
Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

author:Career veteran

Recently, some netizens asked: Is Chinese martial arts true or false?

Although this question is a bit naïve, I am still willing to popularize science, at least let the children come out of doubts, confusion, and even spit out, praise for traditional Chinese martial arts, and be proud of traditional Chinese culture.

China is an ancient civilization, there were 30 kinds of civilizations in history, and they coexisted with Chinese civilization, but now these civilizations have been inexorably submerged by history, and only Chinese civilization has been completely preserved.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

In the long course of world history, there have also been 26 major powers and powers, such as ancient Egypt, ancient India and ancient Babylon, all of which have been ancient, and only China has perfectly continued to this day.

The reason is that in the history of the world, the 30 civilizations and 25 major countries that were once extremely brilliant were overwhelmed by history because of expansion and aggression, killing a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, and finally being eliminated by history.

The core of Chinese civilization is "harmony", advocating the unity of heaven and man, whether it is Lao Zhuang philosophy, Confucianism or Zen Buddhism, which emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

The purpose of the martial arts invented Chinese is to stop the fight, advocate the point to the end, let the opponent put down the butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the ground, and finally achieve fusion, this realm, only Chinese possess.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

In order to achieve the purpose of peacefully cultivating infinite heavenly opportunities, Chinese martial arts, including Shaolin Quan, Taijiquan, Shape Intention Fist, Bagua Palm, Eight Pole Quan, Tong Arm Fist, and Chinese Wrestling, are all kung fu that subdues the enemy in an instant, or uses violence to counter violence and stop the indiscriminate killing of innocents.

On the battlefield, the general went back and forth, and the great battle lasted for three hundred rounds, which was a literary work to attract attention.

In the history of the world, the most cattle is the Roman Empire, which was on a par with the Han Dynasty in China at that time, in terms of territory, economy and military strength, but the Roman legion was only part of the expeditionary army, but it was surrendered by the Han, in Yongchang, Gansu, giving good land to ten thousand acres, disarming and returning to the field to graze and cultivate land, and coexisting harmoniously.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Until the Opium War at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Chinese the territory of the territory, which has always been a symbol of strength. From the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance to the liberation of China in 1949, the Chinese people spent 100 years in the midst of the destruction of their lives.

However, neither Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, nor Japan, which is armed to the teeth, nor Japan, which is technologically advanced, can change China's traditional culture and cannot destroy and conquer China and the Chinese people.

This phenomenon shocked the world, and after careful study, the world historians came to the surprising conclusion that the Chinese civilization has been continuously updated for five thousand years because of Lao Zhuang, Confucius and Zen Buddhism, and these cultures will unify the world, surpass the economy, science and technology and military, and belong to China in the 21st century.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Stop the Martial Arts: It will always be the ultimate realm of traditional Chinese martial arts.

Chinese advocate introspection and do a solid job in the affairs of their own country, which is called governing the country and the state, wen can govern the country, and wu can govern the country. It is necessary to train, select, and appoint talents who are literate, military, and strategic, and who have accumulated goodness as the way, and arrange them to important posts in the country, so as to achieve the goal of national peace and security.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Thus, the Chinese Shaolin martial arts, rooted in Zen, the invention of Shaolin Fist, is to uphold justice and maintain peace.

The theoretical basis of Chinese Taijiquan is the philosophy of yin and yang, which is the fundamental driving force for promoting all things, and its purpose is also for the Tao, so that the world is full of peace and peace.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Traditional Chinese martial arts, rooted in Traditional Chinese Culture, have become an important part of it, made outstanding contributions to the reproduction of the Chinese nation, and are the splendid pearls of Traditional Chinese Culture.

Now, the whole world is studying traditional Chinese culture, and Confucius Institutes are all over the world. Chinese martial arts have long gone abroad, and at present, 700 million people around the world practice Taijiquan, and the Shaolin Fist Alliance of Japanese Sect Taoists has institutions all over the world.

Since the 1990s, the top medical structures in Britain, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have been studying the medical rehabilitation effect of tai chi, and the conclusion is that it has a significant effect on the treatment and improvement of neurological diseases, Parkinson's syndrome, cancer, gynecological diseases, and respiratory system. Academician Zhong Nanshan's scientific research team also concluded this.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

In the past two years, driven by fame and fortune, a few people have bragged about themselves as traditional martial arts masters in the self-media, such as a certain Baoguo, a certain Lei Lei, a certain Fang, etc., defiling the traditional martial arts, so that young people question, doubt, and even criticize the transmission of martial arts, this chaos should be put to rest.

Today's young people generally have not been influenced by traditional Chinese culture, such as: Chinese medicine, Chinese cuisine, Chinese martial arts, Chinese classics, Chinese scenic spots and so on.

Coupled with the fragmentation of information on the Internet, there are great doubts and differences about the value of traditional culture, including traditional martial arts, whether there is a health care value? Is it practical?

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

In recent years, in the discussion and condemnation of the Chinese people questioning and doubting whether taijiquan has the value of physical fitness and martial arts, taijiquan has long gone north to Russia and integrated into the compulsory course of fighting in the internal guard forces; it has crossed to Japan in the east and become an elective course for young people to fight and fight and sharpen their will; in Europe, america, Israel and other countries, taijiquan has rapidly popularized.

After World War II, the Japanese government and non-governmental organizations attached great importance to the introduction of traditional Chinese martial arts and established many institutions. They encourage young people to carry out confrontational training, fight into schools and kindergartens, and parents also follow the practice, through fighting and confrontation, sharpen the quality of will, cultivate the spirit of martial arts, and form a consensus in the whole society.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Japan has hosted internationally influential fighting events, 100% of teenagers have mastered a sports skill, 50% of teenagers learn to fight, and more than 30% of them practice Shaolin martial arts.

In the World Fighting Competition, the Japanese occupy half of the country, and 100% are amateurs, such as Ko Zou Shiming's courier brother Kimura Sho; and the mixed martial artist Yuki Asaku who swept 60 kg of Chinese masters.

Japan's emphasis on and popularization of traditional Chinese martial arts far exceeds ours, and it is worth pondering and reflecting on.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Regarding the application of traditional Chinese martial arts, it is not only reflected in the technical aspects, such as the NBA basketball tournament in the United States, many clubs have incorporated tai chi into basic training. In high-intensity confrontations, injuries are avoided and the scoring rate is increased by introducing techniques such as falling short, softening rigid hair, and sticking.

Some players have since become obsessed with tai chi and improved their lives, such as basketball superstar Kobe Bryant: Tai Chi has made me invincible on the court and in life.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

Japan's emphasis on Shaolin and Taijiquan, whether official or folk, we can not compare with it, especially for the excavation, collation, and promotion of fighting techniques, there is a considerable gap between us and it, and it will not be long before we have to learn from the Japanese.

In 2019, 14 ministries, commissions and bureaus, including the State General Administration of Sports, jointly formulated the "Wushu Industry Development Plan" and looked forward to the arrival of the spring of traditional Chinese martial arts.

Answering a question from a netizen: Chinese invented martial arts, the purpose is to stop the fight, and the point of advocacy is reached

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