
Cat tips: health supplements to improve cat immunity

author:Shoveler Officer 007

People need immunity, cats also need, otherwise they are vulnerable to the invasion of some viruses and bacteria, destroying the basic health of the body. In addition to doing some basic maintenance for cats to improve immunity when raising cats, owners can also feed cats with health care products, which is also a more common way nowadays.

Cat tips: health supplements to improve cat immunity

1. Feed nutritional products

Cats and people also need to supplement a variety of nutrients, so that the body can be healthier, so they will choose related nutrients to feed, such as Wang Meow factor, on the one hand, can supplement nutrition, on the other hand, the IgG antibody and igy antibody factor also help the cat's absorption and digestion, accelerate the improvement of the body's immune system.

Cat tips: health supplements to improve cat immunity

Second, optimize the diet structure

After supplementing nutritional products, the more dietary aspects can not be ignored, to combine with each other to better help the cat. It is recommended to feed cats high-quality protein-rich cat food, which is easy to digest and rich in fiber. At the same time, you can not only eat dry cat food, but also enrich the diet of cats, provide vegetables, milk cakes, goat milk, meat, chicken liver and other animal offal, etc., you can use these homemade some cat rice, delicious and nutritious.

Cat tips: health supplements to improve cat immunity

Third, reasonable exercise and sunbathing

Adequate exercise is essential to maintain their health and boost their immune system. In particular, cats are very lazy, so the owner must play with the cat more, effective exercise can help promote the body's metabolism and blood circulation. You can also properly bask in the sun, ultraviolet rays can kill some of the fungus, in general, cats that love the sun and exercise often are quite healthy.