
QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

author:WoW Campus Chronicles

Since the beginning of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the whole world is sanctioning Russia, the small family spirit of European and American countries has been reflected in all aspects, in addition to The Russian tree and cat, recently even the academic sanctions, just last week, the British rating agency QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) published a statement on its website, announcing the termination of cooperation with Russia.

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

The statement of QS is mainly reflected in:

▪ Hide Russian and Belarusian educational organizations from the new QS rating list

▪ Stop promoting Russian university study abroad and Russia as a study abroad country

▪ Stop any interaction and cooperation with Russian customers

As soon as the news came out, it triggered a wave of controversy, you know, the list of QS has always been one of the important ranking references for many international students in the selection of schools, saying that good scholarship has no borders, what is QS doing?

Academia does have no borders, but rankings do

In the latest QS World University Rankings 2022, 17 universities in Russia are on the top 500 list, with Moscow State University (78th) at the top of the list and St. Petersburg State University in second place two hundred (242nd).

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

Because of this matter, some netizens questioned the authority of QS:

"Too politicized"

In addition, the school has also imposed sanctions, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, after the Russian military operations against Ukraine, a number of Russian students studying at European universities have been expelled.

When it comes to sanctions, our "big brother" beautiful country naturally does not fall behind, California Congressman Eric Swavel also said in an interview that all Russian students studying in the United States should be deported.

"Frankly, I think the Russian embassy in the United States should be closed and all students from their countries should be deported."

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

THE "First Strike is Strong" will block Russian colleges and universities in advance

The QS storm has not stopped, and the authoritative education ranking agency Times Higher Education has also come to join in the fun, and the official website has updated a article entitled "Ukraine Crisis: Message from the CEO of THE".

Let's take a look at the main points:

▪ The THE ranking will protect the interests of Ukrainian universities in the rankings

▪ Ways will be taken to lower the ranking of Russian universities in THE and the university profiles will not be visible

▪ All business developments and activities in Russia will be terminated to ensure that Russian universities do not use THE relevant data to promote themselves

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

In addition to academic rankings, related academic examinations have also been implicated. According to Russian media reports, the IELTS official website has notified the cancellation of the examination in Russia, and the examination fee will not be refunded, which will be converted into the training fee of the relevant course. If a candidate refuses to train, they can only wait until the exam resumes.

After these inexplicable sanctions, the bitter students are still international students, and many netizens said:

Can this be removed? I'm still quite surprised!

Just in my sophomore year, I haven't graduated yet, and I kicked out of the top 100 in the world, I'm speechless...

Some netizens said that if Russian and Belarusian universities are really excluded in the future, it will prove that QS is not a professional rating agency, but a victim of politics.

Finally, let's take a look at the famous russian universities, in the future, they may not appear in any rankings, and look at and cherish ah!

Famous Russian universities


Moscow State University

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

Moscow State University is the largest university and academic center in the Russian Federation and the number one university in Russia.

Ace majors: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Law, Economics, Philosophy, Medicine, Linguistics, Law, Politics, Archaeology, Psychology, Sociology, History, Business and Management Studies, etc.


Saint Petersburg State University

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

St. Petersburg State University is one of the earliest established universities in Russia and the second largest university in the Russian Federation. Russia's current President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev graduated from the university's law department, and a large number of senior government officials graduated from the university.

Ace majors: Department of Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Law, Department of Language, Department of Journalism, Department of Economics, etc.


Higher University of Economic Studies, Russia

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

The school is ranked fourth in Russia and third in the national ranking of economic institutions.

Ace majors: Sociology, Politics and International Studies, Economics and Econometrics, Accounting and Finance, Business and Management Studies, Education, Psychology, Communication and Media Studies, Philosophy, Law, etc.


Moscow State Bauman Technical University

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

The university is the first technical higher education institution in Russia, one of the largest technical universities in Russia, one of the most important technical universities in Europe, a Russian scientific research center, and the highest institution of science and engineering.

Ace majors: Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology, Department of Robotics and Automation, Department of Energy Machinery Manufacturing, Department of Information and System Control, Department of Radio and Laser Technology, Department of Biomedical Technology, Department of Special Machinery Manufacturing, Department of Commercial Engineering and Operations, etc.


Peter the Great Polytechnic Institute in St. Petersburg

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

St. Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic Institute is the "national research university" ranked first in the ranking of Russian engineering universities, and is a key university in the Russian Federation government's "5-100-2020" plan to build one of the world's top 100 universities.

Ace majors: Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Architecture, Economics, Humanities.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

Known as the "Cradle of World Politicians", the Russian Peoples Friendship University is a unique international university focusing on the study of international relations and world culture, which has trained a large number of professionals of all kinds for the whole world, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Ace majors: Architecture, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Computer and Information Sciences, Mathematics and Mechanics, Engineering, Earth Sciences, Education and Science Education, Political Regional Management, Language and Literature, Journalism, Economics and Management, Tourism.


Russian State Oil and Gas University

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

The Russian State Oil and Gas University is the largest oil and gas specialized university in Russia and one of the most important training bases for oil talents in Russia.

Ace Majors: Geology, Oil & Gas, Petroleum Geography; Petroleum Exploration; Economic Management; Law (Oil Trade).


It is state iteratry university of mechanics and optics

QS World University Rankings kicks out all universities in Russia and Belarus! What about the "academic borderless" that says good?

St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanical and Optical Technology is one of the leading engineering schools in Russia, and is one of the top few in the world in terms of computer science and technology, especially in software design in recent years.

Ace Majors: Economics and Management, IT and Computing, Instrumentation and Optical Engineering, Automation and Control, Department of Computer Technology and Control Systems, Department of Optical Information Systems and Technology, Department of Physical Engineering, Department of Precision Mechanics and Technology, Department of Information Technology and Software Engineering.

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