the white government reached an agreement on the independence of the country.

Years of ambitions were finally realized, and Mugabe changed the name of the country to "Zimbabwe" on the grounds that the country was famous for its "stone relics".

The country became independent, and Mugabe, who led the people to victory, naturally became the founding president of Zimbabwe.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

After taking office, Mugabe did not try to suppress the white people who had exploited them, but worked hard to advocate racial equality and racial cooperation.

He said to everyone, "It is evil for whites to discriminate against black people, and it is also evil for blacks to discriminate against white people." ”

His open-mindedness and temperament once made the white people in China stand in awe.

In addition, Mugabe has also vigorously promoted basic education in the country, and he knows that only education can fundamentally change the country's predicament.

During Mugabe's tenure, Zimbabwe went from illiteracy per capita to 85 per cent basic education penetration.

It can be said that under his leadership, Zimbabwe began to gradually get rid of poverty and backwardness.

paranoia? Mugabe's denial of Deng Xiaoping

In addition to developing the country, Mugabe is also actively developing diplomacy.

He did not forget his dream of going to China.

He once said that China was his second hometown.

The reason why I say this is because in Mugabe's view, China's experience in socialist revolution has given him great enlightenment, and it is also a guiding light in his national liberation movement.

When Mugabe first came to China, he was cordially received by Deng Xiaoping. Mr. Mugabe admired the benevolent Chinese leader, so when Mr. Deng shared China's development experience with Mr. Mugabe, mr. Mugabe was as serious as a child in class, nodding his head frequently from time to time.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

Deng Xiaoping was also very fond of the Zimbabwean president, so he shared with him many of China's mature experiences and made him many effective suggestions.

During a 1985 visit, however, Mr. Mugabe disputed Mr. Deng's reforms.

No matter how Deng Xiaoping explained it to him, he also insisted that Deng Xiaoping had turned his back on Mao Zedong Thought, turned his back on the path of socialist development, and wanted to put China on the capitalist road.

Deng Xiaoping went to great lengths to speak sweatily, but Mugabe insisted that Deng Xiaoping's reforms were a betrayal of socialism.

At the end, Mugabe stressed: "If China embarks on the capitalist road, it will bring huge losses to the progressive forces of the world." ”

So the opening scene happened. After Mugabe left, Deng Xiaoping helplessly told the people around him that he could not listen to the advice and would definitely suffer losses in the future.

Why did Deng Xiaoping make such a judgment?

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

Obviously, Deng Xiaoping saw that Mugabe's understanding of socialism was still in a relatively shallow theoretical stage, and he still lacked understanding of the actual practice of socialism.

Moreover, Mugabe's paranoia and rigidity in dealing with problems will also accelerate his progress towards failure.

In a word – how a hero becomes a dictator

As he grew older, the leader of the national liberation movement, who once shouted freedom, slowly became a power-hungry authoritarian ruler.

After four consecutive terms as president, there are growing calls in society for Mugabe to retire, but how can he, who has tasted the taste of power, be willing to give up his hard-won presidential throne.

So he began to exclude dissidents and began to draw money for retirement.

By this time, he had forgotten all the advice deng xiaoping had given him.

In fact, as early as 1985, when Mugabe visited China, Deng Xiaoping had already considered that China's land reform system was not suitable for Zimbabwe's national conditions, so Deng Xiaoping did not introduce Mugabe too much when he mentioned land reform, and also reminded Zimbabwe of the incompatibility with China's land reform system.

Mugabe did not hear this, however, and insisted on implementing China's land reform system in Zimbabwe, with little success.

Mugabe, who could not bring wealth to the people, was pushed to the forefront of reform by public opinion, and he urgently needed a fruitful reform to block the entire Zimbabwe.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

However, in his old age, Mugabe was already overwhelmed by the power in his hands, and he began to implement a large-scale system of compulsory land reform in Zimbabwe.

Most of the means of land production in Zimbabwe are in the hands of white landlords, and various more modern farming machines are also in the hands of whites.

However, Mugabe completely ignored the actual situation in Zimbabwe and took a large amount of land from the whites to distribute to the black peasants, who were happy, but after all, it was difficult to generate a large amount of income without advanced farming technology, and the white people who lost their land were even more bitter.

Zimbabwe's economy began to decline rapidly, and countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, which have been hindering Zimbabwe's economic development, have also taken advantage of the situation and have also begun to impose economic sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Soon, a large number of Zimbabweans began to face unemployment, and a large-scale famine began to sweep through Zimbabwe.

Seeing zimbabwe's plummeting economic situation, Mugabe panicked, and with little experience in dealing with the economic crisis, he made his most errant decision - printing a lot of money.

At the most exaggerated time, he even ordered the printing of "one hundred billion" Jinyuan.

Increasing the printing of money will not solve the economic crisis in Zimbabwe at all, but will make the situation worse at home, and many Zimbabweans will starve to death in this disaster.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

In addition to economic problems, Mugabe's dictatorship also had irreparable consequences for him personally.

Zimbabwe's vice president, Mnan Gagowa, is a good comrade-in-arms who once fought with Mugabe, and after Mugabe left office, Gagowa's appointment as Zimbabwe's new president was almost a matter of certainty, but because of Mugabe's arbitrary behavior.

He began to be unscrupulous.

In his later years, Mugabe was obsessed, and after his long-term companionship and old-fashioned haired wife died of illness, he turned to marry his young and beautiful secretary Grace, you know, Mugabe was 41 years older than Grace!

Grace, who was married to Mugabe, was not satisfied, and she wanted to become the next president of Zimbabwe, and at her request, the ghostly Mugabe resolutely ordered the removal of Gagowa as vice president.

Finally, the Zimbabwean military could not bear it any longer, and they staged a coup d'état to arrest the Mugabe family.

A few days later, Zimbabwean President Mugabe announced his resignation and the new president was held by former Vice President Mnangagwa.

When Mugabe visited China in 1985, Deng Xiaoping said that this man would definitely suffer losses in the future, and it would be true after 32 years

It is a lament that the founding president of Zimbabwe, Mugabe, who has been in Zimbabwe's political scene for forty years, has fallen into the abyss in the desire for power, money and beauty.


Mugabe's assessments internationally have been very polarized, with some saying he was a freedom-loving national fighter and a Zimbabwean "hero" to others being a ruthless dictator, a corrupt president full of egoism.

In fact, Mugabe has both the ideal ambition of advocating freedom and the confusion of the ghost, and his strengths are worth learning and praising, and his shortcomings should also be criticized.

To re-examine all this, we should feel heartfelt admiration for Deng Xiaoping's fierceness in looking at people, and accurately predicted that mugabe would suffer great losses in the future when he was in the middle of the day.