
Analyze the surprising reasons why "net celebrities" have been banned one after another

author:Look at the world of the web
Analyze the surprising reasons why "net celebrities" have been banned one after another

Mr. Guo Degang, a famous cross-talk master, said a few words in "Crosstalk has a new person", some people have no foundation at all, they want to become popular overnight, so for those who have grown up to college, people who have graduated from junior colleges, people who have insisted on it for several years and decades along the way, where does this make sense?

Yes, in this era of developed networks, anyone can become an "internet celebrity", but the popularity of Internet celebrities is not accidental, and there are surprising reasons behind it. Speaking of Internet celebrities, why would one come out and be banned from one? First of all, let's look at a few reasons why Internet celebrities are banned:

God bless

Tianyou with a song "One Person I Drink Drunk" on a certain platform to burst popular, in the explosion of popularity at the same time instantly expanded, playing big names to put up shelves for the time being, its appearance fee is to 3 million, can be called a first-line coffee, its travel configuration is a fight with first-line stars. At the same time, it is even more despised by some low-profile stars, unwilling to perform on the same stage, full of bullishness. It has caused a very bad impact in the show business circle, and it is even described in the live broadcast as smoking, poisoning and being banned.


10 days of fans rose to 10 million, becoming a new Internet celebrity on a certain platform, the main reason for the popularity is only a gesture dance in the underground garage. So, can such a dance alone become popular? The operation behind the scenes is the real culprit, on the contrary, why do people pursue it? It's worth pondering. After Wen Wan became popular, she appeared as a bad girl, and negative energy such as underage nightclubs and show off her wealth directly led to being banned.


An Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, after the explosion of the fire, expanded to the extreme, first rumored that adding WeChat needs 30,000 yuan, and then claiming to add WeChat 1400 yuan in the live broadcast, and after adding it does not chat, and rumored to be deleted after a few months, you must pay money if you want to add. Then again, tens of millions of fans are pursuing such a person, who is sick? He was even banned from singing the national anthem during the live broadcast and detained.

Chen Yifa

Internet celebrities, at the same time as the anchor out of a song and exploded, in the popularity at the same time slowly expanded, in the process of live broadcasting, blatantly the Nanjing Massacre, the fall of the three eastern provinces and other national tragic memories as a ridicule of improper references. Subsequently, some netizens broke the news that Chen Yifa was still in the game, jokingly referring to the action of the game characters as "visiting the Yasukuni Shrine", which caused serious dissatisfaction among many netizens. In the end, he was banned.

Von Timo

Tens of millions of fan anchors, because of the instant popularity of cover songs, have also been named by CCTV because of too many negative effects, and at the same time, the appearance fee is to 2 million, one step promoted to a first-line star. However, with the gradual decline of the negative impact, Feng Timo once again stood in the public eye, low-key and hardworking, and it seemed that someone was pointing behind it. A famous musician once said that Feng Timo's singing skills are very good, and if he can develop in the route of a singer, he will have a better future. I hope that Feng Timo will not swell on the way forward, and will be humble and go back.

Modern Brothers

The popularity of the Modern Brothers is not actually an excellent singing ability, and there is still some distance from singing. However, his persistence, hard work, low-key and sincere, has become a positive energy anchor sought after by fans. But at the same time of the explosion of popularity, the negative impact followed, first the outdoor live broadcast hired fans, and then the news that the girlfriend of others was beaten, and there were agents who broke the news that the appearance fee reached 5 million when contacting the performance, which can be described as a few streets of dumping first-line stars. Then whether the Modern Brothers will be inflated due to the explosion of popularity, it must be further tested by the market.

Here are a few examples, although Feng Timo and modern brothers are still relatively stable, but the editor expects and cherishes its "explosion" from the difficulty, if it is inflated, X, and also with a high appearance fee to claim the first line, I am afraid it is not so simple.

The current big Internet celebrity, basically out of a block one, what card pai Qi, Yang Qing lemon, Xian Yang, Wang Lele and a large number of popular Internet celebrity anchors, here, we want to talk about why this "Net Red" is red, why is it red will be inflated, why will it be banned?

First, first of all, we must know that these Internet celebrities are popular in the form of live broadcasting by anchors. Although some singers have also become popular through live broadcast platforms, they are basically popular with "songs". The so-called anchor internet celebrities, what we can see on all platforms at present, and those recommended by the platform to the best position, are in a certain guild (an institution that specializes in cultivating anchor live broadcasting), and these guilds and live broadcast platforms have cooperative relations. The guild organizes live broadcasts, and the platform will save a lot of trouble.

Second, the guild absorbs anchors, but also according to the appearance, will be able to sing talent, more importantly, will be fooled, will be routine, here is no lack of some vulgar anchors, as long as you can deceive netizens to brush gifts, regardless of age, nor occupation. In order to deceive eyeballs and cheat gifts, it can be said that from the title to the content, there are many of them. For example, cheating eyeballs, what "1 km away from you", "100 meters away from you", "you can add WeChat", "I follow you", etc., in order to cheat gifts, "brother get together", "you can add WeChat", "you see me so pitiful", "I am very poor" and other routines.

Third, the anchor joins the guild, the guild will be responsible for transmitting machine powder to you (increase popularity, because the guild catches the mentality that people love to join in the fun, people look more), and will arrange a special trust, this trust, is a special trust for the anchor to brush gifts, one is for popularity, the other is to confuse others to brush gifts, plus the anchor's routine, many people will be fooled.

Fourth, from the title, from the content, you can see what kind of person an anchor is, routine, flickering, cheating, but to ask, why are so many people willing to pursue? That's all for yourself. Of course, if you can't make money, what else does the guild want you to do? Thus, the guild selects a few people who will make money to focus on cultivating.

Fifth, the guild focuses on cultivating, that is, so many anchors who can make money, the words are not good, that is, those who play routines, cheating, and fooling in the best, only these people can make the guild earn rich money, such a person guild will increase publicity and speculation. Then we must ask, where can the cultivation, quality, and character of anchors with such conduct be high? Can it not expand after the explosion? Can it not float? Then, it is not surprising that these Internet celebrities came out one by one to block one.

Sixth, the live broadcast industry was very hot at the beginning, but in recent years, it has become more and more common, and one year is not as good as a year, why? Because at the beginning it was a live broadcast for the whole people, everyone can participate, and the interactivity is very high, which not only mobilizes the enthusiasm of netizens, but also gives everyone a platform. But since being occupied by the guild, it has begun to decline slowly, there is no interactivity, no platform, and how many people play live? This is also where the platform should reflect, in order to save trouble and lose development.

There is a singer named Zhang Zuofu, which is a singer with 280,000 fans in Douyin, he often says during the live broadcast, I am a singer, not the so-called anchor, the live broadcast is also to sing to more people, a night can sing up to more than 30 songs, can be called a person's concert, and many times refused to join the guild. However, if you do not join the guild, you will not have the opportunity to be recommended, and it is impossible to be recognized by more people, and the platform is also very unwelcome to such anchors. He said many times during the live broadcast, I am not routine, nor flickering, everyone can come in to listen to my singing is to support me, feel good, just brush a few gifts to encourage. If it doesn't sound good, you can not brush or listen, but minors must not brush gifts, and drive minors out many times. This is the first time I have seen such an anchor. Once a takeaway brother brushed gifts, he shouted to stop, saying that it is not easy for takeaway brothers to make money, so don't brush gifts. He said that although the guild is not recommended, as long as someone listens, even if it is a person, he will sing with his heart, because a person is also an audience.

We all know that it is not easy to be recognized as a singer, even so, he has not given up, he said that playing some of the anchor routines of those things, conscience can not go, even if he is not popular, will not do so. All his songs, sung by himself, are a real singer. Recently released a European and American rock style inspirational song "Ya Ya Ya", as the lyrics write, a person in the face of all setbacks and blows, but also fearless to persevere.

Live broadcasting platforms do not welcome such anchors, but as netizens, we should also think about it, what should we do to praise those anchors?